Monday, October 08, 2007

Katherine Heigl October In Style Magazine


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    There's just something almost cartoonish about the way she looks. And she looks a lot like Britney in that last photo.

  2. She looks so much less boring as a brunette.

  3. I said the same thing yesterday (about her looking like Brit on Allure) when I looked at the magazine at the salon.
    There was a cut in there I really really wanted, i just couldn't find it after I dropped the magazine that weighs like 400 pounds.

  4. I really don't care for her.
    Her d'Izzy character is so lame on GA, and the hook-up with George is just annoying.
    HEY, Shonda Rimes, if you want a good storyline about a Christina/Callie hook-up, or at least "flirt" with it. The two strongest characters on the show, workin' out their man-hatin' issues together.
    Now, that would be HOT!!!!!!!!

  5. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I just saw Knocked Up. She is so unlikeable.

  6. I've liked her since Wish Upon a Star and Roswell..... she looks muy caliente as a brunette..... she should stay that way. I love the blunt short haircut on her.

  7. Wow... I thought I was the only person who found her incredibly annoying. I will not rant on the whole George thing... haha!

    Yet she is a pretty girl with bad teeth. The one thing I will never understand... why people don't get braces and straighten those smiles out. There has been some incredible retouching on her teeth in these pictures.

    Not veneers but a good old fashion set of braces.

    Cause this girl has some really awful teeth... I cringe when I see her from a profile angle while watching Grey's...
