Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Lindsay In A Minute, But First, More Important Matters

Sean Astin of Rudy and Lord of The Rings fame has weighed in with his opinion of the whole Goonies 2 situation. Sean is 100% behind a Goonies 2 movie and is 100% sure that one is going to be made.

If you recall, last month, Corey Feldman said that an animated Goonies 2 was a certainty. Sean Astin doesn't think it will be an animated version, but instead will be a Goonies movie similar to the first and very similar to the one that I suggested last month.

Both Sean and Corey now are following my lead and saying that any Goonies movie should be about kids and should involve the original Goonies cast as adults with their children involved in the adventure. Glad they could come around to my way of thinking, BUT it still doesn't mean I am 100% for a Goonies sequel.

If Steven Spielberg AND Richard Donner are not just involved but THE two main players in a sequel then it will probably be great. If however, they are just two names of many, then, I am sure the movie has a very good chance of sucking the big one.

I am thinking Roseanne Barr for the Anne Ramsey part of Mama Fratelli, and I think that Joe Pantoliano and Robert Davi should both be involved in any sequel as well.


  1. EL i dont even have to say it.

    you know and i know...and that's all that matters sweetie pie.

    Goonies never say die! I like the Roseanne for Ann Ramsay but even better would be Kathy Bates but might be tough to cast.

    Chunk should be played by Brad Pitt..lol.

  2. So *sshole. It's not Columbus Day. Everyone thought since it was Columbus day all of your loyal readers was too busy celebrating (?!)Columbus day, and that's why you lost all of your readers. I think it's because you are an *sshole, who lied to us countless times. No one reads you any more. You made up DS (or whatever the hell initials you designated to her), you made up the MV fake-singer, you made up TIMMY- and now you look like the BIGGEST BLOGGING *sshole ever. You're "devoted" readers are what--- 3 people now? NO ONE cares what some fake-ass lawyer thinks, because we all know you don't even write this shit anymore. At least when there were "trolls" your f'ing site was getting some kind of traffic. Now you get NOTHING buddy. 1 or 2 comments at tthe most? Reinvent yourself and start another website. YOU SUCK NOW!!! And I'm going to laugh for days about how horrible you've become. And you can act like you know celebrities, but it just makes you look like the loser you are! Ha!

  3. Hey anon, why is it you're still here? A little obsessed maybe? Whatever...

  4. Heeheee, jax! They better not fuck it up. I plan on watching the original with my kiddos one day and would hate to point to a sorry sequel.

    After seeing that movie, Baby Ruth's got my love for life!

    Patsy, I think Anon is an Ent stalker. Somehow she feels he's responsible for everything fucked in this world. And anon is a she.

  5. Goonies is one of my favorite movies ever. I've seen it 300+ times. There is NO need for a sequel. Is nothing sacred?

  6. I see, Tracee. Well, here's hoping she never goes off her meds. I guess you, Jax & myself are the 3 devoted readers that nut job was referring to?

  7. Fuck anon and her broken vibrator!
    Time to get some souper dooper doubles AA's and work that frusteration out girl!

    I think most people are waiting for the Timmy posters to chill before we post and I highly fuckin doubt he lost any regs becasue of Timmy/Shimmy. I never stopped reading justbecasue I held back from posting for like a week.

  8. Jax, when have you ever held back from posting?

    BTW, I love your posts. :*

    Just like I love all the regulars around here (except for the Crazy Anon...I personally like the Disgruntled Ex theory). Perhaps Ent could do a story on who Anon is and why she's so mad at him? Wouldn't that be fun?

    I really wanna talk about Goonies 2. If they are going to redo one of my Fave Childhood Classics, it better be just as good as the original or don't bother trying! And I want to see appearances from the original cast (love the idea of them being the parents).

    They make a good Goonies 2 and I might actually shell out $10 + money for snacks (that's HUGE for me) and then buy the DVD. :)

  9. Somethings should remain untouched. I just watched Goonies not that long ago. I had forgotten how funny it was. So now of course because Hollywood hasn't had an original idea is years they want to remake or do a sequel...and you just know this isn't going to work as well as they think it will.

  10. Too funny - I did my research long, long ago and now I can sit back with a big grin on my face. Love, love, love it and all of your die-hard EL fans. I'm honored to be among ya! Here's to Goonies forever and those of us who truly know what it means to be one.

  11. Kathy Bates really would be great for Fratelli. BTW, I am still here also, just getting a little lazy with my comments!

  12. LOL@ Brad Pitt for Chunk...I totally agree! ;)
