Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Lainey Blind Item

Cheese Cheats

Although his “art” and therefore his career is entirely predicated upon the fact that he loves love and believes in love, especially love at home, and has made millions off women swooning over every word and note, it seems for him at least love does not go hand in hand with fidelity.

Appears he’s been nailing a new piece in every city – from the Midwest to the Northwest to New York , he is cheating. And he is cheating on a celebrated starlet girlfriend with a career that could eclipse – if it hasn’t already – his own.

Because while he might make more money, she gets more mileage – on magazines, on red carpets, on award show stages. And why not? She’s beautiful and talented – a scene stealer in every way.

Still…he strays. He strays everywhere. And his modus operandi is always the same.

He will meet a girl. They will go somewhere fun – playing pool, bowling, even karaoke. Afterwards he’ll invite her back to his hotel. They get it on but first he makes sure she showers. He insists on it. He almost orders it. Apparently he wants to make sure she’s clean before they get dirty. And then they get dirty.

The camera will come out. He promises privacy. And so far it has indeed been private. But this is what turns him on. If there’s time they’ll watch it back together and go for round 2. Not known what he does with the evidence afterwards though it’s very possible he is now building his own porny tourist video library with entries from at least 3 American cities… that I know of.


  1. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Michael Buble and Emily Blunt

  2. Agree - Michael & Emily

  3. Yep totally Buble and Emily Blunt.

    And speaking of Emily Blunt - am i the only one who hates her chiclet teeth now? I think She was so much preetier before she got them "fixed"!

    Yay ENT thanks - I love lainey!

  4. ooops sorry spell check lazy - Prettier

  5. ooops sorry spell check lazy - Prettier

  6. awe man, that's depressing if it's buble/blunt. they're so cute together.

  7. Defintelt Michael Buble, "home: totally gave it away.
    Cheating is bad enough, but videotaping it is DISGUSTING!
    Emily Blunt deserves better

  8. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I still can't believe Buble is straight. We saw him a year or two ago and he was so Rip Torn. Gack.

  9. Too bad I can't find any pictures of Buble from back in the day when my friend was his agent and her only advice to him was "PLUCK YOUR MONOBROW!"


  10. Ah has to be Michael B., but what a bummer if it is. (Count me in as one who has swooned at his shows). I had hopes he was above this kind of behavior. Not too surprised, though.

  11. Ok - that BI was gross - but any woman who allows herself to be filmed....

    And once you fine folk brought up Michael Buble and Emily Blunt.... aw, man.... that's just wrong.


  12. didnt believe you guys until i looked her up; she recently won 'best female scene stealer' in entertainment weekly

  13. IrishStayc - I agree, the new teeth sort of make her generic and take a bit of her edge away.

  14. Any man who spouts that kind of shite he sings (with a straight face) is bound to be a major smarm. Lainey lives in Vancouver - same city they do - so probably not hard to find out dirt from his road crew etc

  15. Now, I hate to say this, 'cause I love him to bits: But I was thinking John Mayer and his new flave, Minka Kelly. She's in Saturday Night Lights. There certainly are enough rumors going around that he isn't that faithful, fickle even.
    He certainly made plenty $$$ singing his love ditties, and one of my fave songs from him is called "Home Life"...

    I'm sad now. :(

  16. Oh jesus Buble..we all remeber your fat-er ass warbling away half drunk at Bubaloo's..keep it in yer pants!

    Stop disgracing BC!

  17. what about Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel? The love clue could be a reference to his "future sex love sounds" cd... and most of his songs are about love.

  18. Jessica's career will never eclipse JT's.

  19. The only thing that sticks in my mind about Buble was how drunk he was during his Tony Bennett fill-in on American Idol.



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