Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Michael Jackson Is Back--Maybe

Michael Jackson has been hinting to his fans, and to their children, that he is close to having enough material for a new album. Michael has not released an album since Invincible back in 2001. The new album traces his thoughts and emotions over the past several years and how he has coped with it. Why do I get the feeling that one of the tracks is going to have the sounds of children laughing and an ice cream truck bell with Michael calling out to to them that he's running a special on Popsicles.

I digress. The new tracks are being produced by of the Black Eyed Peas.

The news of a possible release came from Michael himself. In a letter to the fansite Myeurope which might be the only site with less readers than me, Michael said,""I've been really busy lately...Your continued love and support means so much to me. I really love and appreciate you all...from the bottom of my heart. Soon I will be sharing exciting and surprising news with you from my other efforts."

You would think that with all the time and money he has spent on albums in the last twenty years that he would get lucky with one song. No other singer could release so much stuff that did not sell and have any hope of a record deal, but every record executive is willing to take that chance with Michael (provided he pay for the majority, if not all of the recording time in advance) because they think he might have one hit record left and they don't want to give away the chance at all that money.


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