Wednesday, October 17, 2007

CDANCON Lunch--Finally

The CDANCON lunch with Dominique Swain will be held on October 27 at noon. The location will be the Pig 'n Whistle at 6714 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90028.

If you are planning on attending and haven't let me or Hez know, then please do so as soon as possible.

I know that many of you expressed an interest in having a gathering of CDAN readers in New York, Vancouver and in Australia. I can't promise DS at any of those places, but if you get something organized that has at least 20 or so people attending, I will get someone fun and at least somewhat recognizable to have lunch with you.

I would love for every reader to make it to the lunch. I know however that many of you don't want to drive across town, or fly across the country or around the world just to have lunch. Perhaps you may be more interested in carving another pumpkin, mowing the lawn, or are just a shut in. If for any reason you can't make the festivities, don't worry. The lunch will be filmed so everyone can feel like they were there. If anyone has any questions they want to ask DS about her work or her blogging or really just about anything, send them to me or to Hez and I will make sure she answers them on the tape.

The lunch should be fun and I'm working on some other guests and surprises. Also, don't forget to register for your chance to win a bottle of M from Mariah. DS will be handing out two bottles. One to a guest who is there in person, and another to a lucky reader. If you haven't entered yet, then you may do so by sending an e-mail to and put something in the subject line that says it is for this contest. Those entries have to be received by 5pm PDT on Thursday the 25th of October.


  1. Well you better get someone good for VAN-CDAN!

  2. what about toronto? People, let's get something going!
    I know at least 2 (me included).

  3. Van CDAN is too soon! I can't afford it, people!! *L*

  4. Annie,

    Make that three!

  5. HEY HEY HEY Why dontcha look where you're going ya got the biggest eyes in the place.

  6. Oh yeah, I've got some ideas about CDANCON-Van... lemme see what I can hook up for y'all (we'll miss you Harriet - next time for sure!). But first let's get the big 'un out of the way.

    Annie, I bet Mistik wouldn't mind helping out a fellow Torontonian, especially since she's coming to CDANCON in LA.

  7. Ent, if you want to pay for my airfare then I am happy to make it over to the US for lunch LOL

    I don't think we could get 20 of us here in Australia all at the same place. I think we are kind of scattered throughout the country. Coopers Mom and I live fairly close to each other. Close enough to drive to anyway. Any other Aussies in Qld??

  8. Anonymous6:10 PM

    What about us minnesotans? Or am I the only one left?

  9. OMG, that is right up the street from my park that I call home. I am so going to not be drunk that day. I will definitely attend.

  10. hey ellebee, i'd be more than happy to try and organise something for us aussies (to be completely honest i'm actually english, from London, but well on my way to getting citizenship so for now i'm an honourary aussie!)i know there are a couple of peeps in vic and i'd bet that there are a few in NSW too..... i'd really love to do something i think it would be so cool and fun but we just need more people to reply to these posts... so...

    ALL AUSSIES PLS LET US KNOW WHERE YOU ARE...... thank you (i'll stop yelling now - its pregnancy hormones; at least that's what i tell Cooper's Dad!)

  11. I am from Newcastle!!

    Just for those from elsewhere, a big container ship washed up on one of our beaches in June...

    Enjoy your pregnancy Coopers mum...

  12. I will thanks, noel! i'm not normally a stroppy cow but pregnancy kind of does that to ya!

    so would you be interested in attending an aussie CDANcon? i was thinking to make it fair maybe havin it on the Gold Coast? a) its a excuse for a little getaway and b) everyone will have to travel some distance so it makes it fairer. plus there are plenty of venues to hold it and are more bars/clubs than you can poke a stick at.... i'm open to any suggestions but that's something to think about for now....

  13. Gold Coast would be good for me!! Any excuse to get down there LOL

    When are you due Coopers Mom?

  14. i'm not due till june; only found out last week :)so still early days but still very exciting!! cooper has just turned one so he doesnt have a clue what's going on, bless him.

    Soooo, i have a few ideas running through my head re the cdancon - esp if held on the coast. i think we need 15-20 people to make it worthwhile, so before i start looking and asking around to secure a venue i need positive answers, so if you are genuinely interested in coming along please please reply!!

  15. Hey cooper's mom and ellebee, I'm in Melbourne but kind of need to stay here at the mo so you'll have to count me out. Why don't just you two get together? Have a few drinks for the ones who can't make it :)

  16. hi bluegirl; thanks for getting back to us. pooh!!! i dont think we will get the no's for this :( i am more than happy to meet up with you ellebee, unfortunately for me i'm pregnant and so won't be doing much in the way of drinking (maybe that's a good thing as it would get VERY messy!)

    oh another idea - why dont we all just agree on a date when we can all try and make it. bluegirl you say you need to stay in Mel for now, when will you be able to get away? We may as well plan this a bit and schedule it for when we can all make it......

  17. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Awwah I SO wish I could be there! Everyone have a drink for me. I love Hollywood :-D

    Next time for sure if I'm not on tour. I promise!

  18. Not if we find you first, Nic. ;) Seems a movement is afoot to take these shows on the road to more places than just Hollywood!

  19. Filmed?????

    Remind me to stand waaaay in the back.

    In the shadows.

  20. Did someone say Toronto???

    ....~raises hand~ 4. :D

    ~crazy peanut~

  21. I'm so jealous:(
    Why no UK?
    hiya Noel

  22. hiya ukgrrl-

    Sorry for the long delay.

    To Be truthful Cooper's mum- I don't think I am going to make it...


    Too busy. Gotta study for exams and go out on my clinical for uni (nursing degree). As it is I spend too much time here and elsewhere and not enough studying ( I am procrastinating... AGAIN!!) Also, I need to spend some more time with hubby and kids so I will probably go camping at the end of the year.

    But don't worry, I am sure you guys will all have a good time and I look forward to the video links!!

    C u all around!!

  23. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Sounds good, Hez! Looks like I may be stuck in Detroit for a couple months...
