Monday, October 01, 2007

People Magazine Gets Out Their Kneepads for Brooke And Charlie

People Magazine has taken sides in the ongoing custody battle between Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards. It's unlike People to take sides as they enjoy sucking up to celebrities on an equal basis, but must feel that Denise Richards is as crazy as a loon or that Charlie Sheen still has a career. Whatever the reason, the folks over at People took out a pair of their finest knee pads and let Brooke Mueller spout out a bunch of crap her publicist invented, and that looks really good to the over 65 crowd that reads People. Just imagine if you can for a second what it must be like when People interviews Larry King. "You are the greatest." "No, you are the greatest."

Brooke was "caught" by People at the opening of a store on Thursday. How she and Charlie stay positive.

"We just focus on our love and we have faith in the truth – and we know that will come out,"

Who the hell just focuses on their love? No one just focuses on their love when they have the crazy stalker and her nanny breathing down your neck and a possible sex with exes that may have occurred behind your back.

Brooke goes onto say that she would love to take a vacation but that it doesn't fit into Charlie's schedule right now. Uh huh. I know he has a television show, but if he wanted to take you on vacation, he could do it.

She also doesn't sound like they are headed to the altar anytime soon. When asked about it she said,

"Right now we haven't decided to take on any big projects at this point ... Hopefully when things calm down, we'll be able to focus a little bit more on that."

I wouldn't be holding my breath for a Brooke and Charlie wedding, but it would have been kind of fun to see Denise crash the reception.


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