Friday, October 12, 2007

Four For Friday

#1 Big day for cheating. But probably the biggest was this married former A list award winning actor, and now a B lister with A list name recognition. Got back to his hotel the other night and was feeling a little lonely without the missus who is also an actress around so he dialed up some strippers for his room. Two came to the room and spent most of the night there. Don't know if there was sex involved or just a show.

#2 Our other cheater didn't actually manage to succeed, but I guess it is still considered cheating. He, is a married A list director. His goal was this A list actress. The married director got a little tipsy, well maybe drunk off his ass would be a better word, and started hitting on our A list actress over and over. What started out as innocent flirtation, by the end of the night became our director promising to leave his wife and give up everything if he could only be with the A list actress. Throughout the night he tried to keep putting his arm around the actress and also kept going in for kisses. The actress laughed it off for most of the night, but when the director started pawing her, she got pissed and warned him she would call his wife if he tried anything more.

#3 This absolute stunner of a B list film actress looked even more gorgeous the other night in her full length evening gown. What didn't look so good was her doing line after line of coke in the restroom, and then falling down on said restroom floor right in a puddle of water. The $10,000 dress was ruined which didn't make the designer happy either.

#4 This washed out female singer has been suffering from the drug abuse flu and a breakup with her wandering eyed actor boyfriend.


jax said...

Ooh looky me posting first.
1- David Duchovny? saw a BI on Perez close to this.
2- Mel Gibson? Ron Howard lol?
3- Eva Mendes
4- Asshole Simpson

jin said...

1- ben affleck?
3- eva mendes: hupocrite and nasty bitch making fun of joaquin phoenix's addcitiong at a press conference
4 - dunno if this is asshole b/c is weeny wentz an actor? but she is a pillhead for sure (look pappa joe, no pupils!)

me said...

with you on eva for #3, and i vote lily allen for #4

jax said...

oops missed the actor part on #4.

OK #4 could be...Fergie?
Is she washed out or did she just piss herself again?

jbeebs said...

#4 Fergie ?

jax said...

Lily Allen is dating one half of the Chemical Bros. and has lost tons of weight looking great again from hypnosis. Not her.

GammaGirl said...

I thought Fergie for #4 too! but now there are new reports that she and Duhamel are "engaged." Pete Wentz isn't an actor so

1. SO David Duchovny. Isn't he rumored to be a major asshole?
3. I hate to admit it, but eva mendes is a VERY GOOD guess.

Kevin said...

I thought of Fergie for 4 too, as didn't she recently have to stop a show in Asia, because she had "food poisoning". I have no idea about Josh D though.

Tim said...

Has David Duchovny ever been considered A list?

trashtalker said...

#2 - Is Woody Allen A-list? Maybe him and Scarlett?

#1 - Ent says "the biggest" example of cheating...which makes me think it's not Duchovny. Would that be huge? I think it would be "big" if it were Affleck.

Tracee said...

Wow. Some really good guesses that I didn't even think of.

#1-Affleck loves the strippers.

#2-Woody smells about right. Scarlett has that hot piece of ass RReynolds to keep her warm at night. (sigh)

#3-No clue

#4-Shite, Fuggie Fug fits. I mean there's proof that the she pissed her pants and Josh has to act like it's cool? Uh-uh. It's her.

Lana M. said...

#1 is Affleck, Jennifer is out of country doing press for The Kingdom

Unknown said...

#3 I know this sounds crazy and I know I'm gonna get slammed for this but I think its Sharon Stone. Look at this pic which was from an event that was taken the other night: Tell me that she doesn't look good in it!! I would never consider her an 'absolute stunner' but some people do. She's B list (in my opinion) and she looks f**king gorgeous in that dress and its a full length gown. And I would bet money that she does do drugs.

Unknown said...

1. hmm... ben affleck still seems to be hanging on to a-list. especially now with all the great press on gone baby gone. that makes me lean towards duchovny.

2. so many cheating directors... can we get a more concrete hint??

3. eva. we already know entie thinks she is a dream, so the wording "even more gorgeous" seals the deal there for me.

4. can't think of any other tweaked out singers with cheating boyfriends so fergie wins by default

don't read said...

There's a video somewhere of Fergie not participating in a recent Black Eyed Peas concert, but instead coming out in the middle of it to apologize for being sick and doing one, horrendous song.

Right on the money!

Unknown said...

When Ent did the blind item of Eva prancing around Starbucks, didn't he refer to her as A list?

Anonymous said...

He did, Ronni. I don't think Eva Mendes is #3.

The B lister must be seriously up and coming to get the $10,000 loaner dress.

Then again, I thought Kay Kendall was Timmy, so I'm not exactly Scotland Yard . .

Anonymous said...

#4 Def Fergie - she missed the recent concert, but also wasn't there a BI not too long ago about an actor and actress, both with significant others, from a summer film spending quite a bit of time in a limo together - the guesses at the time were Josh and Megan Fox. That would be the wandering-eyed BF.

Anonymous said...

