Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Kevin Federline Races Britney To The Bottom Of The Gene Pool

Kevin Federline was so excited to get that role on One Tree Hill and to live the life of an actor. Finding out this late in life that your one true talent is really potent sperm doesn't usually get chicks. Potent sperm can get you money and fame and a quick 15 minutes, but that's about it.

Everyone thought Kevin was doing great. New job, new attitude toward parenthood, but it may all be crashing down. Reports have been circulating out of Wilmington, NC which is gorgeous by the way, that Kevin has been smoking pot almost non-stop while on the set.

Now I know that here in California we have some very relaxed pot laws and maybe Kevin thinks every state must be the same way. Last time I checked though, North Carolina still had the death penalty for pot possession. So he may want to watch out for that.

Oh, and there is that one tiny other thing too. Seems to me Kevin has to also submit to random drug tests and as I said the day the Order came out from the Court, it looked as if the language indicated pot. If all this is true, you have to seriously wonder whether either of these parents deserves to have the kids. Yes, I know we can talk about pot and whether it should be legalized all day long, BUT, the fact is that Kevin has kids and is required to submit to drug testing. Whether something should be legal isn't going to change a piss test.

I wonder if Shar could raise them.


  1. I agree with Jax

  2. It was only a matter of time before the press caught onto this.
    I live in wilmington and its widely known that K-Fed is more than willing to throw down major dough for ganja.

    I might respect the guy if it wasn't Brit's money he was spending.

  3. Good thing brit has money 'cuz those boys are gonna need some serious therapy later in life!
    Neither of them deserves to have the kids - Kfed is only in it for the $$$ (even though his lawyer would like us to think differently!)
    they're both losers.

  4. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I feel sorry for the kids who have 2 immature idiots as parents. Both seem not to care about their kids. Even wonder what was in Britney's mind when she decided to have kids. Both need to grow up and take responsibility for their actions.

  5. The only thing KFraud did right... was listen to his lawyer. They have managed to make him look legit & responsible... when he isn't. Wouldn't it be grand if he got busted with the weed in NC!

  6. Sounds like Grandma Lynn will be stepping in and raising these kids...

    Poor kids. There are other kids, out of the spotlight, going through the same thing.

  7. I feel so bad for those kids....also I am so sick and tired of hearing about how young Britney was when she had kids.

    She is in her mid-20s, he is 30 (or older??). Grow up!

  8. Anonymous10:07 AM

    so the wording in the court order applied to both parents? Ent, can you explain this line a little more? "the fact is that Kevin has kids and is required to submit to drug testing. Whether something should be legal isn't going to change a piss test."

    Also, Jax you may remember our constant debate where I said that the kids were no better off with Kevin than they were with ding dong. However, I actually take that back, because at least the kids are spending time with the most stable adult in their life while they are with Kevin...their Nanny.

    Still agree with Lainey - comparing these two idiots is like comparing shit to diarrhea.

  9. Anonymous10:35 AM

    anyone else notice that the positioning of the chick behind Kfed makes it look like he has a ponytail?

    Maybe it's because I've the maturity of a 12 year old, but it's cracking me up...

  10. of course he's smoking pot
    and if there is any justice,
    he should be required to submit to drug testing as well.
    Pot stays in your system for a long time, so it this is true, and he is tested, the results should be public knowledge shortly.
    Just give those kids to Shar Jackson already and call it a day

  11. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Blowing smoke again. The order was for Britney only, very specifically ordered HER random tests twice weekly. It would require another order which I will safely assume we'll all read about somewhere else from real "insiders".

  12. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Blowing smoke again. The order was for Britney only, very specifically ordered HER random tests twice weekly. It would require another order which I will safely assume we'll all read about somewhere else from real "insiders".

  13. Pot stays in your systme but the effects certainly don't..who cares what he does on the other side of the country when the kids aren't around? I'm sure he was more than 12 hours away from picking them up...if you got a story about him joyriding with a joint in one hand and SPF in the other then we got issues.

    Its not meth people.
