Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Will It Be A Christmas Miracle Or Disaster?

The new date for the Britney custody hearing is December 18th. I doubt the judge will rule from the bench so it means that barring some type of monumental collapse by Britney between now and Christmas she should manage to keep the current arrangements in place until the first few weeks of 2008.

What this means as far as gossip is that between now and the hearing, all the witnesses like the nanny and assistant and former manager and even Britney will all be getting their depositions taken. Technically, the depositions and all discovery needs to be completed 30 days prior to the hearing which in this case would be November 18th. However, I think there will be a ton of schedule shuffling and so figure the depositions and other discovery will continue until right before the hearing as long as both sides agree to do so.

Although we may not hear much before the hearing about what is being said in the depositions you can look for clues as to what is being said by seeing if any new subpoenas are issued to new witnesses. For example, in a completely hypothetical situation, Britney's former assistant testifies that Britney used drugs in front of Person A, then Person A may be subpoenaed to give a deposition or even saved to testify at trial saying that yes, she did drugs in front of them.


  1. when will she wear some fucking PANTS?
    Those fucking BOOTS need to be BURNED.
    Short, stumpy legs need to look longer- not cut off by boots.
    She'll NEVER get it.

  2. I did drugs BECAUSE of Britney..does that count?

  3. I remember in my home state that if you bring up accusations that are unfounded that you can really get screwed in the custody hearing. It poisoning the child against the other parent, and through that harming the child. I had a friend loose primary custody for that, she said her ex did drugs in front of her kid and he didn't. I really wonder what happens in this case.

  4. This will make it more interesting...

    When does Fedex's moola run out from Britser? 12 months after they separated? Can't remember??

    Anyway, she needs to clean up her act (including those damn boots!!) stop being seen with losers and get her ass back on track...

    Wonder what will happen to Brit's parents and Fedex's relationship after this court case...

  5. Noel: I read somewhere that "Fedex's moola" from Britney will run out in November, but he supposedly also has some extra money from the sale of their house.

    Ent: Thank you so much for yor professional input! It really helps a layman understand this mess a little better!

  6. Kevin's alimony payments of $20k/mo will go bye-bye in November '07.
    He made $5 mil from the buy-out of the Malibu pad.
    I think he dumped a good chunk of that into his new Encino pad.
    He is requesting $50-70k/mo for child support.
    those kiddy kicks ain't free ya'll
