Monday, October 22, 2007

I Might Owe Diane Sawyer An Apology

The key word above is might. As you may recall I gave Diane Sawyer an honorary Larry King Award for her failure to ask Jennifer Lopez about her pregnancy during a recent episode of Good Morning America. Instead, Diane got out her knee pads and asked some lame question about how Jennifer was feeling and then just carried on with her morning show drivel. Well, it turns out that Diane MIGHT be able to give back the award, or in this case just shove it right up Marc Anthony's ass. (although he may like that)

It turns out there was a deal in place that Diane was going to ask some questions which would allow Jennifer to announce on the air she was pregnant. The deal was in place and everything was set. Allegedly Jennifer was going to give up the goods about the pregnancy in return for a Barbara Walters (BJ) special, either as one of the most fascinating people of the year or on the Academy Awards show BJ does.

Immediately prior to Diane asking the question, Jennifer whispered to Diane NOT to ask any questions about any pregnancy, and that she wasn't going through with the deal. Even though Diane had been sandbagged, she did manage to throw out that lame question about how she was feeling.

Now, if all this is true, then it would let Diane off the hook for the Larry King Award, BUT she should have been pissed enough to ask the damn question anyway. What is Jennifer going to do if you ask her straight out? Is she going to run off the stage like Ashlee Simpson? Is she going to evade the question and look like an idiot? Is Marc going to run out and insert his scrawny ass in between Jennifer and Diane? Maybe Jen and Marc vow never to do GMA again. Who the hell cares? It's not like they were real ratings winners anyway, and you know they won't blow off the network. So, although Jennifer threw Diane and GMA under a bus, Diane should still have asked the damn question.


  1. Agreed..I cannot stand these tv host like Sawyer and Larry King Babs Walters etc. who are way past their sell date asking the lamest questions and belittling the intelligence of their audience.
    When I start to feel like I'm listening in on a conversation between grandad and his grandkids I turn off CNN. I love how they pull Larry out and put in HArvey Levin or Joy Behar when a good guest come on. Larry has been animatronic since about '87 anyway.

    Ok soapbox talk done.

  2. I'm torn here. I can't stand Jennifer Lopez, however, I find Diane Sawyer equally annoying.

    Her not wanting to publicly declare her pregnancy wouldn't be so irritating if she wasn't also in the middle of a tour and thus constantly photographed and constantly promoting herself. Not admitting she's pregnant just comes off as a desperate plea for more attention.

  3. Playing devil's advocate here -- could just be office politics or control-room protocal. Diane's at the mercy of whatever instructions she's getting from the director in the booth.

    He makes her look good -- in exchange she follows his instructions. And the whole Babawawa deal thing may have to do with Network Sales or Daytime Programming weasels or whatever, and she's found it politic to stay removed from their nonsense.

    JLo had probably gotten word that her insurance coverage would be dropped for the tour if she admitted she was pregnant (a high-risk case, at that) in public, and apparently they really need the tour, whether for the record label or money or their marriage or all three.

    Sidebar: Christina Aguilera is Jewish and not young; she's probably not admitting her pregnancy to avoid kinehara (the evil eye) same reason you won't see her having a baby shower.

  4. Had a baby shower already.

  5. If JLo whispered NOT to ask any questions and said the deal was off, then Diane Sawyer didn't know if something went wrong with the deal or the pregnancy, and OF COURSE she wouldn't pursue it.

    And if the scenario was just that - that JLo lost the baby and Diane Sawyer went ahead and asked anyway, you'd be ripping her a new one for THAT.

  6. Anonymous2:11 PM

    She may have been trying to save face for the sake of her job. The reputation of being cooperative might be better behind the scenes for her career, rather than doing the unprofessional thing of pushing it. I would love to see these celebrities to be treated as anyone else, and be put on the spot and not catered to any longer, but I can understand if she was trying to behave for the sake of her job.

  7. "Playing devil's advocate here -- could just be office politics or control-room protocal. Diane's at the mercy of whatever instructions she's getting from the director in the booth."

    "She may have been trying to save face for the sake of her job.

    Didn't see the interview, never watch GMA... but, this is DIane Sawyer? The woman who, when she worked at 60 Minutes and was in a meeting when Bill Paley telephoned for her, she said "Take a message."

    Sad to see how low she's sunk.

  8. Diane's always been a good politician, in the Machivellian sense. She knew Paley was on his way out by that point and was no longer of use to her.

  9. Anonymous4:02 PM

    either as one of the most fascinating people of the year or on the Academy Awards show BJ does.

    see, now this is where I get confused..."most fascinating people of the year"....JLo? Yeah?

    I'm lost...;)
