Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Beat Your Girlfriend To Death And Just Serve Four Years

I have one or two basic precepts in life and one of those is that violence against women by a man is wrong. I don't try to think of exceptions or excuses, I just think it is wrong.

In 2003, the French rock star Bertrand Cantat was in Lithuania with his actress girlfriend Marie Trintignant while she was making a film. One night, Bertrand got into an argument with his girlfriend and instead of walking away decided to beat the ever loving crap out of his girlfriend and killed her.

Lithuania didn't know what to do and so passed the buck. They convicted Cantat but instead of making him serve his sentence in Lithuania, they said, "hey go home where you are a hero and serve it in France."
Cantat was sentenced to eight years in jail which is ridiculous enough on its own. However, the French government released Cantat early this morning after serving just four years of the sentence. Cantat was released because of good behavior. Where was that good behavior when he killed his girlfriend?

Under the conditions of his release, the 43-year-old singer must undergo therapy, report regularly to see a judge and cannot speak publicly or publish any songs or audiovisual works about the crime. The measures will be in force until July 2010.

Which means that after 2010 he can make money off the crime which he will do. In actuality, 2010 is when they can be released. He can work on it between now and then if he wishes. Plus, he is already planning on recording some new songs and a welcome back tour is also in the works.



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