Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Today's Blind Items

I will try and have a Timmy update later today including a NOT or two, although everyone seems to be convinced Shimmy is one of two people even though I haven't "notted" some of your other important guesses.

Anyway, here is something to keep you busy today.

#1 This aging Academy Award winning actress not known for being pleasant was shopping for clothes this past weekend and told the sales person she had forgotten her glasses and was going to need some help with the price tags. For the next 45 minutes, our actress asked for one price after another almost non-stop. Our actress didn't buy anything, but what made this bad experience worse was our actress' cell phone rang and before answering, dug out her glasses from her purse so she could see who was calling and then walked out while talking away.

#2 This fairly young Academy Award winning actor who hasn't done much since his win except live off that film's reputation is a drunken mess. For the past six months he has gone from friend to friend and stayed with them each for a few days while he drinks and chain smokes for almost 24 hours straight getting louder and louder until he passes out where he's at right at that moment. No matter what he can't be moved for at least 12 hours and has been in hallways, on living room floors and the worst place of all, a bed. Why is the bed the worst place? Our actor voids his bladder and yes, sometimes bowels immediately after passing out. needless to say one visit from him is enough for any friend, and our actor is never allowed entry again.


  1. hmmm......I take it you are saying it is NOT one of the 2 main guesses. Love and hate your wording, it can be misleading or confusing.


  2. I don't think that is what he's saying (that one of the two guesses is wrong):

    I will try and have a Timmy update later today including a NOT or two, although everyone seems to be convinced Shimmy is one of two people even though I haven't "notted" some of your other important guesses.

    He says even though he hasn't "notted" some of the OTHER important guesses. So my take is he's saying that everyone is convinced it's one of two people (AB or KK) but that there are OTHER guesses and he hasn't said no to those... so he's teasing that maybe some of the OTHER guesses just might be right.

    I'm still not sure what to think about the BI- but I will say this- if EL isn't a real lawyer he can at least still TALK like one. Yes, very confusing...

  3. 1) Faye Dunnaway

  4. for #1 is Meryl Streep known for not being pleasent. I pictured her doing this for some reason.

    For #2: I thought of Jamie Fox

  5. oooo Melcon,
    Great guess with Adrien Brody.

  6. i am thinking the same thing but until he tells me otherwise i am still team brady....

    i will eventually look to see who #1 or 2 is but i will say adrien brody

  7. Yeah, I'm with melcon for Brody. He's thirty something, Foxx is 40.

  8. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I'm not down w/ the Brody guess. He has made a few movies since (Darjeeling Limited, The Jacket, some direct-to-video stuff). And I don't know that he's living off The Pianist's reputation.. rarely hear people talk about it anymore

  9. I just had a thought (oh, my!)...

    what if later today he gives hints or "nots" and he says that Shimmy is neither AB nor KK! Wouldn't that just throw the whole board into a tizzy!

    Wheee! There's an evil part of me that hopes he does... but the rest hopes he doesn't, 'cause I have absolutely no clue who else it could be!

  10. this may be a bit off the mark but is anybody else thinking "show me the money!"???

  11. On #1 I'd go with Faye Dunaway, but did Lauren Bacall win an Oscar?

  12. Faye Dunaway sounds about right. I immediately thought of Adrien Brody, but wasn't there something about Cuba Gooding Jr. being a major mess recently? Wasn't he the answer to a BI that was very similar to this one?

  13. There is no way this is Meryl Streep, she is nice, lives in NYC and is abroad filming "Mamma Mia." My guesses right off were Faye Dunaway and Adrien Brody.

  14. I think by saying an earlier "important" guess he means that it might not be KK or AB. Who else was guessed?

  15. What about Philip Seymour Hoffman? He's only a year older than Jamie Foxx and hasn't done much since 'Capote'...

  16. This makes me want to plunge back into research into Vera-Ellen. There is something about her pictures - she had a secret. And that choker always on her neck. Or maybe Maggie McNamara with the scar. Hmmm.

  17. Hey thanks Tomtyler,

    I was asking if she had a mean reputation and you've answered it. I truly didn't rememebr.

    Dragon Slayer,

    It would really turn eveyone upside down if EL was to rule out KK and AB, lol.

  18. Anonymous2:02 PM

    1 - Faye Dunaway
    2 - I'm with Cuba on this one - Adrien Brody has done some high profile movies - king kong, the jacket, and the village - since his win. Cuba has been outed as a major mess on a few sites and is mostly dealing with F-list movies at this point or bit parts in higher profile movies.

  19. I'm also thinking Faye Dunaway for #1.

    I hate to say it, but what about Benecio for #2 (so to speak)?

    And I hate that I still have a glimmer of hope for Gloria Grahame.

  20. Dat true about Cuba being a mess. That Jonathan Jaxson guy said he made out with Cuba.

  21. Aging could be a lot of people -
    Shirley MacLaine, Anjelica Huston, Olympia Dukakis...

  22. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Agree with the Cuba guess for reasons given by others. As far as I know, there's never been any gossip about Brody going off the rails (unlike Cuba), and he has been, and is going to be soon, in several high profile films.

