Friday, October 12, 2007

Big Shocker Of The Day - Michael Lohan Cheats

According to the NY Post, a woman named Virginia Bertolino, 41 has come forward to talk about what an ass Michael Lohan is. Apparently Virgina who is a real estate agent on Long Island had been having an intimate relationship with the pimping preacher (Michael Lohan the pimping preacher is not to be confused in any way shape or form with the other pimping preacher named Joe Simpson, who although a pimp and preacher is known here as Pimpa, or Pimpa Joe) for the past four months.

They met in Family Court on June 25th which is not really four months is it? More like 3.5, plus Michael was shacking up in Utah with his 21 year old Lindsay Lohan lookalike for much of the past few weeks, so lets call it 3 months.

Anyway, Virginia and the preacher have been having lots of sex and according to her it was good. She took him to meet her parents and he took her to meet his family also excluding the kids. They told each other they loved each other and it was extremely serious.

In one of the best lines of all time, Virginia asked Michael if he was seeing someone else and he said, 'Yes.' I said, 'Who is that?' and he said, 'God.' Michael Lohan must have God confused with a 20 something blond because that's who he's been doing the whole time in Utah and probably before unless he picked her up in Utah and started on her the first night or something. But no, she had that Amy Fisher I'm going to be used and its ok look so she was probably from NY.

Anyway, Michael says that he introduced Virginia to his family and she introduced him to her parents, but they never had sex and that Virginia is neurotic. As a guy, I'm telling you right now. The only way I'm meeting your parents is if we are having sex. So, I think Michael is just trying to keep that whole screwing the daughter lookalike thing going on a bit longer by denying the story.


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