Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Today's Blind Items - My Strike Settlement Contribution

Although the blind items I write here are overwhelmingly about celebrities, I don't want you to think that I don't have blind items about producers or writers because I do. I just don't usually write them because no one really cares unless it is someone really big. If you think celebrities do some crazy stuff, writers and producers are just as bad, if not worse. So, with that in mind, to encourage a quick settlement and a stop to all the extra calls I get everyday, I will post a blind item about a writer and a producer each day until a settlement is reached. This will only be necessary if there is a strike. I understand most of you won't know who any of the people are, but the writers and producers who read this site will have no problems figuring them out. Hopefully that will spur them on before they see something they did wrong. But since there is no strike yet, let's talk celebrity dirt.

#1 You know what I love? Baby mama drama. Not whether or not someone is pregnant or if they announce it, but whether or not they know who the real dad is and what deal they can make with him, and very quickly. I always think it is funny when it is an ex you thought was long gone. One time is all it takes.

#2 Two crew members were fired from this top ten network drama for theft. Seems they were taking some valuable items from the cast. At least that is what the suits believed when they initially fired the crew. Turns out it is one of the cast members herself. The B list film and television actress confessed after the crew members were fired. She tried to pass it off as a joke, but her fellow actors are doing everything they can to make her life miserable and have been pressing producers to get rid of her quickly, or they might start talking about it in public.


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