Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Kevin Federline Races Britney To The Bottom Of The Gene Pool

Kevin Federline was so excited to get that role on One Tree Hill and to live the life of an actor. Finding out this late in life that your one true talent is really potent sperm doesn't usually get chicks. Potent sperm can get you money and fame and a quick 15 minutes, but that's about it.

Everyone thought Kevin was doing great. New job, new attitude toward parenthood, but it may all be crashing down. Reports have been circulating out of Wilmington, NC which is gorgeous by the way, that Kevin has been smoking pot almost non-stop while on the set.

Now I know that here in California we have some very relaxed pot laws and maybe Kevin thinks every state must be the same way. Last time I checked though, North Carolina still had the death penalty for pot possession. So he may want to watch out for that.

Oh, and there is that one tiny other thing too. Seems to me Kevin has to also submit to random drug tests and as I said the day the Order came out from the Court, it looked as if the language indicated pot. If all this is true, you have to seriously wonder whether either of these parents deserves to have the kids. Yes, I know we can talk about pot and whether it should be legalized all day long, BUT, the fact is that Kevin has kids and is required to submit to drug testing. Whether something should be legal isn't going to change a piss test.

I wonder if Shar could raise them.


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