In 18 days Britney Spears is scheduled to be in court for a hearing on the current custody battle between Britney and Kevin Federline. Something is going to happen between now and then. There is just no way that Britney can continue like this unabated for 18 days without something snapping. Arrested, overdosed, thrown into rehab, laying on the side of the road crying, or selling herself on craigslist. You can just feel it all building and building, and just like I wrote a couple of weeks ago, the loss of the kids has totally removed whatever check was inside her head. They are gone, and they are not coming back anytime soon.
At this point she doesn't want to see her kids, and in fact wants nothing to do with them unless it can fit into her schedule and her requirements. She has not followed any orders of the court other than getting a drivers license, and the only reason she did that is so that police are not constantly pulling her over because they know she doesn't have one.
She didn't get the license for her kids, she got it for herself. Hey, I don't think Kevin Federline is the greatest dad in the world. But, did you notice that the first thing that was done after the hearing last week? Kevin handed over the kids to two nannies. That is all Britney ever had to do and she wouldn't have lost the kids.
Britney won't make it through 18 days doing what she is doing. She also won't be taking any drug or alcohol tests over the next 18 days either, and not taking a test is just as good as failing.
At this point I would say it is 50/50 whether Britney Spears even shows up for court on the 26th.
I have to agree, two years from now when she sobers up, she is going to look back and regret her behavior now...or maybe not.
ReplyDeleteShe's mentally ill. I don't see her around in 2 years. She'll either be dead, or in jail, or in an institution. She can't go on much longer.
ReplyDeleteAnd seriously, what's with the hats? She looks ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteI don't think she's mentally ill -unless you consider drug addiction mental illness. Britney’s fairly consistent in her behaviour. She’s got a great life going on right now, she doesn’t work, she goes for out coffee, she shops, goes out to eat, and spends the night in a hotel. Not that crazy –indulgent, but not crazy. I think she like many women before her, had the kids and realized she doesn't want them. I'm not saying she doesn't love them; she just doesn't want to parent them. If she did, I'm sure that with this many people watching her, she'd at least make some sort of attempt. We need to stop making excuses for her; she's not a kid anymore. She's made some adult decisions, let her suffer the consequences.
ReplyDeleteWho in the hell dresses like that at the local GNC?
ReplyDeleteI think her biggest problem is that she's an attention ho. If she truly wanted a private life, she'd stop giving the press and paps something to write and shoot. Other stars before her have been successful at having private lives.
Some people just can't live without constant attention and drama and unfortunately for two little boys, I'm afraid that applies to their Mama.
Bryn, those hats are "I'm trying to be incognito...but not really" hats...
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, I think Brit got a rude awakening when she realized she's actually have to take CARE of her two boys. She may have some post-partum depression, but life califblondy says, she's an attention whore with the IQ of a doorknob (y'all).
I feel sorry for her, I hope one day she comes to her senses and realizes what she has missed, but unless she has somebody knock some sense into her, I seriously doubt that will happen.
Frances Farmer called, she wants her lifestyle back.
ReplyDeleteWhy the hell is she at GNC? She's going to buy some stuff to pass a drug test! Yo man, she's got toxins.
ReplyDeletecan this girl EVER wear clean clothes????
ReplyDeleteif Mama Lynn can pull her back from the edge, it will be shocking.
My mom is a child psychologist, and she said parents always think their teens are bi-polar, and she knows that almost always means they're on drugs. Britney is not crazy, she's just another dumb druggy.
ReplyDeleteBritney needs to be involuntarily committed to a locked-down psychiatric facility and be de-toxed. NOW.
ReplyDeleteThen her addiction and mental health issues can be dealt with.
Otherwise, she'll go all Frances Farmer on us.
tmz is reporting she passed 2 drug tests this w/e (doesn't say how they know that)and that she visited with the kids today with the parenting coach and k-fed's nanny in tow. What did she do after not seeing the kids in over a week? Why she walked them around her gated community while talking on her cell phone. I thought CNN reported she went back to rehab? The latest intervention with her family and kev didn't take i guess
ReplyDeleteI'm in the she's 'mentally ill' camp. I also believe she's on drugs but the underlying problems are mental y'all. She needs a good long stay in a mental facility to get clean and then deal with her issues. My guess is she's borderline personality disordered, bipolar and a wee bit schizo. The drugs are exasperating her paranoia. There's no way she can parent those two little boys. She's too ill.
ReplyDeleteShe's untreated bipolar with substance abuse problems, not to mention she's dumb as a stump. Most 3rd graders are smarter than Britney. I'm sorry, that's an insult to 3rd graders.
ReplyDeleteI'm just waiting for the day that her actions get someone killed. The paps that chase her (which she seems to love) will end up causing a fatal collision. Or Britney herself texting while driving will run over some kid.
I still can't believe she hasn't killed either of her own kids yet. I'm sure there have been close calls. According to that bodyguard he was always warned by Alli to make sure the kids didn't go anywhere near the pool cause Britney never bothered to attend to them.
I think a pack of wolves has better parenting skills that trashy moron.
Why are people mistaking immaturity for craziness or her being a drug user???
ReplyDeleteShe does use drugs, we all know this, but she is very immature! She needs to grow up and be a woman! Learn that not everything is on her time, that not everyone is gonna agree with her actions and decisions.
I think you who say she won't show up for the court date I hope are wrong. I think she will show up and make an ass of herself.