Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sex With Lindsay Isn't Fun

In 2005 Harry Judd met Lindsay Lohan on the set of a film they were doing called Just My Luck. Judd, who is the drummer for the group McFly says that he and Lindsay do what any kids in that situation would do. They hung out together while on set and screwed each other like rabbits. Judd says that time with Lindsay was so awful that he has never even thought about going out with an actress, celebrity, or anyone even close to being famous since that time.

Lindsay put him off to any type of celebrity one on one time. He described it as one of the most awful few weeks of his life and he hopes no one ever has to experience what he did to discover that celebrities are made for looking but definitely not dating.

During the two weeks they were seeing each other, Judd was being nice and not saying anything, while Lindsay's people kept saying, "she wouldn't be interested in someone like him. It's all a publicity stunt for the film." That is not throwing someone under a bus. That's throwing him under a bus, and if he is ok, then kicking him in the balls for good measure.


  1. Does that mean he got every STD in the book from her? When a guy says that it either he got the itchies from the girl or she tried to cut his ass...wait we're talking about Blohan...it was prob both.

  2. Her "people" made statements, but she never said anything until he started running his mouth off. I remember seeing him with a blurb in Heat magazine talking about Lindsay every week for about a month. What's wrong with just saying "A Gentleman never tells". That way you technically said nothing but everyone assumes you slept with her anyways.

    McFly just came on the radio as I typed this...CREE-PEE

  3. this is just damn funny to me.... now i am lmao on this dreary blearly tuesday... most women cant turn a man off to so many social cirles until they've gottem older, too high/low maintenance, bitter... whatever... either this guy is just UBER-sensitive or lilo is worse than any of us imagined!!!

  4. Looks like the bus is on the other foot. NOW who's looking for publicity?

  5. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Wonder what Lindsay's people are saying the new guy?

  6. Anonymous12:41 PM

    ABOUT the new guy.

  7. WTF, if the sex was so bad, don't go back for more. What kind of idiocy is this?
