Friday, October 26, 2007

Spice Girls Almost To The Product Whore Line

The Spice Girls haven't quite reached the doing it up the butt for coke line that Paris Hilton so nobly established as the benchmark for whoredom, but they are getting close. Realizing their window of fame has reopened for just a short time, the Spice Girls have turned their initial limited reunion tour into a mess of endorsements, extra tour dates, a new record, a documentary, and now are willing to hire themselves out to any company who has $2M for each woman. This $2M fee for each is for a 30 second commercial and also buys you 4 hours of the Spice Girls time. A complimentary flash by Victoria is included in the price as well as a running commentary by Mel C on why she isn't a lesbian.

The latest company to fall for the scam is Tesco which is a huge retailer in the UK and is "thrilled" to be working with the Spice Girls. This is of course despite the fact that Victoria Beckham refuses to shop there saying she prefers Marks and Spencer because they give her free stuff. Well, maybe $2M for sitting at a table with a fake smile for a few hours will change her mind.

Reports say the commercial filmed for Tesco sees the recently reunited group in seasonal cheer, gathered around a table laden with Christmas goodies of which non are being eaten. Isn't seasonal cheer a euphemism for smashed off your ass on egg nog?


  1. I just can't muster up the pizzazz to feel anything about the Spice Girls right now but I might feel differently once they start doing their concerts. Some of the old magic might come back. They were fun.

  2. I LOVE TESCO..Spice Girls..meh.
