Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Nicole Kidman Not Happy Being Married

In one of the oddest statements I have ever seen about marriage, Nicole Kidman says she loves her husband very much but would never describe her marriage as happy. She says it is because magazine interviews are done too far in advance and so you never know if there will be a break up in between the interview and the publication. I think the interview she gave when she said all this was with US Weekly and their lag time is like two weeks.

If your marriage can't withstand a two week window than maybe you shouldn't be in that marriage. I understand her hesitance because of the whole Tom Cruise thing where she got blindsided, but that was the little general. This is her normal, in recovery country singer husband. You know. Keith Urban. The one you married after you just broke off the alleged engagement with Lenny Kravitz because he decided you were one big pale white freak of nature.

Later in the interview she ominously added that, "you never know where something is going."

I guess because she realized she made it sound like she and Keith were done tomorrow, she added that she wants a baby and wants it with Keith and he is the one who has been holding back, "because he just wants to spend time alone with her for now."

Uh-huh. Call the lawyers.


  1. I'm very meh about Nicole. I think she's a fantastic actress and I can't imagine how one could live with a couch jumping religous fanatic for as long as she did, but she just seems "cold."

    The fact that she still has "contractual obligations" to Tom is intresting/sad, but I think Nicole is a total freak off camera

    One of my moms friends was in "The Stepford wives" and she claimed that Nicole seemed to eat Ketchup from craft services (in a bowl with a fork)....yeah.

  2. She is one strange woman. I once read an interview where she said that she doesn't like to have a lot of stuff in her home, so she doesn't even keep many photos of her children.

  3. I am sorry to hear that she is not in a 'happy' marriage. I think that many relationships are about making it work, compromise & putting up with eachother. Considering what she has been through with him, I can only imagine. Ent, I am suprised that you would write that about her. She is so lovely and funny and charming in real life. I have a great story about her if you would like me to post it. I have another story about Lenny amd his brother that is def not so nice. My experiences tell me that she dodged a bullet with that one.

  4. rare avis - do spill, please!

  5. I saw a picture of her just the other day where it looks like her armpit is rotting.

    Yes, I realise this has nothing to do with the post. Just thought I'd share.

  6. someone that would marry someone like tom would have be pretty void of feeling.

    i agree w/previous posters abt her being a great actress. just saying... how could you have a faux marriage for 10 years like she did before? she and tom's union was contractually written up by the studios...

    funny how he filed for divorce right before their ten-year anniv... cali law states that after youve been married for 10 years its a 50/50 split. maybe thats why?

    ive also read that tom's first wife, mimi rogers said in an interview after they aplit that the reason they never had kids was bc tom was sterile. then supposedly nicole ended up preggers and he KNEW it couldnt be his, so he divorced her bc she cheated. this would also explain why no one saw suri for so long after she was born...

    sorry, for getting ot, BUT it does explain a lot abt what kind of person nic is...

  7. Only a truly great actress could be married to Tom!

  8. [Snort] Good one equation (too lazy to use the shift keys over and over).

    That's sad. Obviously she must vulnerable to be so open about it...which she rarely is about her life. Maybe she's still pining for Russell or Ewan? Hmm..

  9. I thought that Mimi stated in her interview with Playboy that the marriage was never consumated?

  10. @steph... it was a while ago that i read that... while suri was in hiding...my brain fades... there were two things i remember... one was s/thing from mimi rogers, thought it was that he was sterile, but could be the consumation thing. i also remember s/thing abt one of them saying that he was sterile. maybe it was in an interview... i'll go check... hopefully i'll be back with links...

  11. Anonymous11:15 AM

    If I remember correctly Mimi sounded pretty bitter when the midget divorced her. She said that he rather be a priest than have sex or something to that matter lol. Anyway wasn't the midget not divorce yet when he met Nicole?

  12. so, I am trying to figure out why Suri was in hiding. Not putting it together. I think she looks just like him.

