Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bree Tierney Needs Her Own Intervention

The blog world has been buzzing today about the fact that Lindsay Lohan broke up another relationship. I'm sure you read all about it from both sides, but I do have a little something to add that I heard from someone VERY close to the situation. It seems that Riley Giles and Bree did date for about two years.

The insider added, "Riley needed to go to rehab and his family staged an intervention. He needed help and is really glad that he got the help he needed. Bree didn't want Riley go to to rehab because she felt it would cut into their fun and ruin their relationship. Bree was extremely jealous and felt that Riley would come out of rehab a changed person and not feel the same way about her. When she told Riley what she was thinking, Riley broke off their relationship two weeks before he entered rehab. Lindsay knew about Bree, about the relationship, and about the situation. Lindsay has known about Bree for two months and knew that Riley and Bree had broken up which is why she was okay with dating him. The stories Bree has been telling the media and press are all lies. Bree is the one who needs help. She also needs an intervention to get her life back on track."


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