Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Today's Blind Items

#1 This whacked out, aging female singer, and I am using the term singer very loosely here, walked up to her ex-boyfriend who was with his current girlfriend. Apparently our singer was a wee bit jealous and a wee bit pissed that her ex was with someone else. She walked straight up to the new girlfriend and asked, "Did he tell you that he's HIV positive?" "I should know, he gave it to me." She then turned and walked away. How is that for a date? Probably the last one.

#2 You remember the vodka queen? Well it seems as if there is a little more to her deliveries than just vodka. She always requests the same delivery guy and answers the door wearing next to nothing, making sure he gets an eyeful everytime. She hasn't made any moves on the guy, and he isn't encouraging it either because her body looks as if it was in a car wreck because of all the bruising she has from her last lipo.


  1. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Courtney Love?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Courtney Love! Totally!!! The ex is that britter that wanted her to pee on him.

    The second one is STILL Teri Hatcher, as far as I'm concerned.

  4. Anonymous1:13 PM

    1. Courtney Love

    2. Sounds like a Jacqueline Susann novel

  5. #1 The whacked part makes me think Whitney Housten - but she could really sing back in her heyday... I'm going with Courtney Love - god knows who the ex is...

    #2 Teri Hatcher keeps coming to mind, but that's so sad if it's her and she's drinking that much around her daughter.

  6. That's who I thought of too, c

    So was the consensus that #2 was Teri H?

  7. Oh we all know that C-love no need for a blind item..hell she'd tell you if you asked!

    2- Hatchett face

  8. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I think the ex is Steve Coogan.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. i agree with you c .. sounds like something she would do .. did she call the national enquirer and tell them that steve coogan gave owen the drugs he od'd on ... totally ms. love

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. But has Terri Hatcher had recent lipo? She's been scary skinny for a while now.

    I'm gonna go in another direction and say Sally Field.

  13. could #1 possibly be paula abdul? her behaviour hasn't been this side of sane for a while now.

  14. Anonymous1:22 PM

    #1 - Courtney for sure
    #2 - I've seen Kim Delaney guessed on a couple of sites for this one and it's a pretty good guess - she's had alcohol problems before in her career.

  15. HAHHA!
    I could totally see courtney doing that.

    but the ex? effing idea on that one. she only has like 50 million of them.

  16. ace tomato, #2 showin your age LOL

    Didn't Heather just have a face lift? How can anyone drink that much? Terry Hatchers face is not bloated, I would think the person's face is bloated.

  17. 1. I initially thought Paula Abdul.....the wee bit comments because she is short.... but the HIV remark requires one to be a bitch in addition to being crazy, so the I thought Courtney as well. But I think such a stress on the lack of talent, and focus of singer, not musician, makes me think someone other than Courtney. Gotta be someone who is a joke in the music industry. Still trying to come up with someone better. I'll stick with Paula.

  18. Anonymous1:36 PM

    LOL Budford, I know.

    Lipo always makes me think of Tara Reid. Don't know if she would qualify as "aging" except she did make a name for herself in a teenage movie and she's way past that.

    I want to stick with Teri Hatcher on the vodka train, but she's always been skinny. I don't think she would need lipo.

    Hah what about Kirstie Alley?

  19. Def Paula.... "straight up"

  20. I can think of things that are worse than "drinking in front of your kids".

  21. Anonymous1:58 PM

    What about Patricia Heaton? She's on that new show with Kelsey.

  22. 1. Courtney Love...what en effin train wreck!

    2. Kirstie Alley seems like a definite possibility.

  23. Anonymous2:07 PM

    What tv show is Kirstie Alley on?

  24. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Hmmm c . . I threw Kirstie Alley out there without thinking about the fact that this is the second part of a BI and the first part says she's on a hit network show.

    Sorry guys . . RED HERRING . . mea culpa

  25. 1. was thinking of courtney but not sure why but the comments "wee bit jealous and wee bit pissed" made me think of someone scottish. the only person i could think of in that category was sheena easton, not sure if that qualifies in the ageing or singer in the loosest terms.

  26. Paula Abdul for #1. "Straight up"

  27. #1 is TOTALLY Whitney Houston- she's the one who said "Crack is Whack!"

  28. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Whitney Houston could sing, though.

    Its gotta be Courtney - Paula would just cry and have a nervous breakdown.

  29. I really love to know who BI #2 turns out to be... I don't think it is Hatcher now since we are being told of the lipo... there is no way she has any body fat to suck out.

    Yet sadly her skin does look back enough to believe she is hitting the bottle.

  30. I think Paula Abdul for #1 is an EXCELLENT guess! She goes through boyfriends like Jennifer Aniston does, and whomever didn't think she qualifies as a biotch doesn't read enough tabloids! LOL

    Ent gave us enough clues to choke a horse (for a change): "wee" and "straight up".

  31. Anonymous4:19 PM


    Courtney Love and Steve Coogan(he of receiving golden showers from prostitutes fame)

  32. 1= Courtney Love

    2= Gotta go with the Kim Delaney guess. She went to rehab for alcohol in 2002 and is in Army Wives on USA network which is hot again with new some good new shows.

  33. anybody else think britney for number one? kevin is dating a new girl and supposedly she isnt happy about it. and for 25 she is aging fast, def whacked out and not a real singer.

    i dunno, my first thought

  34. Why is everyone guessing Hatcher? There's absolutely no evidence it's her. I'm not a huge fan of hers, but she shows up to work, raises her daughter, makes a TON of public appearances and is always sober at them.

    There's zero evidence that points to Teri other than we know EL hates her. It's someone else. If she was drinking that much she'd have huge bloat face.

    Not to mention, she's a prude. After being molested by her relative when she was young she said she's always had sexual issues. Her daughter was conceived the ONE night of the year she had sex with her then husband. No way is she answering the door naked.

    Please, we need a new train to hop for #2.

  35. beth,

    I did not guess Terry, but I'm with you. At the least, she always seems like a person who at the least appreciates her position in life. I just don't see her blowing this chance in quarts of vodka. And she doesn't look like it either.

    Now a few doobies and brownies in VW van .. .LOL

  36. I'd say Courtney Love


    Uma Thurman. I read way back when that she had lipo, and maybe it was time again.

  37. #1 Paula Abdul

    #2- Kim Delaney

  38. No way Courtney, I agree with Jax. She's way too talented for this one. And whacked out is a bit extreme here for her. She would have told this tale 100 times if it was her. It would be on her blog. It can't possibly be her.

  39. Kim Delaney for #2, and she just started on the new season of Desperate Housewives.

  40. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I am not saying No. 1 is Courtney Love, however...
    "whacked out is a bit extreme" ?!?!?!?!
    You're kidding, right?
    As a survivor of that whole grunge thing in Seattle in the 90s I can testify that she's a bit more than whacked out, she's an effin' sociopath.

  41. I can agree with sociopath. Whacked out is just so Whitney Houston.

  42. # 1 is Macy Gray methinks

  43. #1 - whacked out and 'walk away' part leave me thinking kelly clarkson but i love her too much and she's an actual singer. maybe jessica simpson?

  44. #1 IDK
    #2 TARA REID!!!!



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