Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Today's Blind Items

Look for the Timmy/Shimmy reveal sometime between 2-4p Pacific Time.

In the meantime, here is an Old Hollywood blind item which is very easy, but will give you something to do for a few hours.

This religious leader was originally very hesitant to take part in a Hollywood film. It had never been done before and has never been done since. The film had a barely there plot and was not one you would think would attract such a religious leader, but nonetheless he agreed. It turns out that during the filming of the movie, he became enraptured with the process and couldn't get enough of the whole process and just didn't want them to leave. After his part was finished filming, and the director yelled, "cut and print," our leader begged the director for just one more take because he didn't want the experience to end. The director agreed.


Molly said...

I hope it's later rather than sooner. I have a horse to ride after work.

Emily Stroop said...

ugh. 2 to 4 hours. I guess I could get some work done.

bramblewitch said...

Are you trying to suck us in on a new one before revealing the old one, ent? Tor-ture.

Anonymous said...

Pope John Paul in "the Papal Chase"

Kristin Urbano said...

cali girl - I don't think that is exactly what ENT is looking for, as "The Papal Chase" is a documentary that was made in 2004. I think we are looking for an older movie where the 'religious leader' acted in a fictional role.

merrick said...

billy graham in the restless ones .. he plays himself

Unknown said...

Isn't that a documentary?

Unknown said...

Sniped by kristin!

Unknown said...

Rabbi Reeve Brenner? The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg!!!

Chicky said...

The Dalai Lama???

Molly said...

Billy Graham was in a lot of stuff. I think it was someone bigger.

Audrey said...

Ah! ::breathes sigh of relief:: Now that I know when it will be, I can get some work done. Thanks, Ent!

Kristin Urbano said...

Rabbi Reeve Brenner was in a documentary. ENT's BI made it sound like it was a fictional movie with actors - not a documentary.

RagDoll said...

Was L. Ron Hubbard ever in anything, or did he just write them? This site is going to crash and burn at 5 EST, huh?

Dire Potatoe said...

Ghandi. He LOVED that role.

Unknown said...

Don't you guys see, "The Life and Times of..." Don't you see the correlation to what we are all waiting for? Or am I wrong?

Mr.Yardeeds said...

I am guessing it's Jesus in "Passion of the Christ".

Just as his character is killed off, he somehow rises from the dead. Definitely not in the original treatment.

Unknown said...

Im not saying it has anything to do with Timmy. I just think he did that to be funny. And it was, to me anyway!

Unknown said...

Anton LaVey.

StandingBear said...

I think it's the Maharishi -- wasn't he in a movie with Ringo or something?

RagDoll said...


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was in Candy Baby---you nailed it! I soooo forgot about that!

Anonymous said...

Documentaries usually don't do "second takes". I seriously want this to be L.RonHubby, but I doubt it.

Unknown said...

Even more we have been given a timeframe.

Unknown said...

Fr. William O'Malley?

Unknown said...

LMAO@ George, Domestic and Cali...I guess the Timmy/Shimmy game did in fact burn some people out!

StandingBear said...


It would be a major riot if I got this BI correct. Considering that I'm 99.9% on the Alice Brady train, I don't want to jinx it!

Good for you for remembering the film's title -- I guess I got confused with "Candy" (the Ringo connection).

kellygirl said...

standingbear for the win!
nice work.
See you all in a couple of hours

GoGoLola said...

I bet it was Jerry Falwell...he was in the movie The Grim Reaper in 1976.

Directed by Ron Ormond, here's the synopsis from IMDB:

"A mother is worried about her husband and her older son. They are no longer going to church, begin communicating with dead spirits and, worst of all, the son wants to become a stock-car racer."

I could see Jerry Falwell totally getting into it.

Daniel Alex said...

Good research gogolola. I can't wait until Timmy is revealed if only to get people to stop hijacking the comment section.

mandjo said...

And we wait......tick...tock....tick......tock

Unknown said...

I never knew a torture as great as waiting for Tinmy...

Unknown said...

Daniel...what do you mean "highjack the comment section"?

Emily Stroop said...

"worst of all, the son wants to become a stock-car racer"
LOL! The horror!

Ninabeth84 said...

I don't follow how this is a blind item...... some religious dude really liked being part of a film? Wtf, am I missing something?

YahMoBThere said...

Nina, I thought the same thing. EL should have called it today's distraction or busy work until he does the reveal.

Nicole said...

I'm dying over here. I have class soon. I can't wait anymore!!

Team Alice Brady


Unknown said...

as sad as it sounds, i have never wanted something as much as i want this reveal!!!!

princessj1987 said...

balis006, I have class too....i was up half the night thinking about the reveal even though there is pretty much a popular consensus as to who it is.

Daniel Alex said...

