Monday, October 15, 2007

How Did You Spend Your Friday Night?

2:18a.m. It's there. Embedded in my brain. Having drunk myself to sleep in order to control my sleep apnea, a phone call at 2:18a.m was not what I needed. On the other end of the phone was EH. EH is an award winning in a relationship A list television actress and a VERY important client to the place I work. Taking 5% of EH is very nice and very lucrative and I don't think I have ever spoken five words to her. However, it seems as if her regular contact was out of town and for some reason he had left my number on his voice mail if there was an emergency.

This is not uncommon, but generally we advise each other of this in advance so as to avoid trying to see if you really can snort liquor like Prince Harry while you are on call. I actually didn't have any vodka, and the only thing that I hadn't consumed was some cooking sherry. I guess I was doing it wrong because all that happened was that it made me think of food.

Anyway, let's get back to EH. I had never heard her voice in person, but I just knew it was her. Just something about it you know. It seems that EH had been on her way to a friend's house and got stuck in the horrendous traffic jam that happened here in LA Friday night. Basically she was stuck where she was and was going to be there awhile as she had run out of gas and was stopped on the shoulder of the highway which was packed with cars for miles.

She wanted me to come get her. Why not AAA? Why not her boyfriend? AAA's lines were jammed, and her boyfriend didn't know she was going to see this particular friend. Aaaah. So, of course next on her list was her attorney, and when he wasn't around, she naturally assumed I would help her out. She needed to get out of this situation and quickly so her boyfriend didn't catch on and so all the people now getting out of their cars and talking wouldn't recognize her and start taking photos.

But how? The place the accident happened is about 30 miles from my place and from what I had seen on the news earlier had traffic backed up for about 3 or 4 miles before I could get to where she was at.

Of course I was going to help, but I knew this was going to be a nightmare. She is not the friendliest of people, but she was being actress sincere which is much different from real person sincere. I was feeling kind of rude and so I probably wouldn't have suggested it otherwise but I told her she needed to start walking back to this exit which was a few miles south of where she was. Normally it would be suicidal to walk down the shoulder and try and cross the highway, but everyone was completely stopped. Meanwhile I would park at the exit I wanted her to walk to and meet her if she wasn't there when I arrived.

Well, traffic had backed up even more since my last viewing of the news, and so I ended up having to park about 3 miles further south than the exit I told her to wait for me at. So me and my 400 pounds of fat, started huffing it the three miles to where I hope she was. Did I mention the three miles was uphill? When I got to the exit, she was there. I seriously thought she would be waiting in her car and I would have to try and find her amongst all the cars.

When I told her we had to walk three miles or so to get to my car, she said no problem. In fact she looked pretty damn cheerful. It turns out that she had been at an event earlier in the evening and they had been giving out some new kind of vodka. It seems EH had been helping herself to the vodka quite liberally during her wait on the side of the road and during her walking journey. The first bottle was almost gone. That's right, the first. She had another with her.

I had to ask her right away if she ever snorted vodka and she said no, and had never heard of it but was willing to try. Luckily, we were walking and she couldn't figure out how to snort it and all she did was spill the remainder of vodka bottle one on her clothes.

Using that as an excuse to open vodka bottle two, she would take four or five steps and then take a swig. She offered me the bottle, but I only took one swallow. Mainly I took it to be nice, and also because I hadn't brushed my teeth. Hell of a mouthwash that vodka.

She was jabbering about her boyfriend, and the sex she was going to have that night with the other guy and how the other guy was married and his wife was out of town and so they had the chance and it would probably be forever before they could do it again and how she hated all the people on her show except for one person and the only reason I could gather she liked this person was a mutual love for tuna fish sandwiches. She was tired of television and only wanted to do movies. She only wanted to do movies that were filmed in nice places though and outside of LA. She accepted and turned down roles specifically on where they were shooting and didn't care if the script was good or bad. Nice way to make a living.

She asked me about a million times about her car and if it would be ok there all night or if maybe I should stay with it until AAA could come get it, and she would figure out a different way to get home. Like I was going to sit in that damn mess all night, so I lied and said it would be fine. I was 100% sure nothing would happen to it. (It is fine)

When we got to my car, she got in and kept drinking. I advised her that it was against the law for her to drink in the car and she said," f**k it all the cops are at this accident anyway." I asked her where she lived and she told me and thanked God that it wasn't Malibu or anywhere else that wasn't on my way back home. At that point she decided to take a rest.