  23. So, are we posting our Timmy theories at the latest ENT entry? I posted a theory on the bulletin board earlier today but it doesn't seem to be active.

    That theory, btw, was one made in total frustration: WHY Timmy turned into Shimmy (Alice Brady) was to effect her transition to talkies...I have no facts to back this up, just a guess as to WHY it all went down.

    Because of that frustration I decided to look through some other gossip sites to see who was guessed, prior to 8/30 (re ENT's statement that it was guessed correctly on 3 sites). Here's my informal compilation of those guesses (keep in mind some names were just thrown out there, with no explanation or research):

    Gossip Rocks: Katherine Hepburn, Claire Trevor, Mercedes McCambridge,Josephine Hull, Teresa Wright

    Blind Item Collective: Kay Kendall

    Oh No They Didn't: Anne Bancroft, Elizabeth Hartman, Eileen Heckart, Fay Bainter, Teresa Wright

    Survivor Sucks: Simone Signoret, Fay Bainter, Celeste Holm, Anne Revere, Sandy Dennis, Mercedes McCambridge, Ruth Gordon, Teresa Wright, Gloria Grahame, Gene Tierney, Claire Trevor, Jo Van Fleet, Jessica Lange, Anne Bancroft, Josephine Hull, Shirley Booth, Spring Byington, Susan Hayward

    Of all these, Teresa Wright is the only one mentioned 3 times. Josephine Hull & Mercedes McCambridge were mentioned 2 times but were made NOT's by ENT. Claire Trevor, Fay Bainter & Anne Bancroft were mentioned 2 times and so far have not been NOT'd yet. I'm aware that Sandy Dennis & Shirley Booth have already been eliminated by ENT.

    (I did not include the guesses made on this site because I think everyone under the sun was suggested, plus ENT said he wouldn't say if this site was one of the correct ones...so I guess you can add at least one more vote for each of the above women.)

    I'm sure there are other places that picked up the original BI so maybe the above list isn't representative or doesn't include one that ENT read. Interesting, though, that of the sites I visited, only one mentioned Kay Kendall before ENT's clarifying post.

    Teresa Wright, Claire Trevor & Fay Bainter are actresses I keep going back to when I try to figure out Shimmy. I'm always stymied by the timelines of these women, but who knows anymore?

    If anyone can find other sites that may have guessed Shimmy, please let me know. Thanks.

  24. #1 - My first thought was faye dunaway - was it because of mommie dearest? hmmm any way i say faye or shirley mclaine

    #2 - first thought Cuba but he doesn't strike me as being quite THAT messed up yet...don't yell at me i m being lazy but did Jauquin Phoenix win an oscar? cause i would think this would fit him...~Stacey aka irishstayc

  25. Yeah, but aging and unpleasant...

    this wouldn't be the first gossip item about FD being demanding in a store.

    And what's with the lift? She's starting to resemble Jocelyn Wildenstein in the photo on the link.

  26. Faye Dunaway and Brody. He's done some movies, but what has he done lately? Haven't seen Foxx smoke anything but j's.

    And if not Faye than I say Shirley Maclaine. Her reputation as being a mean old fart lives on.

  27. Isn't Cuba married with 3 kids? I know he parties, but why would he be living friend to friend for 6 months? Although the rest of the BI sounds like something he'd do, I don't think this is about him. I imagine it's someone who isn't married.

  28. I'd thought Vera Ellen wore the cover up jewelry and clothing because she was anorectic?

  29. 1 Faye Dunaway, she is not a nice person.

    2 Ent says the Academy Award Actor is fairly young so I'm gonna say that kid from the sixth sense movie Hailey joe Osmet?I could have it spelled really wrong, since he was arrested several months ago I think for DUI?

  30. My bad that kid did not win an oscar!

  31. #2 Joaquin Phoenix

  32. No Oscar - he won the golden globe.

  33. Cuba is 39 years old, is that considered fairly young? (for me it is). Plus he is married with kids so why would he need to live with friends.

    I'm still stuck on the "fairly young" in Ent's BI. Maybe Adrian Brody since he is 34.

  34. standingbear:

    Great research, but I don't think those 3 ladies you mention pan out:

    Teresa Wright died in 2005. Claire Trevor died in 2000. That doesn't fit with the timeline, since "Timmy" died 1980-1985. Shimmy can have an earlier date of death- Shimmy can even "not" have a date of death listed- but she can't outlive Timmy, (unless I'm not understanding it all or there's a really weird twist to the story).

    Fay Bainter died in 1968 but she's buried in Arlington National Cemetery (her husband was a military officer and is buried there). I think that would eliminate her and a "fake" death. Unless, again, there's a really weird twist to the story.

    Kudos for hunting down all those names, though... perhaps there IS something in there, though, that we are missing. Or EL is just messing with us and it really is AB or KK and he just wants to keep us guessing.

