Friday, October 19, 2007

David Copperfield Accused Of Rape

The reason all those FBI agents are swarming all over David Copperfield's warehouse in Las Vegas is that he has been accused of rape by a Seattle woman. She alleges that David Copperfield raped her while both were in the Bahamas, but didn't report it until she got back to Seattle. Because of that, Seattle police called in the FBI.

Rape is a horrendous crime and should be investigated thoroughly. However, there were 12 FBI agents who participated in the raid on the warehouse. Twelve federal agents accompanied by local police means either there is a bunch more going on here than a rape charge, or the Las Vegas FBI office had nothing better to do and thought they could all pay a visit to the warehouse known as the International Museum & Library of the Conjuring Arts which very few people have ever got to visit.

It seems that if this were strictly a rape case, you wouldn't even need to raid the warehouse unless the rape involved something from his act.


  1. maybe it was just an illusionary rape

  2. Kellysirkus - did David make your good taste disappear?

  3. Littleoleme and with it your sense of humour!

    Yes rape is serious we all get it.
    So serious in fact she waited until her fantastic sunny vacation was well over and home before she reported it.
    You know..after she never heard from David again.

  4. It's hard enough dealing with the beaurocracy of the US when it comes to rape charges let alone pressing charges in a foreign country. Her waiting until she was home didn't seem that odd to me.

    People complain that famous people get off easy in court, yet at the same time, whenever there is a case involving rape/sexual assault people question the validity of the charge. They automatically assume there is some desire for money/revenge on the part of the woman. It's really disturbing to me.

  5. From what I've heard of the Bahamian police/justice system this woman was smart to wait until she could report the alleged rape in the US.

  6. I've worked with rape victims before in a previous career...and yes it does seem odd to me that she waited until the end of her vacation and talked to her American Lawyer.

    I'm sorry but if I were raped I dont think im going to stick around drinking pina calodas on the beach.And yes I am a woman and I can tell you,you wouldnt beleive how many investigations center on "morning after regret"

    If he is guilty may he burn in hell..but i'm not on board 100% yet.

  7. I'm not buying this story. First of all, if David were to rape someone, it probably wouldn't be a female. Second, the FBI doesn't raid your house and confiscate computers for rape. Something else is going on here.

  8. as i've heard, the authorities also confiscated $2m from the warehouse - why? if he is being investigated for a charge of rape, should cash be taken for "evidence"?

  9. That's a bunch of cash, no doubt. Something else is going on here and I bet she knows about it. That many agents means something else is going on, for sure.

  10. Anonymous10:48 AM

    There has to be more to this. Probably more charges.

    I think he's a wank, but I don't think Copperfield would suddenly turn into a rapist at this stage in life. He is filthy rich, famous and he sleeps with supermodels.

    Unless Claudie Shiffer pops up with some tales of kinkiness or domestic violence - something just doesn't seem right here.

    Maybe she ratted him out on business info.

  11. There was lots of talk at the time that David "Cop a Feel" was in a Tom Cruise style arrangement with Claudia Shiffer.

  12. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Yeah, um, isn't he, like, a homo?

  13. Maybe he's getting busted for kiddie porn. I mean, isn't he gay gay gay???

  14. When I heard thia at first I thought he was getting busted for child porn. He gives the same feelings as Jacko. That "boy-like" wonder and all.

    Kelly, I thought your joke was funny.

  15. Definitely an illusionary rape!

    Thanks kellysircus for calling a spade a spade. back to the kiddie porn, I'm sure ENT will soon present us with a fine blind item.

  16. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Please, go to the hospital if you are ever raped (God forbid). They can preserve evidence and HELP YOU. Not only that, but you will seem much more credible!!!!!

  17. I think the joke that needs to be made here is that David is making his own CAREER disappear.

    Thank you. As you were.

  18. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I always thought this guy was sort of gay.

    I find it very strange that the woman waited till she was back in the States to report her rape. Wonder how many days she waited and why didn't she change her ticket to leave early. Also if she was rape at the Bahamas can the rape charge be tried in the states?

  19. I thought it was really strange that they took his computer, until my guy said it sounded like he took pictures or taped it. Now it makes sense; I still don't know what to believe though we don't have all the info.



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