Monday, September 10, 2007

What Do Kenny Chesney, Richard Marx and 3 Doors Down All Have In Common?

You might be saying, "Ent, that's easy. They're all musicians." True, but that's not much of a story. How about they all, and yes, I mean everyone in 3 Doors Down all have done Sara Evans. You remember Sara Evans don't you? She is the country star who was on Dancing With The Stars and then abruptly left so she could get some publicity for her new album and to spend time with her children because her husband was an evil man and had maybe cheated on her.

Turns out Sara may have been the one doing the screwing. In the continuing saga that is her divorce, her husband's attorney's want information on affairs she had with all the members of 3 Doors Down, many members of her own band, Richard Marx, Kenny Chesney, and at least seven other people, including her Dancing With The Stars partner. I didn't think there was anyone on earth as easy as Paris Hilton, but apparently I found someone.

Now, I don't want you to think I'm not trashing her husband. He's a freak ass also. He took lots of naked photos with all the women he had affairs with. He says he took them because Sara wanted to see who he was with and to use them as an aid to their own sex life.

What I don't like in this whole situation is how Sara played the martyr and had to quit the show because she was perfect and angelic and her husband was the Antichrist. That's what I dislike about her. She must have known all of this was going to come out and yet she still was pious and high and mighty and made it seem like she was the perfect princess and that she was going to sacrifice her big chance on national television to take care of her family when in reality she had probably just got done takng on the entire Dancing With The Stars cast and crew.


  1. EL, I'm surprised by your accusation about Sara Evans. I'm no lawyer but even I know that this is a ploy that is often used on the innocent. First of all, it gives the appearance of guilt, and you took the bait hook, line and sinker, and secondly it puts the person under undue stress because they don't want to put all their friends through the ordeal and they often back down. So to assume her husband is doing this because he really has the goods on her is coming to some conclusions about her without the benefit of a trial. Come on - you're better than that!

  2. just because her sicko husband's lawyer asks for info does not necessarily mean there is any info.he is desperate to keep some of her money. besides she didn't act pious, she just quit and went home. i don't remember any high and mighty quotes she made. examples, please?

  3. This is a classic ploy! Make the woman out to be the whore! I worked for Kolby and I guess her soon to be ex thinks that it will work for him?

    This is sad. I agree with twisted sister on this one.

  4. Unless Ent has the actual inside info (which he very well could), I'm not buying this either. Kenny Chesney should be the first clue that this is B.S.

  5. hey this didnt just come from ent this actually was reported the other day on just about every website since i believe friday or saturday he is just putting his opinion on it like he normally does anything us.. the husband really has accused her of this

  6. knm, we know the husband really accused her of this, we're just saying that accusation doesn't mean she really did all of this, and that's the way EL wrote it she's guilty. Bad form on the part of a lawyer, no? This kind of thing is done often even when the accused has done nothing, that's all we're saying.

  7. Isn't hubby desperate for $$$'s?? I thought I read something about that when they first split.

    I guess having 3 kids isn't as important as the moola.

  8. Anonymous11:21 AM

    So glad everyone had the same reaction I did to ENT's take on this- sorry- just because the hubby says it is so doesnt make it. He just looks more and more desperate to me.

  9. Sorry I just thought it was funny when i read it so i am going to have to agree to disagree cause i like it when he says some of these thing.....No hard feeling twisted

  10. OHHH!!! knm, I thought you were saying something else. I thought you were thinking we were saying EL made this up.

    Heck, yeah, we can agree to disagree. I'm usually wrong

  11. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Damn, she has more traffic than La Guadia airport!

  12. Enty, what's up with making rumors out to be truth? It's as if this is a gossip site. Do you think we can't handle the truth? ;)

    I'm not mocking the rest of you. I was annoyed when I read this at first but it is a gossip site! Definitely my favorite. =)

  13. Wow Ent you really need a better nashville source. Working in the music industry here it's common knowledge that Kenny is gay.
    This coupled with you denying that Keith slept with Amanda while dating Nicole really really makes me question who is feeding you this.

    Protip: I knew Amanda and (yeah she's a skank) she had his number in her phone and was showing texts he sent at a party one night. When people didn't believe her she dialed (and got) him and put it on speaker.
    She also somehow knew the security code to his house.

    Not saying Sara is a saint, she's a very vain,insecure woman..but she certainly didn't convert Kenny Chesney.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Don't care, no way, no how. I'd tap Sara Evans if she slept with Courtney Love!

  16. I think that unfortunately these artists are dragged into what seems like a vengeful situation. So far there is no incriminating proof of these affairs, or at least none has been revealed legally or publicly, aside from hearsay between close friends and themselves. And if these allegations aren't true, I feel sorry for both of them, because they'll both be sued for defamation of character.