The seat wouldn't go back far enough to her liking so she decided to take a rest with her head in my lap. Now, I am fairly impotent at the best of times, but at this moment, my built in Viagra came to life at a very inopportune time. My fears that she would notice my two inches were drowned in snores. Here was this gorgeous A list actress with her head in my lap, and of course she is snoring.

When I got to her neighborhood I shook her awake and I could see her trying to put all the puzzle pieces together as I asked her where specifically she lived. She finally got the words to her mouth and I took her home.

There were many steps up to her door, and in my out of shape condition and her staggering there was no way we were going to manage unless I got some help. So, I went up to the door at about 530am and knocked and rang and got her boyfriend out of bed and down the stairs to help. All I said was that she had too much to drink at a party and since our firm represented her I thought it best to get her home safe and that AAA was going to take care of her car.

I don't know what story EH came up with but for her sake I hope it was close to mine.

Now, how was your Friday night?


  1. Anonymous1:29 PM

    HAHA WOW! i have no clue and no ideas. but what a great story for the grandkids.

    btw i made spaghetti for dinner on friday and watched jackass. not nearly as exciting as you.

  2. I'm just gonna guess Claire Danes. She's one of the only ones who has won a TV award who is interesting enough to warrant such a long Blind. I'm not even sure she is A list. I first thought of one of the Desperate Housewives, but none of them fit. I dunno who else I can think of - maybe Katherine Heigl??? That would be an ok guess too.

  3. You know what? I'm officially changing my guess to Katherine Heigl.

  4. All through the posting all I could picture was Rebecca Romijn. But she and Jerry O'Connell are married now, aren't they?

    Yeah, I wouldn't put this past Claire Danes, though.

  5. Katherine Heigl?

  6. Like I said b4 - It's gotta be Katherine Heigl - I can picture her not liking anyone except TR Knight on Grey's and I also googled her name and Tuna and a Peppered Tuna Sandwich came up. How random is that? lol

  7. Anonymous1:48 PM

    It can't be Claire Danes or Teri Hatcher, because I can't see ENT packing wood for either of them.

    Unless Claire Danes has turned out to be far less boring than ENT thought!

  8. if it was KH I would think that she and TRK would not share a mutual love for tuna sandwich but a mutual love for hot dogs. OK. yes, I am 12 years old

  9. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Ok, now, this is a pretty risky BI. I mean, a) this is recent, b) this is a client, c) what happened to "I won't share them if not many people know about it". Seriously. If it were Katherine Heigl ent would be out of a job pretty quickly (that and EH is the name, no way he'd give away her last initial).

    So we're looking for a woman, won an award, has been on a TV show for at least 3 years, and only films outside of CA.

    A look at Getty Images doesn't show any Vodka launches for last Friday.

  10. Anonymous1:59 PM

    And, isn't tuna fish sometimes used to describe the anatomy of a woman? Is it possible that this is a suggestion that EH is bisexual?

  11. So much for attorney/client privilege or confidentiality...oh WAIT...

    Thanks for proving you're not really an attorney Enty!

  12. I don't think it's Claire Danes, she lives in NY most of the time. I think Heigl is a good guess. She's engaged, but maybe Ent thought it would be too obvious if it specified that it was her fiancee rather than boyfriend.

  13. Enty, DS and I are SOOOOOOOOOO calling your ass about a million times while I'm there for CDANCON. (I told you you might regret letting us be friends. Heh.)

    PS: I'm being "blog commenter sincere" which is different from "real Hez sincere". (And it also means I am totally kidding.) ;)

    Funny post. And yeah, I think it's Heigl.

  14. Anonymous2:11 PM

    it can't be Claire Danes because almost all of her work has been in movies since "my so called life" ended.

    if ent's employer is getting 5% of EH's money doesn't that mean that ent works for one of the talent agencies? like William Morris, CAA, and the rest.

  15. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I don't think (and have never thought) ENT is an attorney, I think it is just a cover for what he really does.

    I could be wrong though. It happens often.

