Thursday, October 11, 2007

Rendition Premiere

Could it have been the fat man screaming and crying like Chris Crocker that made Reese Witherspoon laugh like that?
It's a tough decision for Reese because once you go fat, you never go back baby.
Jake Gyllenhaal needs to loosen up. Good god man you look tight.
Now you just look like a tight guy trying to be loose. I'm sure the ladies are impressed with your strut though. Of course he could have wanted his chance at the fat man too.
Drew Fuller definitely had the coolest look.
Yes, I know all you ladies want to sleep with Zachary Quinto so have at him.
Perhaps some of you ladies prefer your men more exotic looking and want Omar Metwally.
Do you remember when it seemed like Meryl Streep won the Academy Award every year. It was always her or Glenn Close. The Meryl went and did that movie with Roseanne Barr and it took her fifteen years to get back up again.
Jon Voight must not have heard that most people wear a sweater or a jacket, and if they are going to wear both, that normally the sweater is worn beneath the jacket. You may as well have just brought a shawl Jon. I know you are 100, but come on. Be a man.
I wonder if Justin Chambers' wife picked out the velvet smoking jacket for Justin. Maybe he's trying to get that invitation to Hef's Halloween bash.


  1. Ent, thanks for listening and posting the pic of Zachary Quinto. Forget Jake, my new love is Zachary. He really is HOT. ;)

    And when did Meryl do a movie with Roseanne? More importantly, WHY?

  2. I actually like that velvet jacket/outfit. :)

  3. Zach Quinto is GAY ladies!

    Note to Jake- George Clooney wants his look AND his sexuality back!

  4. There's something missing in those Jake photos - his neck.

  5. Oh Jakey poo you beautiful thing! Why have you grown that awful thing on your face?

    Reese looks like the cat that got the cream. Ditching Ryan was the best thing she ever did.

    Hmmm, Zach Quinto does look kinda gay. But I say that about any guy whose eyebrows are that defined.

    I've never heard of the Omar guy but he is kinda cute.

  6. "Jake Gyllenhaal needs to loosen up. Good god man you look tight."

    This made me laugh for several reasons.

  7. "Omar Metwally?" You made that name up, right?

    At an old job, I once got an order from a guy in Tennessee named Otis Muckenfuss and I didn't believe that name either.

    Omar Metwally. Ent, you crack me up.

  8. I'm jealous of Keisha 'cuz Justin ins HOTTTTTTT

  9. Drew Fuller pings my 'dar like crazy.
    Not ALL the ladies, Ent - Zachary does nothing for me, whether he's straight or not. (Though I'd guess 'not'). It's the mouth-breathing and the narrow shoulders. Just not my type of geeky.... ;-)

  10. i wonder how come all the actors dont all get together for a group pic ever? maybe they come in at different times. I was hoping to see a pic of Alan Premel the CIA officer who was an advisor to rendition. He was at both the rendition and syriana premieres and usually takes photos with the actors.

  11. i wonder how come all the actors dont all get together for a group pic ever? maybe they come in at different times. I was hoping to see a pic of Alan Premel the CIA officer who was an advisor to rendition. He was at both the rendition and syriana premieres and usually takes photos with the actors.