  13. two good links... basically mimi said in an interview that he didnt like sex and had thought abt becoming a monk, but not that they didnt consumate...

    also states that details abt the marriage contracts... sounds like katie fot 5year/5mill/ one kid contract.


    lots links attached at the bottom of this page...

  14. I recall reading a Mimi Rogers post-divorce interview years ago... When talking about their sex life, she said it was living with a monk. Hmmm, I wonder why...

  15. Not only did Mimi state in the Playboy interview that Tom was sterile but Tom HIMSELF made that known years ago during the Tonight show with Jay Leno . He explained it's why he and Nicole adopted. Even if had not made that statement I still would not believe Suri is his. Something about gay men not liking sex with women.

  16. thank you little! i knew there was something abt HIM saying s/thing on a talk show, but couldnt remember the details... whew! i'm not going crazy.

  17. Pale White Freaks of Nature Rule!!!! (I think I'm going to put that on a T-shirt)

  18. Maryjane, the rumor I believe is that Suri had a big birthmark on her forehead, and they didn't want anyone to photograph her until she was old enough to have it removed. Birthmarks are often hereditary, right? And Katie has a birthmark.

    I think it's possible Suri is Tom's biological child through artificial insemination, but def not the "natural" way.

  19. She was probably trying to be funny.
    Clear evidence that Robots should not attempt to tell a joke.

  20. I'm very ambivalent about Nicole off-screen. I like most of what I've seen her in, but have tried to avoid the stuff that gets bad reviews. I'm getting to the age where life is too short to waste 2 hours on junk.

    As to Suri, everyone seems to be assuming that in order for her to be Tom's, he and Katie had to have done the deed. Has no one heard of in vitro?

  21. charles...we were going on the fact that first wife (mimi) said and so did he that he was sterile... thats why it couldnt be his.

  22. 5 mill/5 yr/ 1kid contract??

    sound's like slave labor to me!!

  23. Thanks Mooshki, but divabunny said something about him being sterile and that would explain why Suri was not seen for so long after birth. I am not tying his sterility and her in hiding together.

  24. The Tom/Nic story as I heard it and pieced it together was that it was a contract deal like Katie now has. But Nic knew Tom was gay and that he had a lover(s). The agreement was they could both do as they pleased with whomever they pleased, but it had to be incredibly discreet (rumors about lovers having to sign iron-clad confidentiality agreements, etc.)

    Allegedly, Nic and Ewan McG. got together during the filming of Moulin Rouge. She got knocked up, accidentally, or on purpose, who knows which. I also heard that some paps trapped her and Ewan in a hotel together and they had to fly her sister in, bring her in the backdoor, and then walk her out the front to "show" it was Antonia there all along.

    When Tom found out about the pregnancy, D-I-V-O-R-C-E per terms of the agreement. It wasn't that she cheated per se, it's that she had been less than discreet by his standards, and how would they explain this pregnancy? That's why Tom always said "Nicole knows what she did" when asked about the split.

    Cobbled this together from a million different websites and blogs, so can't point directly to any sources. Assume it's all hearsay and rumor, but it DOES make sense.

  25. I still think Suri looks much older than she is stated to be. The whole thing about the lag in the documenting of the birth certificate, the odd shape of Katie in the month 1/2 span before birth, how old Suri appears in comparison to Shiloh Pitt and they are only a month apart! Check out different pictures within the same week and Shiloh looks so much younger than Suri and she acts so much younger too. It is just weird. I don't believe she is Tom's baby, but it is hard to say who she really is fathered by. But I do remember that it was stated Tom is sterile so no invitro there!

  26. Yup, Rare Avis, I've got a story as well. He's a sick f**k. I freaked when I heard she was w/ him. Assumed it wouldn't last but didn't want her hurt during. Also think her marriage was done to get him out of her life, because the only ways to do this are either marriage or pregnancy.