  16. HAHAHAHAHA! I love posts like this!
    I think Kathrine Heigl might fit...but I'm hoping its not her.

  17. Really, Ent? Really?!

    Some questions:

    1) Why was EH on the way to her lover's house so late?
    2) Why didn't she call her lover (after all, the wife wasn't home and they were meeting, right?)
    3) How did this A list, recognizable star walk for miles carrying two bottles of vodka (and swigging one) without being noticed, like she initially feared?
    4) Why did she talk about such personal issues to a stranger, and talk about the sex she was going to have with her lover "tonight" when it was early morning and Ent was taking her home where her boyfriend lived?
    5) How would her car being parked where it was and her being delivered home by a stranger help her avoid her boyfriend's suspicions (as was her original problem and reason for calling Ent)?
    6) How would she lay her head on Ent's lap while he was driving without awkwardly inserting it under/between the wheel, especially if he is a whopping 400 pounder?! (I know he claims that as a joke, but you get my drift!)
    and finally, as has been noted,
    7) what kind of idiot risks screwing up his employer's biggest client by blabbing about it on a blog, so that she could get him fired?!

  18. jaime pressley? she has won an emmy. she just had a baby and is engaged to a not-so-cute guy.

    per wireimage, she was out on friday at some smashbox event. entie must fudge some of the facts to keep himself protected so maybe it wasn't necessarily a vodka launch.

  19. Yeah, this one's a little hard to swallow. How would this NOT blow ENT's cover, at least with the person in question?

  20. Damn! intheq posted my exact thoughts.

    Great story though.

  21. Ent, this is a great story. But I think you would've had a heart attack 5 minutes within that uphill walk. Good thing your boobies have beer in them or you could've died!

    I think it's Terry Hatchetface. But then again you don't like her...and I'm only guessing this because I really think she's a lush. But she's not in a relationship. So I'll go with the majority Katherine.

    Goodd story though. I wish my hub would've had his head in my lap...then it would've been a great Friday.

    Wassup Hez. Long time no...typing? That didn't make sense.

  22. I think you are a liar about all of this shit. Even telling details of a specific time on a specific date and what went down would tip off the person the BI is about to your identity.

  23. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Nobody drinks vodka straight out of a bottle. Straight in a martini, on the rocks, sure, but COLD.

    I'm betting the liquor launch wasn't vodka.

  24. If this is true, it is a dead giveaway to your identity, as there were only 2 (and and unknowing bf) people involved. Didn't you just say you don't post blinds like that because they are too trackable? If you aren't lying about this post, you are lying about that one.

    Some people like smoke blown up their ass, but they just like being aware when it's happening.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I doubt 5% of Jaime Pressly is that lucrative..think bigger people.

    Heigl is a good guess but i dont know...cant see her being all rude n shit...or dating a married dude.

    Sandra Oh?
    Felicity Huffman? lol
    Molly Sims

    I'm stuck .

  27. devito's lemoncello launch was recent

  28. Somehow I think the timeline might be slightly warped. I don't think this happened on the 12th.

    As for me, I was at home nursing the worst hangover I have ever had after the rock show I went to in Vancouver on Thursday night. So, not as exciting as yours, but definitely quieter.

  29. after some research i saw launches july, aug, and sept in dif cities but, i def heard something last week as well.. something in conjunction with first show of new season IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA... they were giving away bottles of devito's limoncello at the party, i think....

  30. This definitely happened on the 12th because the big accident he is talking about was on the 5 freeway. It caused/is causing some horrendous consequences for commuters up by Santa Clarita, and I'm pretty sure it happened on Friday night.

    And if it is Katherine Heigl... I think ent works for the Barnes Morris Klein Mark Yorn Barnes & Levine firm, cause I think she's represented by an attorney there.

  31. Hey, homegirl Harriet Hellfire, I'm guessing you were at Turbonegro at the Commodore?

    I wasn't, but my pals were. Sounded like a blast.

    Add you to the list of CDANers in my area, along with bmini, jax and orbison... and I'm sure I'm already forgetting a few...

  32. If ya got a gut of any kind you can't fit a normal size head against your gut and your steering wheel.
    No matter how uplifting you find the experience.

    Frankly, I can't imagine anyone walking down the road during such a LA tie-up drinking vodka and not attracting several lushes for a shot or four. Either someone is telling a story here or the actress must really be a dog not to attract attention esp.w/that booze in tow.

  33. With the accident being around 11pm, I just can't see there being that much traffic at 2:30am when she called for it to be backed up miles and miles. I live in SoCal and I know how bad the traffic is, but not at that time of the morning.