I wondered if Megan Fox was the B lister in the gown. I'm actually looking at gossip reports of actresses showing up in fab gowns

Unknown said...

The first person I thought of for the "stunner" was Megan Fox. Acetomato, if you find anything about her & she's in a gown, I'm sold. ;)

ablake said...

Has Duchnovey ever won an award?
I'm thinking Affleck.

Could be wrong but wouldn't be a bit more catty if 2 was Gibson? Something about having problems with alcohol in the past?

ablake said...

Also Fergie is actually doing really well with her song "Big girls don't cry" she even got a deal with Candies shoes out of it. So I doubt she qualifies as 'washed out' at this point in time.


Unknown said...

Finally, one I can blame Affleck for and feel good about!

I agree with the Whitney guess for #4. Though it COULD be Britney...she's supposedly got "pink eye" and didn't she have a falling out with that guy she's been hanging with recently?

Unknown said...

Gibson's problems with alcohol are in the past AND present.

Hez said...

DutchOven is legendary here in Vancouver for his insatiable appetite for strip clubs during his time on X-Files. Dunno if he fits everything for #1, but he's as huge a fan of the "ballet" as B-fleck.

And for #4, I think we (I) have to be careful confusing "washed out" with "washed up"...

Unknown said...

It's not Duchovny. Why would he need a hotel room if he lives in LA? The missus isn't out of town.

It's Affleck. His strip club visits in Vancouver finished off Bennifer I.

captivagrl said...

#1 - tom hanks ( in the movie bachelor party he didn't sleep with the strippers either ) #2 spielberg/cate blanchet (new indiana film ) #3 eva mendes. #4 miss fergie.....?????

Beth said...

Fergie's career is doing great and she and Josh are still together. Not her. Think someone with way less hits.

I'll bet anything that #3 is someone who was at the Monique Lhuhllier flagship store opening this week. A lot of actresses showed up for it, all wearing her fabulous evening gowns. Monique was there so she would have known immediately and been unhappy about it on the spot. It HAS to be that party. Otherwise falling in some water wouldn't get back to a designer until well after the event. But if the designer was AT the event, they'd be on the spot pissed off.

Here's a link to the many gorgeous actresses in fabulous gowns. Which one do we think it is?

Beth said...

Okay, maybe it is Eva. Here she is in a great long gown on Oct. 11th.

Anonymous said...

Arrivals at the Monique Lhuillier Salon opening on Getty Images. Don't know who Jessica Collins is, but if you want my opinion on who looks gacked out in a gown that might hit that price tag, it's her or Michelle Trachtenberg.

If our #3 is at the Monique L show at all . .

chickenrotini said...

lol Hez. No. 5 Orange anyone?

Mother Campfire said...

I'm voting Michelle. She does not look comfortable. Pupils are perfect, cheeks flushed. Smile is totally forced. That's blow.

Karen said...

#4 Jessica Simpson. Really pale looking lately.

#3 Eva Mendes

#2 Mel Gibson drunk off his ass again.

#1 Ben Affleck

Anonymous said...

1. Tom CRUISE. The strippers were male and CRUISE takes it up the ass. Tom CRUISE - get it?

2. Opie and Charlize Theron.

3. Catherine Zeta Jones.

4. Crackwhore Whitney Houston.

Cute Little Redhead said...

My comments might make some mad but I just have to say this! I read this blog all the time and love it...but the comments often drive me crazy!

Like with Fergie...why does everyone have to be so mean about her? What has she done that's so bad? She works hard...she sings
...she has a really hot boyfriend
...and that's it! I never hear about her drunk in clubs or flashing her ladybits everywhere like some do. Just because people think she isn't "hot" they feel free to make fun of her. Not cool.

That is just the tip of the iceberg. I read so many cruel comments about celebrities and it bugs me because none of us really know what any of these people are REALLY like and it's irritating for some to speculate and be so mean just for fun. It's cruel and's distracting from why we are all really here.

I thought we were here to figure out the blind items and have a little FUN with it...not have a free-for-all seeing how many people WE DON'T KNOW that we can insult.

Just my humble opinion.

Cute Little Redhead said...

Since I will already be on the "bad" list with some here...I might as well get it all out while I can.

I also dislike when people use the derogatory names for people like "Asshole" Simpson or
"Chestica" Simpson instead of just using their real names. To me that is just showing that the person writing is the immature one and's being mean.

Let's take Ashley Simpson for example. Is she doing anything that is impacting the lives of anyone out here? A far as I can tell...she is dating Pete Wentz and occassionally going out. That hardly seems criminal or reason to slam her.

Even if she was putting out an album....and you felt her music was anyone forcing you to buy it or listen to her songs?

I just wish we could discuss the celebrities without all the HATE getting in the way.

captivagrl said...

good god GRACIE

We're Like This said...

#1 is definitely Hanks- the first word in the BI is Big- as in his breakthrough film.

Unknown said...

#4 is NOT Whitney. Bobby Brown is NOT an actor. He's a singer!

audrey said...