Wulfjoy what I meant by hijacking the comment section was count how many comments on this BI are about the BI and how many are off-topic (Timmy). I just find it annoying as all hell. I get it, everyone wants to know about Timmy but they just can't keep it to themselves in one forum, every comment section for every post has to be about it. Hence the term hijacking. Whatever, I'm sure I'm in the minority and this will all be over today anyways.

MnGddess said...

Thnks, Ent. I hope you can use an assistant because I'm gonna get FIRED for reading it during work tonight.


YahMoBThere said...

Gogola, way to go, you research queen you!

Wulfjoy, I'm just guessing here, but usually that means talking about something that doesn't pertain to the original subject.

Unknown said...

any1 have the link to the AB movie

Unknown said...

God, I feel like I am waiting in line at the registry when you tell time by how many breaks the employees take.

Almost 10 til the first hour when the reveal might happen.


Emily Stroop said...

2:01PST - spill it!

Unknown said...

Hey ENT, just so you know, if I ever find out who you are I am giving you my chiropractor & eye doctor bills! I often read this site, and other sites like it, but have never commented here or anywhere else. I'm shy! You finally hooked me with this! This morning I broke my policy to look but not get involved. Tons of fun, this has been but my back is aching from hovering over laptop and my eyes have been blurry for 2 days! Give it up, for the sake of my health! Please! My roomate says she is going to confiscate my computer or call people in white coats with big nets to take me away!

Anonymous said...


weezy said...

Since it's an old item, I'd have to say Falwell.....more recently Bishop Jakes was in "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" (I think? Anyone?)

Unknown said...


princessj1987 said...

yeah, the suspense is killing me!!

Dire Potatoe said...

I dunno. I'm gonna go meditate on my Ghandi comment and clear my mind of all that is Timmy.

gillian said...

Marjoe "Who is Timmy" Gortner? No really, I'm sure StandingBear is correct.

((feeling smug because I snuck out for a 3-hour meeting and didn't miss the reveal))

Tracee said...

Blah, blah, religious leader, BLAH, oscar de la hoya, BLAH...
Ent this is ridicky. Spill already!

Nicole said...

princessJ -

Im totally about to play hookey. My prof hates it if he catches us on fbook or anything else during class. HATES IT.

Ent, I hope you take full responsibility when i flunk out of college. Like Cyn said, I hope you can use an assistant. Or, a seventh wife.


Molly said...

Well, I'm off to the horse. Hope I'm not disappointed when I get home!

StandingBear said...


I haven't heard Marjoe's name mentioned in years! I wonder whatever happened to him.

And Dire Potatoe, don't stray too far...

YahMoBThere said...

Ana, I can only imagine how many times your post-ride wine glass will be filled. Happy trails!

mandjo said...

This must be what it's like to have to wait for your dealer.

History Hunter said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one going nuts ... this is like a shameful secret as my nearest and dearest thing I have gone mad.

Nicole said...

Im totally crazy over this. I keep re-loading the page. HOPING that its at the top.

claire said...

@ mandjo

"This must be what it's like to have to wait for your dealer."

It is. Except no shakes.

dawn said...

I keep telling myself to get up and walk away for a while, that when I come back, the answer will be up, it's not going to go anywhere. But I can't, I'm absolutely glued here. Ahhhh! This must be what insanity's like.

Btw, watched both My Man Godfrey and In Old Chicago last night, both on dvd, and didn't see any AB scars.

gillian said...

StandingBear said...
I haven't heard Marjoe's name mentioned in years! I wonder whatever happened to him.

I looked him up on imdb just to confirm spelling and imagine my surprise, he worked all thru the 70s and 80s. Uh, I guess that was a long time ago.

mandjo said...

My husband just gives me an eye roll when I try to tell him about it!

Cooper's Mom said...

phew! i'm not too late :) am tired as fuck, but hey, that's life :)

LOL mandjo "This must be what it's like to have to wait for your dealer" and, claire, i couldn't have put it better myself :)

now i just have to while away a few hrs, and its times like these i lament the fact that i work from home and so don't have the whole travel-to-work to distract me.. er, actually no having just re-read that i'm lying but hey....?

Unknown said...

Arrggghhh!!! I have just woken up (it is Thusday morning here in Australia) and it is still not revealed. I have to go out soon Ent! Please post soon.

Beth said...

Did John Travolta get David Miscavige a role in Battlefield Earth?? Miscavige is head of the Church of Scientology. Tom Cruise is the second in charge.

You know those Scientologists love to help each other out :)!

Virgo74 said...

I have no idea on this one.

Unknown said...

The Reverend William O'Malley in The Exorcist

budford said...

Fidel Castro

Unknown said...

What about the Aga Khan? (Champagne Safari, 1952)


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