  34. yeah, I find it really hard to believe this blind b/c this would totally blow his cover. Either the details are completely distorted and exaggerated to protect his cover or he just makes these BI's up.

  35. that was too funny for words!!!

    Ok, first off my gut instinct said KH too, just had a hunch. i also think it is tres risky of EL to go and divulge this story so soon after it happened; but hey she aint my client and just as long as his arse doesnt get caught it's all good!

    how was my friday evening? well i had to endure dinner with my parents in law (whom i loathe). Normally this wouldnt be so bad as Cooper's Dad and i would steadily go through enough wine to make it (just) bearable.... unfortunately that's a bit of a no-no since i am expecting again, so i just sat there with a alapped arse look on my face the whole night :) I think my eveing was probably worse than yours ent, sorry!!

  36. Hey.....maybe we could have a meet & greet/drink & gossip with all the CDAN fans in Vancouver!!!!!!

  37. Anonymous5:01 PM

    What about that absinthe launch a week or two ago?

  38. First off this incident did indeed occur Friday night. People have short attention spans around here, I can totally see people out of their cars trying to find out WTF was going on.

    I got into a small traffic jam after a storm and I don't think we were at a standstill for more than two minutes when people started getting out of their cars and walking around.

  39. Hez - was I ever!!! *LOL* It was a great show, and also my first time in Van!

  40. Sally Field has a boyfriend?
    Just jocking.
    Looking at Fridays pictures, she was the only A-lister on a TV show out and about at an event.
    Courtney Cox ha dinner at Nobu, but she as a husband and not a boyfriend.
    Jaime Pressly was at out that night, and dined at Mr. Chow, but is she A-list?

    KH on the other hand was not photographed out and about, and she loves press. Access Hollywood had the story of her scrubs designs on the 12th did they have a launch party for that?

  41. Remember, there is real people sincere, then there is actress sincere and then there is lawyer sincere.

  42. Let's do it when I get back, bmini. I know I'll have WAYYYY more goss to dish then.

    So how about it, Pacific Northwest peeps?

    Holla atcha Hez if you're interested in a Vancouver (BC, not WA, sorry) CDAN gathering/piss-up, maybe the first or second weekend in November?

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. West-side represent! lol

    Ya i'm in..second week of Nov. better as first week is crazy Halloween/shoot em up weekend in Vancouver.

    Let me know peeps!

  45. If it isn't ET blowing smoke again (and all of us inhaling), Calista Flockhart?

  46. hey all the aussies out there (i know there are loads of us) i posted previously about seeing if geography permitting we could arrange a cdancon aussie style?? if so lets try and get this off the ground....

  47. Let's play a game. It's 'Ent is who who claims to be'

    What actress who is A list on a hit series is going to sue him for this story?

    You see if she does, she's admitting that it's true. Thus 'she scarfs alcohol from gigs and has no problem drinking it on the road' and 'she cheats on her bf'

    again; Which actress will sue him over this being made public?


    I go with Katie H

    Some of you really make me wonder about having the sense you think you do.

  48. I just added a new post on the CDANCON blog about other CDAN gatherings in other cities, if anyone cares to continue the discussion over there...

  49. Bless your heart Hez:) Anything in Nashville I would attend. Just went to a party held by my buddy Drew ( this past weekend. We know how to throw parties in music city!


  50. jennifer love hewitt?

  51. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Kim said...
    With the accident being around 11pm, I just can't see there being that much traffic at 2:30am when she called for it to be backed up miles and miles. I live in SoCal and I know how bad the traffic is, but not at that time of the morning.

    4:22 PM

    the hoorendous traffic jam that happened in LA on friday night was the newhall pass tunnel fire. it shut the interstate 5 freeway down until monday morning. if the actress was coming from LA and her fuck friend was in santa clarita she would have been stuck in that traffic jam.

  52. Okay, piping hot out of the oven, the newly-created CDANCON '07 Facebook group is here.

    Open to all FB users, not just those attending the upcoming conference in LA.

  53. Jennifer Love Hewitt and Rosario Dawson were both at a benefit in Santa Monica on Friday night (from which the 405N would be 'all uphill').

    Somehow I can't imagine either of them walking on the freeway swigging from a bottle in those gowns, though.

    (It also seems a little strange that a benefit against domestic violence would be handing out liquor as a parting gift, but hey.)