Isn't Ray Ray or Ray J or whoever she was banging since her divorce--Brandy's brother and actor? And yeah it could be her. The rest--who knows--all the usual suspects have been guessed.

jp said...

gracie is the new "LEAVE FERGIE ALONE!" internet sensation

Unknown said...

#1 : Ben Affleck
#2 : Steven Spielberg
#3 : Eva Mendes
#4 : Fergie and her hot but what else boyfriend.

TaterOnTheCouch said...

What's funny is that Gracie blasted people for using nicknames for celebrities but didn't even spell Ashlee Simpson's name right.

Moonmaid said...

I think Gracie has a point. The amount of venom I see directed at celebrities is completely overblown. us who make them famous.

I think venom should be reserved for hypocrites and bigots like Mel Gibson (who I used to love, btw), not the merely slightly annoying and foolish like Ashlee Simpson.

Maja With a J said...

I know it says "washed out" and Fergie is actually doing quite well at the moment...but the comment about "the flu" made me think it was her for number 4, because of that B.E.P. show the other week where she came out and sand one song saying that she won't cancel a show like "those other bitches", claiming she had food poisoning.

Anonymous said...

Nah, Ben A. is riding high on his career and family, he wouldn't do something stupid like that anymore.

Duchovney, on the other hand...but when was he ever A-list?

Unknown said...

Audieh1, even though Ray J only acted on Moesha (due to a clause in her contract that her brother MUST appear on the show), he's still known as a singer.

Stop trying to force Whitney as #4!

Virgo74 said...

I am gonna go with Ducovny for #1. This was on Perez Hilton

2. Michael Bay???

3. Eva

4. Fergie Ferg.............

Snautrag said...

Affleck for number one seems too easy. I'm going with Hanks because of the two references to Big and biggest.

Reece for number 2?

I'm going with Uma. Lots of rumblings about her and her Eurotrash bf.

Ferg has had drug problems in the past so she could have relapsed. But the washed out reference makes me think of someone with a Loreal contract or something.....

Kory said...


As a meanie on this board, I can't get over how naive you are Gracie. Most of these people in Hollywood are ASSHOLES! They are spoiled rotten people who think that they can do whatever they want when they want.

So when I say that Megan Fox is no way a stunner as she looks like one step above prison dyke, I say it because it's true. I live in this hell of a mess known as Hollywood, so I get to see it. You don't.


Unknown said...

Sorry, but I think Gracie has a point as well. Most celebrities arent critisised over their genuinely 'asshole' behaviour because most of us have NO IDEA how someone behaves in real life except through these blogs. And lets face it, most of the gossip items about these celebrities should be taken with a grain of salt.

The main reason for critising the celebs is often over their appearance. We are SCATHING over how someone looks in a photo but if we were honest with ourselves most of us would be grateful to look like most celebrities on their worst day let alone their best.

Having said that, I will totally contradict myself by saying that I am shocked an appalled that some people are celebrities in the first place. Stupidity is celebrated and talentless twats are making millions of dollars. *sigh*.

As you were. LOL. ;)

Hez said...

Kory, as Dotty P famously said, "if you don't have anything nice to say, come sit next to me."

And it should be noted that with rare exceptions, most of these nasty nicknames - Chestica, Fuggie - all come from other websites. But hey, if the "Laboutin" fits...

It is simply part of the fame cycle to tear down those whom we have built up - you'll sooner find the lost city of Atlantis than make human beings stop being true to their nature in that regard. A few studies are even beginning to show similar social tendencies among primates as well.

Personally, I like my gossip with bite... If you want to see celebrities treated with kid gloves and fawned over for their precious talents [*snort*], you are seriously not in Kansas anymore, Gracie. The intertubes are a dark place sometimes, sunshine. There's always Larry King and People and for folks that need a little softer focus.

And hey, at least this blog doesn't have puerile comments drawn on the photos and a steady diet of "whoops, forgot my panties" shots. The commenters may be venomous, but I do appreciate that the EL himself is mainly just snarky, as opposed to hateful.

Because yeah, that's OUR job. ;)

captivagrl said... my great aunt margaret always said....shut up and have another highball and while your at it bring me one is to short, have fun enjoy and don't take yourself or anyone else to seriously (wording,spelling, content, grammer, etc.) this is a great site...have fun, be nice, take a good guess......

wineaux said...

washed out - 1 : faded in color 2 : depleted in vigor or animation : exhausted

washed up - no longer successful, skillful, popular, or needed 'washed–up athletes', 'a washed–up actor'

who's looking pale lately?

1. afflack
2. woody/scarlett (she's the only one that likes him enough not to walk away and completely drop him AND i could easily see his whiny ass saying those things to her...he loves the youth! charlize on the other hand is a self-righteous bitch who wouldn't have sat around long enough to have it go to the second level.
3. eva mendes...looking kinda thin lately. and she's the type of hypocrite that would slam joaquin's drug use and then turn around and use the strawberry quick herself (for weight control, you know).
4. washed out...jess is looking pale these days but she's not or was dating an actor. anyone else staying away from the orange bronzer?

Anonymous said...

Hez, we need to fuck. I want to eat your pussy and make you cum.


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