Monday, October 15, 2007

They Should Have Hired ZX

Samaire Armstrong, the answer to at least one blind item that I am aware of, has checked herself into rehab. Samaire Armstrong who is probably best known in the world for her role on The O.C. is probably best known on this blog for being Ms. No Pants (not the BI I am talking about) and beating out our very own DS for a role on Dirty Sexy Money on ABC.

Samaire checked into rehab on Friday night and being how important recovery is to her, checked into the outpatient portion of the clinic. That way while she is attempting to go through recovery she can also keep filming her television show because hey, money to her and the network is more important than her health.

Her publicist told Kneepads Magazine: "Samaire Armstrong decided to enter an outpatient facility to deal with some personal issues in a therapeutic atmosphere and is doing very well. "She continues to work on her show and will be completing her treatment in a matter of weeks."

That treatment is so damn speedy now isn't it? You never saw Samaire out and about doing what she was doing because one thing about Ms. Armstrong is that she is smart enough and mature enough to do her personal damage at her home and friend's homes.


  1. I wasn't familiar with this actress before DSM. I love the new show and the cast is fab except for her. Her acting is horrible and her baby talk drives me whacko. I know she's supposed to be Paris Hilton-ish, but IMO, Paris could have done a better job.

    I can't believe I just wrote that.

    BTW, love the twin though (Seth Gabel).

  2. From the reviews I've heard of this show, our DS dodged quite a bullet. Smart girl.

  3. Anonymous11:01 AM

    So she's def. one of the coke fiend BIs.....hmm....

  4. Does ripping this girl apart make DS feel better about losing the role to her? There's nothing like kicking someone when they're down.

    Its not like DS is any better as an actress than Samaire. Sour grapes ent?

  5. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I hate TV. Never heard of this girl. Hope she gets her life sorted out.

  6. I love DS and I really miss her posts but Samarie Armstrong was one of the redeeming factors of the first season of The OC.
    She seems like she has some things to work on...
    I totally agree with Jenner about Samarie being the subject of one of the many coke fiend BI's.

  7. Don't shoot me but i'm not a big fan of DS..her acting was a bit overdone in a few scenes in Alpha Dog...and I'm being kind.

    Sorry DS.

  8. @ jax - Hey, I love the gal, but there are plenty of DS movies I haven't seen, some because I'm not interested, and some because they look a bit stinkery. (JMHO!) Lolita was awesome though (and my guy friends are in a tizz that it's HER that I'll be hanging with).

    I think maybe once I've met her in person, I'll be able to just laugh my way through the bad flicks, which is the right way to deal with stinkers anyway. I loooove the cheese, and I'm thinking they might really satisfy on that level. (FTR, I've never seen Samaire in anything so I have no opinion about her acting.)

  9. Anonymous1:01 PM

    DS has better boobs.

  10. Kneepads magazine???


    DS will get a great, great role. Don't worry. And then we who will be there can say we met a future Oscar winner.


  11. i loved Alpha Dog,it was a great movie IMO..but um the acting of the lovely DS was..amateur at best. Do yourself a favor..if you havent seen it wait until AFTER the CDANCON.

  12. Oh, this is Ms No Pants. Now I know who she is. I think Dirty Sexy Money is a great new show

  13. Tanks for the tip, jaxy. Yer good peeps, lookin out for a sista like that... I firmly believe there are some things you can't "un-see".

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. And how ironic that Ms. No Pants commits to rehab right after her Dirty Sexy Money character confesses to being a virgin.

  16. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Do you think Samaire is as wild a fuck as Blohan when on the blow?
