Monday, October 01, 2007

David Hans Schmidt

In case you had not heard which is doubtful since you are a very well read bunch, David Hans Schmidt took his own life this past weekend at his Arizona home. David Hans Schmidt was the photographer who plead guilty to extorting money from Tom Cruise with some secret wedding photos he had taken. Mr. Schmidt was also a well known celebrity sex tape broker and arranged for the distribution of Gennifer Flowers' Penthouse cover, Tonya Harding’s wedding night video, Paris Hilton’s private diaries, nude shots of Private Jessica Lynch, Amber Frey, and Jamie Foxx, as well as the sex tapes of Colin Farrell and Dustin Diamond.

I have received many e-mails from lots of readers this weekend asking about Mr. Schmidt and his death, and at this time I really don't have anything to add to what has been written about in news reports. I just thought I would respond this way because there are just too many e-mails about it to respond individually to each.


  1. Anonymous12:35 PM

    This may sound callous, but I really cannot believe he would kill himself without writing a tell-all book first.

    Seriously, the dirt he must have known about all sorts of people, not to mention what kind of stuff was on his hard drive.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. national enquirer had an interesting comment *granted the source* saying that he had been found hanging from his bathtub which was rather short? or something like that?

  4. Was he hanging naked? If so, he might have been into that autoeroticasphixiation (my spelling sucks) shit.

  5. Oh good call spasuzy! Either that or the minature scie****gist doing the hit was too short to fix him up higher.

  6. This is interesting......ms_wonderland does not spell out the whole name. Are you afraid of copyright/trademark infringement? OR using the "***" like it is a cuss word? LMAO.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I am not saying shit about a certain organization that shall remain nameless.

    I would also like to express to the world that Tom Cruise is my FAVORITE FAVORITE ACTOR and he can do no wrong and he should probably run for president or something.

  9. More food for me.
    Can I have his car?

  10. Scientology hit. Don't mess with Xenu or their goon squad will come after you.

    I'd love to know what the photos showed. If it was just regular wedding photos, who'd care. There had to be something pretty incriminating stuff on there for him to try to blackmail Cruise.

  11. thanks for all your posts ENT and thanks for the update...

    look after yourself!!

  12. he "pled" or "pleaded" guilty, you mean

  13. I was actually wondering if he was the photog who was the subject of Ent's blind item who was outside that house waiting for "THE" photo. And I was also wondering if saying the photos were from Cruise's wedding was actually a cover-up for the damaging photos, which all of us thought might be of him and a man together once Katie left the house. Didn't Ent say that the photog was in negotiations with the actor? Then right after Ent said that, this story came out about THIS photog and the wedding photos. I always thought it was a coincidence. I'm not so sure. Could it be that THIS is the photog who was waiting outside the house and got "THE" photo he was looking for and Cruise had his goons "take care" of the situation to protect his image??

  14. It has to be that guy EL was talking about... why do you think he's been so quiet about it?? Xenu knows all... he's watching you right nooooow... Man that's creepy.

  15. you guys really dont know much do you he didnt take any pics of tom cruise someone brought the pics to him and he did write a book its called dead dogs burning



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