Monday, October 08, 2007

I Thought The Idea Was To Make People Watch

One of the golden rules of launching any new project is that the stars of said project need to do some press. Whether this means talking to 40 different morning television programs across the country via satellite, or just going on the radio with Ryan Seacrest, the idea is to get people interested so they will watch.

Attention E!. You should immediately stop this strategy with the Kardashians. You know I'm not the biggest fan of any of the Kardashian sisters, but I was going to give their new program one quick viewing just to see what it was all about. Not any longer. I just spent the longest five minutes of my life listening to the three oldest sisters and their mom on the radio, and have no desire to watch them, listen to them, or want to be close to them. I feel like I need an Ace Ventura, Jim Carrey shower because it was that awful.

I am going to provide you the link so you can listen for yourselves. I could not find one redeeming quality for any of them, and their mom isn't much better. Maybe I am just in a bad mood, and they are really the most lighthearted, loving family on earth.

E! must have had some idea how the three sisters would come across on the radio, and the only people who will find the show remotely interesting are teenage guys who will mute the television while they masturbate, and the girls featured on My Super Sweet 16 who will treat the sisters as their Gods.

Listening to the three of them for five minutes made me regret waking up in the morning. Unless the people at E! have hired away some editors from Bunim/Murray, there is no way they will ever be able to cut this show or find enough footage to make it, or the sisters worth watching.


  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Wow I usually have a high tolerance for just about everything but I could not listen to that for even five minutes. That overly breathy Paris Hilton-esque sex kitten voice from her is incredibly annoying, and her very patient listing off of all her various loser relatives through marriage was the most hilarious thing I've ever heard, she knows she has to keep up all the relationships straight so she can scrape up the last remaining bit of fame that Brody might have given her. She's living off his fumes at this point, and still milking it for all its worth. Her mother sounds absolutely worthless as a human being. Sounds like one big happy fucked up family; the new America complete with trophy wives, multiple step siblings, and as many STDs as inlaws. Kudos, Kim! I hope you crash and burn!

  2. Does that mean if I'm not a teen, I have to leave the volume on while I do it?

  3. E is pulling at strings!!! They need to come up with better programming!

  4. Seven years later, that TV show is still going strong.

    Not everyone has the gift to properly judge entertainment value, the A-B-C-D and Z list, it seems. Not even if they do it daily and should have become good at it by now.

    Don't feel bad, though. Your lack of ability to form grammatical and intelligible sentences keeps me entertained, and probably will for years to come.
