Tuesday, October 23, 2007

David Duchovny Is An Idiot

David Duchovny lives in Malibu. Firemen wanted his family, including actress wife Tea Leoni to evacuate from their home while it was safe to leave. David Duchovny said no, and that he and his family would stay and wait things out.

Fire fighters have been told by officials not to force people to leave their homes because there are just too many fires and not enough time or people to fight the fires as it is. You just tell people to leave, and if they don't, they don't.

Most people die in these types of fires because they ignored warnings and when they finally decided to leave, it was too late and are surrounded by flames. Being surrounded is how most firemen are killed as well.

David Duchovny has a wife and child, and for better or worse this story will spread and people will see it and say, "hey that X-Files fella and his wife decided to stay in place. They even have a kid so I'm sure we will be ok also."

This is a time when you can make a difference as a celebrity. Firefighters are stretched thin, and don't have time to plead for people to evacuate. David could get on television right now and tell people to listen to firefighters and evacuate, but instead is stubborn and refuses to move.

Hope no one follows your example and dies David.


  1. Dumbass. Has he never watched the Discovery channel? Don't mess with fire or you'll end up a crispy critter. You're right Ent about him influencing other people, and apart from that, how dare he risk his kid's life?

  2. They actually have two children, a daughter and a son.

  3. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Having kids is more reason to get them out to safety. Guess he is a tight wade not wanting to spend money at a hotel or something.

  4. Calm the hell down.

    His wife and kids are in NYC. Tea Leoni is filming a movie there right now and they're with her. He did a podcast for some TV columnist from his house yesterday, promoting the finale of his Showtime show, and mentioned that.

    And he's not stupid. I'm sure if it got really bad, he'd leave, but since he was just sitting at his house watching the news, I don't think it was as dire for him personally as E! or whoever first did this story is making it out to be.

  5. His family is in NY....hmmm...I wonder where his "tennis instructor" is....

  6. Right on Jessica....I am living thru these fires...his family is not around, and he is not placing anyone in danger. They have asked for VOLUNTARY EVACUATIONS....much different than MANDATORY....MOST of my neighbors are gathering their important belongings, putting them in their car...AND STAYING, unless it changes to MANDATORY.....Ent...love ya....but please get your facts straight.

  7. Ya there was a lot of people in New Orleans who didn't evacuate either.

    Look how THAT worked out.

  8. my heart goes out to anyone that is going thru the fires right now... i have been glued to cnn for the last several days watching this... the thing they keep saying is that even though you may not be in the line of fire at this moment, bc of the shifting winds, that could change on a dime!

    he may not feel that he is putting anyone in harm's way, BUT he is. if he doesnt evacuate, he is risking firefighter's lives that could end up having to try to save him if his house does catch fire. and imo... since he does have two children he should def not risk being there... even though the kids are in nyc, they still need their dad. his first concern should be his safety FOR his kids.

  9. apparently his house IS in danger:


  10. FYI...This is how it is working...

    First, we got a reverse 911 call saying " Please be aware your area is a POSSIBLE threat area"....we will call you if the threat becomes real"

    Next, we got a reverse 911 call saying..."we consider the POSSIBLILITY that your area COULD be in danger if the fires get worse...we will let you know if evacuations in your area become mandatory, however, anyone that would like to evacuate VOLUNTARILY is eligible to go to our evacuation centers."

    -No one that receives this message is getting the feeling that by waiting for the next phone call is putting lives in danger.

  11. linda- arent you guys scared that since the winds are shifting so fast that an ember could just come your way?

  12. IMO, the policy should be if Firefighters direct a homeowner to evacuate and they refuse, if/when the fire overcomes the property, ABSOLUTELY no effort should be made to save the lives of the people inside. Period. Let the idiot stand out there with his garden hose.

  13. Unfortunately, we have been thru the fire threats before. This time is the worse that I have experienced, but the Fire department is SO CAUTIOUS, they keep residents very updated on what the status is....They really are to be applauded for their keeping everyone updated on the threat.

  14. i have to say ive never really been a governator fan, but i'm watching him on cnn right now and i am really impressed.

    hoping every one continues to stay safe... it seems like everyone is really taking heed of the warnings...for all of the devastation that is occurring, it really is amazing that there have only been two fatalities.

  15. well, I am here and I have family in Orange County and San Diego. Two friends have already lost their homes, and most of my family is evacuated. I am at the Ventura/LA line just inland from Malibu. We are housing the evacuees from Malibu here at Agoura High. In EVERY county right now the firefighters are telling everyone to evacuate and if you don't YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. If you call 911 (if you can get through) they are not coming back for you. And they are making that very clear to everyone. So he really is an idiot!

  16. If his area was Mandatory, I agree....I am sorry for your friends....but they probably went thru the same reverse 911 process...and that is why they are safe.....Your family and friends are in my prayers Kellysirkus...I have several friends that have lost their homes as well, and my mother is on the first reverse 911 call....Our area seems to be okay for now.

  17. Hey, kellysirkus, that's just terrible about your friends losing their homes. Same kind of devastating fires happened in my hometown a few years back, and the ripples are felt in the community for a long time to come.

    Good on you for pulling together, and I hope you and the others supporting you are able to keep doing what you're doing. I'm sure even if they can't express it right now, it means everything to the poor, stunned evacuees.

    xo Hez

  18. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I hope all CDAN'ers get through this okay. Thoughts and prayers.

  19. Thank you brendalove...I appreciate that...we are all trying to pull together as a community, and my brother is a police officer helping with the evacuations,......he is exhausted.

  20. Maybe he's got this:


  21. I'm sorry, but I honestly think it's overstating the stupidity of people to think they would look at what one b-lister is doing and then decide to do the same thing. Otherwise, wouldn't many of us be going out in a dinghy for six with our hair stylist, camera person, p.r. person and wardrobe person and room to save one more ala Sean Penn?

    I'm praying for those of you living through this nightmare, I just don't think the public is going to take their lead from DD. Seems like EL is stretching for something to write about these days.

  22. Glad those in the fire zone are doing well. Thankfully the Santa Barbara fire is now contained (I wasn't in the path of it, fortunately) and I am grateful that my San Diego (Rancho Santa Fe and La Jolla) relatives are all safe. if you are so inclined say a prayer or hold good thoughts for all of those involved, especially the firefighters.

    It has been really heartening to see how well this whole thing has been managed; stellar jobs done all around. Glad my tax dollars are doing something positive. Private sector has been incredible as well. Very proud of my fellow Californians in this situation.

  23. Californians, we're wishing the best for you. Hang in there!

  24. Everyone in SoCal are in my thoughts and prayers.

    My cousin lives in San Diego, so I am very worried about him.

  25. A friend of mine e-mailed DD's manager to ask if he's OK.

    Almost immediately, she e-mailed back that everyone is safe.
