Monday, October 01, 2007

Today's Blind Items With A Breakdown

The thing about most blind items is that you hear about them from someone. If you are lucky you witness the item yourself which is the best. The second best thing is to have someone you completely trust tell you about it. Recently I had a problem which I had not encountered since I began doing this blog. Actually, I have encountered it, but because of who told me, I chose to not worry about it because I wasn't going to say anything.

The problem is that sometimes people tell me things that are so incredible it makes you just want to write them, but you can't because there are maybe three people that know and so if it is written the circle of suspects is very small. It's one of the reasons why I haven't been able to tell the best Paris Hilton story on the face of the earth.

Sometimes, I will have someone tell me what they personally did and you really want to publish it, but it would be betraying a friend so you don't. Also since you are getting it from the source you really don't know if anyone else knows the story and so don't want to make the circle of suspects just poor little me.

Last week I had a situation where a person told me what they had done. I'm not a big fan of the person so I was definitely willing to reveal it to all of you as a blind item, but wanted to make sure I wasn't the only one who knew what she was saying. The problem is, you can't just make random calls and say, hey did so and so (B- list film actress) really hit on this married A list actor on an hourly basis while they were filming together? And if so, is it also true that said B list film actress was hiding naked for over 30 minutes in A list actor's trailer while A list actor's wife (also actress) was on the set? Seems as if the A list actor kept turning down our slutty actress but she thought that being there in his trailer naked would make him change his mind. What it would have done is got his butt divorced if our actress wasn't careful. There is just no way you are going to talk your way out of a naked actress sitting in your trailer even if you didn't do anything.

So the best person to call for this is of course AP. This is especially true since we hadn't seen each other in what seems like forever. We did a little dinner Saturday night. I told her what I had heard and she hadn't heard it, but she called some friends of the actress and it seems as if she told them the same story also.

Good. More than one person has heard it so if our actress reads this blind item, she won't be coming to look for just me. Apparently the actress told everyone the waiting in the trailer naked for the married A list actor and was very proud of the story because it was so funny. Never mind the consequences of the what would have happened if...


  1. Britney Spears just lost custody of her boys to K-Fed!!!

  2. Ent, if you don't cough up that Parasite story I am never talking to you again!

  3. i have no idea - but that paris hilton tease was damn cruel.

  4. I think this might be from the set of "he's just mot that into you." What is troubling me is whether or not the movie is filming or completed.

  5. I thought of that hobag sienna miller too, but is cillian murphy A-list? I mean, good lord, he is hot, but i'd consider him B-list.

    the Jennifer guess, hmmm, I dont know. I dont see her doing that. OHHH scarlett johansson is in that too!!!

    she's a sleaze, I could diffently see her doing that.

  6. Then...that means you're not really an entertainment lawyer? Because...if you were, she would know it was you who leaked the story since she would know your profession, non? I'm confused.

  7. Oh Enty, please please please find a way to give us the Paris Hilton story!

  8. Oh Ent, you are the biggest tease ever!!!

    I guess we'll have to start buying you lottery tickets so that someday you can spill it all.

  9. Ent, please tell us the Parasite story! Please!

  10. i'll sit naked in Ent's office if he tells us the story.

  11. What possible story about Paris could there be that absolutely no one else knows?
    If there's more than one person in the room i'm sure they all run back and tell everyone they know anyway. She has no true confidants.

  12. Im not sure why, but Ben Affleck is coming to mind. He is filming a new movie along with Scarlett Johansson and Jennifer Aniston.

  13. What could possibly shock us about the Parasite? Really. It would be fun to hear but whatever it is, it couldn't be too crazy from what she has already done.

  14. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Ditto everyone else's comments re: the Paris story. It's jsut cruel not to tell us LOL!

  15. If the Shimmy/Timmy reveal was any indication, I'm not sure if The Best Parasite Story Evah!!!! will be anything worth knowing.

  16. There is nothing else about Paris that would be shocking, she's a high paid whore who takes it in the behind for coke, so anything else would not surprise me. Not even if she was doing her grandfather.

  17. not even the fact that she is bisexual (WAY more gay than straight) and that she and Blohan were lovers?

  18. Parisite has become such a joke that I don't think much would surprise the public at this point. The smartest thing she could do would be to disappear for a few months.

  19. Ben Aff. and ScarJo she's a hoe

  20. 1)- how long ago did this filming happen??

    2) he needs to tell the paris story!!!!

  21. Anonymous3:56 PM

    i don't think its scarlett, if she was going around telling people about doing something like that all the tabloid sites would already have the story.

  22. @ some: Scarlett does seem too classy to go around bragging about almost getting caught in a precarious situation.
    GAH, we need a clue!

  23. Anonymous4:52 PM

    i don't hink it's ben affleck either, with all the press attention he gets the story would have been picked up by the tabs already.

  24. Anonymous6:00 PM


  25. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Ent had a kindness story reveal about Ben Affleck, and I believe he referred to him as former A lister, now a B+ lister with issues.

    So it's not affleck.

    Who is Sienna Miller filming with? This is so up her alley.

    So to speak.

  26. Sean Penn/Sluttienna Miller/Robin Wright Penn/All The Kings Men

  27. What about Mary Louise Parker and Brad Pitt on the set of the Jesse James movie? He is married-ish to Angelina, also an actress.

  28. How about Eva Mendes and Mark Walhberg? Do you guys really think that sean penn wouldn't cheat on his wife?

  29. considering that Mary-Louise Parker was ABANDONED by Billy Crudup when she was pregnant with his child for Claire Danes, I don't think she would be down for side action with Brad.

    I like the Sienna Miller/Sean Penn guess.

  30. Word from the Big Apple claims forty-something Demi Moore is jealous that Cameron Diaz is working with her reformed trucker hat wearing boy hubby, Ashton Kutcher. Cameron and Ashton are currently in NYC filming “What Happens In Vegas.”

    Would Ashton be considered A list?

  31. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Aniston are also filming "What Happens In Vegas"

    Would Ben be considered A list?

  32. Enough with the Timmy/Shimmy crap! The reveal is meanlingness. It kept you entertained throughout the guessing, didn't it? Day-um.

    It's like the lottery- most people don't really buy a lottery ticket for the possibility of winning, they buy it for the week-long 'what I would do if I won' fantasies. I love those fantasies!

    I couldn't possibly guess the blind item. But that is one high-larious situation. They are all a bunch of whores, aren't they?


  33. Someone like Eva Mendes or Sienna is a great guess.

    Cam Diaz is a bigger star than Ashton who is def not A-list so i wouldn't bet on them.

    Sacr Jo is going out with Ryan Reynolds and I would also day she is classed as A-list these days.

  34. A List Actor: Laurence Fishburne (nominated for Oscar, Emmy, and Tony(
    Wife is also an actress: Gina Torres (Alias, Firefly, Angel)
    B-List Film Actress of whom Ent is not a fan (?): Kate Bosworth
    Film Fishburne and Bosworth are in that is in Post-Production: 21

  35. When I read this I thought of Jennifer Aniston/Ben Affleck/Jennifer Garner. That's my guess and I'm stickin' to it.

  36. That kindness BI that was revealed had Ben as a B+ actor, so it couldn't be him.

  37. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Fishburne wouldn't be rated even as high as B list.

  38. After Ent referred to Demi "as the most jealous wife in H-wood" I'm really starting to think that it was Cameron Diaz hiding in Ashton's trailer.
    Didn't Ent mention Cam in a kindness post a few months back?
    The Bradley Cooper rumors might be out there to off set this one.
    Just a thought.

  39. EXACTLY gammagirl!!! UH HUH!!!!



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