Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Kimberly Stewart Only Dates British

Kimberly Stewart has said she only wants to date British guys in the future because they have better manners than any other guys in the world. She especially thinks American guys are rude. Not saying that American guys aren't rude, because many of us are, but I'm thinking that you when you start f**king Tommy Lee, this might have something to do with your perspective.

Plus, isn't this the same woman that was off doing Calum Best? You remember Calum Best don't you? Our drug using, hooker loving, British guy who sent Lindsay off the deep end and straight into rehab. If that is the guy Kimberly thinks is well mannered and her typical guy, then I say go forward and rut and just make sure you leave the STD's where you got them, because if you bring them back here, then sure as shit, Paris Hilton will figure out a way to catch it, and you don't want that on your conscience with her going to Rwanda and all.


  1. Shut up and show U.S. yer titties.

    Oh...go back to England and grow some tits.

    And take Boy George and that stapler throwing bitch Naomi with you.

  2. Oooh so she's looking for manners....I thought she was looking for a guy with a big package, but manners? I guess that what the kids call it these days.

  3. But American guys are so polite! Though I haven't seen them baying round a stripper pole, as I suspect Ms Stewart has.

  4. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Its been my experience that all British guys care about is getting drunk.

    Oh wait, that's all American guys care about either.

  5. I'm near sure Calum Best is American.

  6. You're right Amy. His mother is English and his father was Irish, but he's American.
