Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Diane Sawyer Joins The Larry King Club

I never thought Diane Sawyer would be joining the Larry King Club. Of course for all of you not familiar with the Larry King Club it is a club started and run by Larry King and his fellow founder Barbara Walters. It consists of reporters and magazines such as People which take out kneepads for their celebrity interviews rather than taking out a pen.

On Tuesday morning Diane Sawyer had Jennifer Lopez on live television on Good Morning America. A real journalist would have asked the question everyone wants to know about Jennifer Lopez' possible pregnancy. Diane Sawyer on the other hand chose to drop to her knees.

Diane -"All right, all right, I know what everybody's asking, and I know you have so little privacy in your life ... so, I'm just going to say, 'How are you?' "

Lopez: "I'm very well, thank you. This is really, really a great, happy time in my life. ... Everything's great."

Diane taking the privacy route was a total bail out. Jennifer Lopez was just on your damn show singing a song in order to get publicity. If she wanted damn privacy she would stay at home knitting baby booties and fending off Skeletor's cigarette and coffee breath advances. Jennifer Lopez came on GMA, and allowed herself to be questioned. Diane Sawyer for reasons only known to her, gave in. If Paris Hilton had been on the show, Diane Sawyer would have probably asked her how her "vacation" was.

Celebrities go on shows to promote and to get publicity. There is an exchange for that for the networks or media outlets that is not just about having the stars on your programs, it is about them answering the questions that everyone wants to hear. Diane Sawyer is no longer a journalist, and that is something I never thought I would write.


Leah said...

I agree about Diane -- she should've asked the question. But this was a negotiated and finalized point prior to the show by J Lo's PR people and GMA producers.

__-__=__ said...

Diane Sawyer hasn't been a journalist since the Jennifer Aniston interview. Probably even before but less noticeably. She's a hack.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Leah that the baby question being off-limits was a negotiated point prior to the interview, but think GMA should have washed their hands of JLo, rather than sign. They lost cred by not asking the one question everyone wants to know - their kneepads were clearly exposed.

link88 said...

Get real, Ent. Whether or not JLo is pregnant, which is obvious to everyone, is hardly "hard-hitting" news. JLo is not a political figure or someone we have the "right" to know about her personal life because it affects us somehow. There is such a thing as common decency (even in journalism)and if they agreed to avoid the topic for JLo's privacy as far as the details of a pregnancy, it hardly makes Diane Sawyer "no longer a journalist" when she doesn't rudely violate that agreement and put JLo in a tough spot by demanding to know about her private life outside of music/acting. Since when does a performer electing to perform for publicity have to open up their very personal life for our voyeuristic amusement?

Rare Avis said...

I agree with Ent. She has been performing in TIMES SQUARE on national television. This is ridiculous. She should have asked the question or she shouldn't have done the interview. She looks like a J to the ello made a fool out of Diane.

jax said...

Noah...when you get paid millions of dollars to lipsynch and bad act most of your life..privacy is the exchange. We all know this so it shouldn't be too much of a shock to you.

If J-Lo wants to give up the mansions, the bentleys, the couture, the diamonds the fur and all the special perks and go back to making $8/hour..she can gladly have her privacy back.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Noah. I mean, who really gives a shit?
Soon enough it will be very obvious that she is pregnant, and then we can get back to our lives.

link88 said...

So everyone would admire Diane Sawyer if she put JLo on the spot about being pregnant just to have JLo look uncomfortable and coyly say there are certain things she'd rather not discuss right now? That is so stupid.

JLo obviously said beforehand that she wouldn't answer the question, and GMA agreed to that in order to do the interview. GMA is the one pursuing the ratings by having JLo on. It's a mutually beneficial situation. And while I agree, Jax, that celebrities who put themselves in the limelight (through acting, music, etc.)have to forego total privacy, it doesn't mean that we have the right to demand immediate knowledge of every intimate detail of their lives. You act like the fact that they have a lot of money, from lots of us paying for their product/performance, means that they have also been paid to open up every detail of their lives - I don't agree with that. Obviously if I look at a gossip site, I don't think celebrities should have complete privacy, but I think it's a bit immature to call Diane Sawyer a hack journalist just because she's not demanding JLo spill her news about her pregnancy. Put it in perspective.

By the way, if Ent. continues to get traffic, for his blinds and gossip, and advertisers start paying him big bucks and his "Ent" persona gets well-known, by your logic, don't we have the RIGHT to know who he is, how old he is, what he looks like, what sex he prefers, whether he is married or has been and whether his girlfriend is pregnant or not, etc. etc.? I wonder if Ent would criticize Diane Sawyer if she respected "his" private persona for the blog and didn't demand details if she called him up for a phone interview someday? Maybe someday he will respect her if she uncovers who is behind this website and whether it is indeed an LA lawyer with inside knowledge or just a fake from Canada or someplace?

anon said...

So *sshole. It's not Columbus Day. Everyone thought since it was Columbus day all of your loyal readers was too busy celebrating (?!)Columbus day, and that's why you lost all of your readers. I think it's because you are an *sshole, who lied to us countless times. No one reads you any more. You made up DS (or whatever the hell initials you designated to her), you made up the MV fake-singer, you made up TIMMY- and now you look like the BIGGEST BLOGGING *sshole ever. You're "devoted" readers are what--- 3 people now? NO ONE cares what some fake-ass lawyer thinks, because we all know you don't even write this shit anymore. At least when there were "trolls" your f'ing site was getting some kind of traffic. Now you get NOTHING buddy. 1 or 2 comments at tthe most? Reinvent yourself and start another website. YOU SUCK NOW!!! And I'm going to laugh for days about how horrible you've become. And you can act like you know celebrities, but it just makes you look like the loser you are! Ha!

Jeff said...


califblondy said...

Disgruntled exes can be so catty. Enty, you might need to up the alimony for this one.

Anonymous said...

I just don't care! About JLo, that is. She's pregnant. So are about 34 million other women on the planet right now.

Unknown said...

I agree with jax.

Miss X said...

I watched Dave Letterman tonight and he tried to get it out of her by talking about kids & her being a parent someday but she wouldn't budge. The girl is so pregnant.

Maybe Marc isn't the father? Heehee.


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