  54. Re: Sweater's comment

    Assuming your logic, that this writer is a high-powered entertainment lawyer who gets 2:00 AM calls from stars like Katherine Heigl. What would keep her from, not suing, but getting his ass fired when she showed it to her "original attorney" who works for the same firm and trusted Ent to fill in for him? Ent would get fired in a heartbeat, esp. when his "boss" sees the blog and the enormous amount of time he spends not working and revealing client confidences? Ms. Heigl would no doubt fire the company/firm anyway, at the very least just for the creep out factor.

    This site has held my interest for a while but I hate it when the writer insists on trying to sell these tall tales. I can read the site and blinds and try to forget that the writer is claiming to be such a lawyer (it defies logic), but when "he" claims stuff like this and other people seemingly believe it, it makes me question how stupid I must be to read this stuff and be in the minority in the comments. Unless the writer is having a large amount of the comments be from friends/himself and is laughing at the handful of us writing comments.

    Do celebrities of this ilk rely on their attorneys for shit like this? Don't they have a manager, assistant, publicist or hair stylist to turn to in times like this?!

  55. Anonymous10:05 PM

    You all are forgetting something. The actress was piss drunk. She could have had a DUI. She could have been stuck in the traffic jam all night. She could have lost her bf. Etc. etc.

    Anyone picking her up could tell the story, keep her name out of it, and she wouldn't give a crap so long as no one knew it was her.

    What would she sue over? He rescued her from a traffic jam and a possible DUI?

    You don't sue the guy who got your drunk ass home safely. The end.

  56. Who said sue? She wouldn't sue, she would complain to her lawyer, he'd confront Ent, and Ent's actions and blog would get him fired, and she would switch firms. Ent would never work in that town again.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. No way is it Jennifer Hewitt. She's not a list, no matter how many hit series she's in. Claire Danes is NOT a television actress anymore. Jaime P. is engaged or married and has a little baby,. Teri H. doesn't have a boyfriend, Courtney Cox is married and lives in Malibu, and the accident he's referring to was the one on the I5, meaning the traffic was in the valley, or the 101. It's someone who lives in the HH or the valley. I vote Ellen Pompeo, or KH. A lists are short in tv for women.

    I personally think it's Ellen P. because I really like KH but it could be KH too.

  59. I actually can't disagree with your logic Pat, but I will say that Ent has been the first to pop stuff before we see it to be true in the tabloids and on tv.

    To take the logic train even further, for all we know he's an associate in a very large firm, or he works in the mailroom. The hints he gives about himself are that he's huuuuuge (weightwise) and has been married 6 times. I question any law firm to go and interrogate anyone that they employ and expect them to fit that criteria.
    Perhaps this happened to some other lawyer he knows and he's passing it off that way. Maybe he made it up (I don't think so but you never know)

    Either way, from the way she was sipping those bottles of vodka she swiped, I bet when she woke up she wondered

    1) I'm in my bed fully clothed?

    2) wtf happened to my car?

    If you take it all with a grain of salt, it may not do wonders for your health but it sure makes for good reading:)

  60. I'm thinking this story probably happened to a friend/co-worker but not ENT. Something about the way it's written makes me think he's telling someone elses story and changing a few details to cover himself.

    Katherine Heigel is a good guess although she comes across as being pretty down to earth.
    Who's won Emmy's lately?

    Oh and def not Molly Sims - ENT loves her ans she is super lovely by all accounts. She's not award winning either.

  61. I'm thinking this story probably happened to a friend/co-worker but not ENT. Something about the way it's written makes me think he's telling someone elses story and changing a few details to cover himself.

    Katherine Heigel is a good guess although she comes across as being pretty down to earth.
    Who's won Emmy's lately?

    Oh and def not Molly Sims - ENT loves her ans she is super lovely by all accounts. She's not award winning either.

  62. This BI is fabricated (sorry to burst your stupid-ass bubble, sweater). I enjoy Enty's blog, but I love to call BS when I see it.

  63. sweater - About Ent being right before the tabloids, any examples?

    To be fair, remember there is a disclaimer on the site about stories being untrue. It wouldn't be there if it wasn't.

  64. Anonymous6:33 AM

    ENT's description of himself is about as convincing as Joe Bob Briggs.

    I doubt he is obese or has been married six times. Those are cartoonish, fun bio bits.

    No way is he putting any bonafide personal description on this blog.

