Thursday, October 11, 2007

George Clooney Is That Guy

Angelina Jolie doesn't really like George Clooney and discourages Brad Pitt from hanging around George as much as possible. She made Brad attend the premiere of George's latest film Michael Clayton on his own, and was actually pissed that he did decide to go alone, and not stay home.

George Clooney could be the reason why Angelina was such a bitch to everyone in Cannes and why there were so many breakup rumors swirling around Brad and Angelina at the time. George was everywhere then because of Ocean's Thirteen and she couldn't just send him on his way.

Angelina's hatred of George actually is kind of endearing in a way. It just shows that she is a normal woman who wants to control each and every friend Brad Pitt has in his life. George Clooney is that guy friend you have who never grew up. The one who lived with his parents forever and never got married. The one who would always have four girlfriends at once and would go drinking every night. The one who did things you had only read about in magazines or seen in porn.

You loved the guy, but every girlfriend or wife made you say goodbye to him because they knew he was trouble. I always thought it was kind of likely that said girlfriend or wife was secretly attracted to "that guy" and were afraid something might happen if he was around all the time.


  1. My guy has that friend, I was so happy when we moved and couldn't see "that guy" anymore. I never said he couldn't go and hang out but damn I wanted to.

  2. I agree, there is always "that guy" unfortunatly my boyfriend has a few of them. A few months back, he told me he was ashamed to be with me at first because he was worried about what his friends would "think", since his relationship with his ex seemed more friend than girlfriend based. The one that was the worst at not growing up, actually just got engaged so i always "kindly" point out that people DO indeed settle down.

    Its sad I have to remind that to a 28 year old.

  3. << I always thought it was kind of likely that said girlfriend or wife was secretly attracted to "that guy" and were afraid something might happen if he was around all the time. >>

    I always got the feeling she was attracted to George....

    Perhaps she thinks she has to be even more "vigilant" as she and Brad are not officially married.. toting all those little ones everywhere is a lot of work, and with two parents with active careers its a hell of a lot of commitment and organization. She must LOVE the fact that they're doing yet another film together! At least George has got a booty call to keep him distracted..

    Bottom line - George needs to settle down. With me. My husband won't mind.

  4. Oooh, great insight, Ent. My friend has a "that guy" and she used to want to sleep with him. Now she won't let her husband near him. Denial!

  5. Why doesn't she just go ahead with a threesome and get it over with?!?!?

  6. Anonymous11:19 AM

    It just shows that she is a normal woman who wants to control each and every friend Brad Pitt has in his life.

    So......"normal" women like to control their husband's/boyfriend's lives???? I suppose I'm not normal then...(though I kind aknew that already...)

  7. it's also highly likely that said g/f or wife worries that their hubby might have a little man crush on Georgie.

    Hey, if Angelina is the chick who could flip women to the other team, THEN George is the guy who could flip men.

  8. I agree with kellysirkus. Actually, in the photo Brad and George look like they could be two guy men.

  9. Or George turned her down... and she is still mad about it. haha!

    Yet, a woman who openly carries on a affair with a married man. Gets knock-up months before his divorce is final. She really is in no place to judge others.

  10. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I don't think its so much a need to "control" as it is a realization that nurturing that kind friendship is not really conducive to a stable family life.

  11. Anonymous4:14 PM

    "It just shows that she is a normal woman who wants to control each and every friend Brad Pitt has in his life."
    I'm not sure what you meant by that, Ent (I often have trouble figuring out what you are trying to say), however, if it means what I think it means, then I now understand why you have been married 6 times.

  12. My first boyfriend had one of those guy friends too. God, it was irritating!
    And yep, I think I was secretly attracted to the bastard :( Damn

  13. Also, George seems like the type that would not be impressed by or worship AJ. Might even make fun of her in front of Brad, in a teasing kind of way. She knows that Brad could be tempted to have a much-too-much-fun type of weekend out with George.

    She's used to being put on a pedestal, and George does not share the pedestal with women. He does not take much seriously. It's a power struggle between two strong, enormously attractive people. Yikes, can you imagine if those two ever got together?
