Thursday, October 18, 2007

Time To Go Through All Those Ben Affleck Blind Items

Hey we've all been there. The spouse, the kids, the nagging. We have had our entire careers riding on our directorial debut. Well scratch that last thing. While the wifey was out of town, and after his successful screening of Gone Baby Gone in Chicago, Life & Style is reporting that Ben Affleck was spotted drinking. In public. In a bar. No more of the only one or two people saw him so have to make it a blind item. Ben got hammered. Drunk I tell you. Wine, Guinness and was the last person left standing (barely) in the bar.

While drinking at the Four Seasons Hotel bar, Ben was extremely chatty and found plenty of people who wanted to chat back. I bet he did. All that drinking makes the playground that much tougher the next day my friend. That bright sun, beating into your eye sockets, kids screaming into your sensitive ears. Wife not talking to you for hours. (Well that can actually be a blessing.)

Ben if you recall, spent some time in Promises for an alcohol problem back in 2001. Guess he solved it.


  1. Aw. Poor Ben. Does this mean he's the one that actually had a heroin problem, not a drinking problem?

  2. If I had to put up with ultra-perky Jennifer and be on those damn playgrounds all the time I'd be drinking too. Doesn't seem that there is any lifestyle that Ben can exist in happily without the drinks.

  3. um, didn't we all know he still drank?

  4. the marriage has always been a ticking time bomb. This time next year, it will be "Jen leaves Ben" news.

  5. Affleck, hotel, wife out of town, strippers.

    Told you it wasn't Duchovny.

  6. Haha..Ben you asshat people and cameras are everywhere (especially in the'back room' of Brandy's strip joint in Vancouver). I hear he went to Promises for something more serious and that alcohol wasn't the issue. Still...once a lie...

  7. Ben always seems right on the edge of a Meltdown

  8. The conventional wisdom at Brandi's (I know, but the owner is actually quite a smart cookie) that Ben singlehandedly destroyed the place's ability to ever draw a celebrity again. Revenues took a huge dive.

    "Drop it like it's hot" takes on a whole new meaning.

  9. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I have blamed this man for everything from wrecked homes, sordid strippers, massive drug problems, and hot gay sex.

    And he GETS DRUNK???????

    Affleck, you've totally let me down, dude. What a weenie.

  10. heehehee Brendababy!

    He looked good on GMA though...clean, like he discovered how to use a toothbrush. And he didn't look bloated either.

    Maybe getting the drink back in his life put a little twinkle in his eye...not his wife and babay though..they're life suckers. But the hooch has been his #1 bitch always.

    And you know he's the BI about the strippers in the hotel room.

  11. heard affleck shilling his movie on the radio early this AM and he sounded like he was still drunk.

  12. Ent says blind item(s)...
    Yeah the stripper but what are the others?

  13. Seriously, I am surprise that the marriage has lasted this long.

    I just never got the vibe that he was that into her. She may have really wanted him but I don't think the feeling was mutual.

    Plus I never thought he was over Lopez... but he had to leave her to get back any creditability to his career.

  14. Sad. I thought that whiny "jennifer lopez ruined my career" interview pointed to some character issues. Garner seems way too good for him. Hope they can keep it together.

  15. JLo didn't ruin his career...he did that on his own.

    Anyone else think he's only with Jen to further his career? Does he even love his kid? In eery candid pic of him and Violet (from the paps) he doesn't look happy.

  16. In one of those mag interviews he said the only thing that made him really happy was Violet and didn't even mentioned Jennifer. I don't think he was in love with Lopez, maybe he thought it would help his career and when it made it worse he married Jennifer to clean it up. I do like him a lot but don't think he's happy. Period.

  17. I think he is unhappy.

    Ben, babe, you can always call me, okay???

  18. He was obviously in love with Jen Garner when they did Daredevil together. He was all over her at press calls and you could tell they would end up together.
    I doubt any female is going to make him happy, those demons are never going to go away until he and Matt shack up together. Just do it already!

    Rumour had it J.Lo backed off because her accountants told her to. Think about it.