    This BI isn't all that far fetched, except the bit about the actress sloshing around with a bottle along the side of the highway for that distance without being recognized or chatted up. Drunk + beautiful + famous + public does not incognito make.

    Still, the BI isn't outrageous and I still don't see any reason why the actress would get all bent about it being on a BI and demand ENT's head on a platter.

    Blowing his cover - possible. But then, if the story is true . . . well who's blowing who?

    So to speak. Ahem.

  65. i think the facts are pretty close but some details changed. i don't think ENT drank himself to sleep then got out of bed and drove 30 miles, for example. but, as with many BLINDS, there are facts mixed with clues........

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. i consider jennifer love hewitt "A "list amoung other "tv" actresses, she's award winning, 5 percent of her income is a considerable sum, she lives with her boyfriend in the toluca lake neighborhood, she is pretty. if she changed clothes after an event i dont think she would be super recognizable walking up the side of a highway after 2:00am......?

  68. Anyone who doesn't believe this story (1) doesn't live in LA, (2) has never had contact with the entertainment industry, (3) has never had contact with the entertainment industry, and (4) has never had contact with the entertainment industry.

    Three miles is probably an exaggeration, but I'm a big girl a bit older than Enty and I've done ten miles once because I had to.

  69. Melody you are such a fucking know it all. I grew up in LA and know the industry very well and I still do not believe this shit.

  70. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I am LOL at all the "angry" people. Get over it, ya big babies.
    I don't believe much of what is printed here, but I find this blog entertaining. If I didn't I wouldn't be reading it.

  71. IMHO, i dont think KH or JLH are A list, even on TV.

    The real point of my post is that Enty chose "EH" to describe this person for a reason and I think the answer lays there.

    Coincidentally, there is an entry about Elizabeth Hurley today. Interesting.

  72. Of course Ent is lying about who he is!!

    Anyone ever think that perhaps this site is run by more than one person? A group of lawyers/managers/whatever would have better stories and might be harder to pinpoint than just 1. They might not even work for the same firm.

    I'm not even going to state that all the stuff on this site is true. Neither is everything you read on CNN. It's skewed b/c no journalist can help but put themselves into their work.

    Anyway, if Elizabeth Hurley had done TV I'd guess her.

    As it is, I'm going with Ellen Pompeo.

  73. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Maryjane, we are all sorry that you are having a shitty day...and that you have no friends.

  74. Anonymous2:59 PM

    guys come on! it's entertainment! this site doesn't even have information that is THAT exclusive, we'd just like to think that way!

  75. Anonymous3:01 PM

    on that note, i don't think it'd be katherine heigl. i think she has a better support system than that. plus, i like her. so, no!

  76. This BI is fabricated (sorry to burst your stupid-ass bubble, sweater).

    Lawlz. You just hurt my stupid assed e-feelings spasuzy.

  77. I grew up in LA and know the industry very well and I still do not believe this shit.

    I suppose the question begs to be asked then. Why are you here?

  78. About Ent being right before the tabloids, any examples?

    Pretty sure he outed the Beckham being nice enough to buy folks halo before the tabloids. Could be wrong though. That's the most recent one. That and the Affleck being really cool to the person who broke down thing.
    I honestly don't follow tabloids but I'm fairly certain I read it here before I saw it on E! online.

  79. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Charlize "Sleaze" Theron fucking around on Stewart "Wifebeater" Townshend.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. dammit, i want it to be nicolette sheridan. not kh.

    though, now that i say that, i've NEVER EVER liked anyone with those initials. so maybe it is her. hrm.

    shitty logic, but meh.

  82. for the record. ENT can be very well a lawyer. Driving somebody home is ok since you dont break any confidentiality. He did not give away anything confidential she told him on the walk. And that what was given could be already known and on its way to the tabloids. Or just supposed, without proof.

    Also, the original lawyer would not be pissed about that. First, he sure had to drive her home more often before so he knows what action it takes. Plus he somehow instructed the firm that in an emergency case they should sent the ent. so he was expecting something like that to happen. Any other paperwork could habe been done the day after.

  83. Uh, yeah, O.K., whatever you want to think!

  84. It's OBVIOUS, dammit. Ent IS EH! He's neither a male nor a lawyer. The truth is revealed.

  85. Totally Nicolette Sheridan

  86. Maryjane, like I said, you don't know what you're talking about. Let's leave it at that.



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