This doesn't really have anything to do with gossip, but it is a great photo and the "Crusty Demons" came up with one hell of a promotion to get people to come see their tour.
Speaking of crusty demons. Blake kind of reminds me of Matthew Broderick in Election after the bee sting except paler and closer to death. I also am guessing Blake doesn't drive a Ford Festiva, but you never know. Amy Winehouse is actually looking better each day, and will make a great widow. Maybe she can start a WILF tradition or something.
One day there are the scary photos of the spider veins, but when Angelina Jolie looks like this, there are not many women in the world more naturally beautiful. Doesn't mean I like her, although without getting into the morality of who is better, I would rather have sex with Angelina rather than Jen.
America Ferrera in Marie Claire.
Lindsay Lohan goes for pizza for the 5th time in 8 days. I think she is looking for the magic pizza. But like I told you before, they only deliver the good stuff. You can't get it at their store.

I have to say Jennifer Hudson looks really good here. Heard she is finally getting off her diva stool also because the SATC women put her in her place in about 5 seconds.

Jessica Biel shows off the latest in cafeteria ladies going to church fashion trends.

While Thandie Newton at the same event looks breathtaking. You know the term eyes bugging out of your head. Look at the guy behind her. I think he likes what she is wearing also.

Wow. Heath Ledger dresses like he is the offspring of Tim Burton and Helen Bonham Carter. OK, maybe not that bad. They are the two worst dressed people on the planet. Heath is just a hippie who had to leave the house during the day and didn't want to.

Shar Jackson and Ian Ziering. Great couple I think. They didn't go together though. Ian went with some random girl who was still wearing a Live Strong bracelet and kept calling Ian daddy so I know how that one turns out. Shar went with some random guy, but you have to admit these two look good together.

Not looking good is Ryan Cabrera. I remember when BP (Before Pimpa) he used to look normal. Now he looks like he has been shell shocked and only wants oatmeal.

"Summer lovin had me a blast."

Is Meg Ryan dating anyone because I heard she has a thing for fat guys, and she is looking pretty good.

This is the moment in life when you really regret doing all that shopping BEFORE going through security.