Monday, October 22, 2007

I've Got Your Illusion

I always start to worry when lawyers play word games. See, we are very good at them and can make it sound like we gave you the world, when in all actuality you owe us $43.64. Anyway, I briefly mentioned how the fact that the FBI removed $2M from David Copperfield's warehouse was really suspicious and now some of the comments coming from his attorney have me really thinking something else is going on here.

If $2M was seized from the warehouse there are some obvious questions to be answered. The first is how can the world famous magician and illusionist in his very own history of magic warehouse not be able to hide $2M in cash so it couldn't be found. Second, why does he have $2M in cash laying around, and finally, why was it seized. If I rob a bank and the police come to my basement, they will take any money they find, not just for themselves, but to prosecute also. If, on the other hand I go beat the guy next door with a hose for playing Lawrence Welk all day long, the cops will want the hose, and any other evidence that would show that I had been stalking said neighbor or thinking about beating the crap out of him. They wouldn't use $2M found in my mattress to prove anything and would leave it alone.

If this case is simply about rape or sexual misconduct, the money shouldn't matter unless David and the woman were having sex on it and they want to check it for DNA. The removal of the computer hard drive and the memory chip from the camera actually makes sense, especially if there was some kind of taping of the alleged incident. Everyone assumes this case is about sexual misconduct and so frames their questions as such to David's attorney. If they ask about David forcing himself on someone, the attorney says, "David has never forced himself on anyone." He is very careful to use the reporter's own words if he can, and then if there is any question about the FBI or the investigation, he just says that, "he is aware of an investigation, and will help," but no one has actually come out and said what the investigation is about. The only thing anyone knows is that it has something to do with Seattle.

This is going to be about so much more than just a woman in Seattle.


  1. ENT, I saw on some other site that they retracted the "taking $2 mil bit" they claim NOW no money taken.

  2. Am I correct in thinking the only way $2MILL is admissable (sp?) in court is it was being used as a payoff to the alleged victim?

  3. This is going to be about so much more than just a woman in Seattle.

    That last comment really has me wondering....

  4. Weird. I with you Ent, i think there's much more to the story than what's being told. Smoke and mirrors if you ask me.

  5. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I hate it when douchebags foul up my fair city's name. First Jason Wahler and now this...

  6. Perhaps it was seized in order to show an intent to flee the country?

  7. Anonymous2:44 PM

    LOL - justcara...where did you get that avatar sweetie?

  8. A commentor on ASL said she had friends that were magicians, and that it's no big secret DC is a closeted gay. This incident happened on a private island,which is why she reported 'rape' in Seattle. It seems she was checking email on his computer and found "porn" and when she got home tried to incentive DC into giving her money not to share what was on his hard drive. Cops got suspicious, call the FBI. The poster doesn't come out and say kiddie porn, but 2 million in blackmail money that went wrong... her post explains away a lot of the wierdness of the incident.

    It made me believe.

  9. jax - i'm with you, 2 mil in cash, fbi,that was payoff money and they have the e-mails to prove it. pay off for what? i don't know....

  10. That makes a lot of sense Zandra.

  11. Brendalove - I stole it from David Copperfield's warehouse... ;)