  35. Faye Dunaway was voted by Hollywood limo drivers as "worst customer ever" I think. It's either her or maybe someone we haven't heard from in a while, like maybe Judy Davis (whom I love).

    I've heard Meryl Streep was only a bitch when she was in character for Devil Wears Prada. She's got a great reputation otherwise.

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  37. I am wondering if Shimmy could have a date of death AFTER Timmy. 10 people knew about Shimmy maybe it was planned amongst them to create a death after he passed.

    I know, I know I am stretching it a bit,lol.

    The main thing I look for is the last project date(just in case)

  38. faye sounds good for number one.

    i go with cuba. he is a drunken mess all over new york. a college coed had a crazy night with him and proceeded to email all her friends in specific detail. see:


    that dude is a mess. don't think it would be philip seymour hoffman as he is married and sober for (i believe) 8 years now.

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  40. oh my dearest EN how could you resist Lulu???

  41. Hi dragon slayer,

    I agree with you about those 3 ladies not fitting the Timmy/Shimmy story because of their dates of death or the Arlington National Cemetary thing....I keep going back to them trying to figure out if there's some loophole, though, you know?

    That's the insanity of this BI because no one fits the story 100% -- so there has to be some nuance in ENT's writing of the BI that we're missing. Either that, or he'll say "Oh, I forgot to mention that, although Timmy went back to being a man and did theatre, he occasionally dug the wig and sequined gown out for a random event to keep the Shimmy persona alive."

    So, do we think he'll eliminate Alice Brady or Kay Kendall tonight?

  42. this mat be a little out of left field, and the death date is off by a couple of years but, could
    Liberace have been Timmy? or maybe his brother George? (he died in 1983)

  43. Dunaway and Brody immediately came to mind both items.

    Dunaway is a raging bitch who is roundly DESPISED in this town. I've never heard a positive thing about her.

    My second choice for #1 was Helen Hunt. She's not getting any younger and she's also a raging bitch who no one wants to work with (name the last big project she did after her Oscar win. Yep, blank slate). She's mid 40's now, in this town that's aging. I could picture her doing something like this. There's a reason she's known in Hollywood as Helen Cunt.

    Everyone knows Cuba's a mess but he has a family at home and is pushing 40. Adrien was one of the youngest men to win best actor. Except you don't hear as much about him, he's not a tabloid fixture and still has been working (Darjeeling Limited and that matador movie). Adrien would surprise me a tad since he seems to be a functioning actor, but in this town anythying's possible. He just fits the description of the BI well.

  44. I'm going with Joaquin Phoenix on this one.

  45. Anonymous3:51 PM

    After watching Les Girls this weekend, I don't think it's Kay Kendall. Of course, ENT said it would be a surprise.

    I'm leaning towards the two Alice Brady's.

    However, I do think we're overlooking Marie Dressler.

    She had a daughter who died in "infancy" which seems like something one would say to add credibility to being a woman, but hard to prove.

    She was the first president of the Chorus Equity Association. Is "Chorus" a hint. It's in quotes.

    She was on the cover of Time magazine. "Life and Times of Timmy" could be another clue.

    Also, ENT just said Timmy could sing, and she did record two songs.

    However, her career spanned such a long period, it's hard to reconcile with ENT's original clues, even with some explanation. Only her post Oscar career fits.


  46. Hey ChenoFan!

    I considered Liberace as well, but only for a few delirious seconds. He would have been perfect if a million details of his life were changed... He was pretty much a child prodigy.

    He's someone I actually knew in a professional capacity. He was a warm, gracious, friendly and generous man. Throughout his last concert tour he was visibly ill but he was such a trouper -- he gave every ounce of his energy to entertaining his audience, and then would practically collapse backstage.

    Sorry to veer off-topic but he really was a great guy.

  47. I know StandingBear..and it wasn't really a serious consideration..at this point I'm looking at any obviously gay man who died in the 80s of AIDS as a possibility for Timmy.

  48. ChenoFan:

    Gotcha. I'm doing something similar, trying to come up with new angles, a different way of looking at things or interpreting the clues.

    Everyone's fair game at this point: I've looked into Zero Mostel & Larry Kert(blacklisted), Natalie Wood (she had a scar on her arm that she always covered with a bracelet), Dudley Manlove (Plan 9 From Outer Space), Al Jolson, Martha Raye, Sonja Henie... it's ridiculous!

  49. What if Shimmy 'stood in' for an actress who wasn't able to perform at that time - someone known to William Haines who coached Shimmy how to become the actress. Shimmy then won the awards and had to quit because of the skin condition. This doesn't stop the original actress being listed as dying after Timmy or making a public appearance in old age. Who would tell the difference.

    This would fit in with ENT saying the date of death, if there is one, of the actress didn't matter.

  50. #1 is totally Faye Dunaway. She pulls crap around West Hollywood all the time.

    #2 - totally disgusts me.

  51. Brody's in the new film with Owen Wilson. He's also been in a few films in the past few years. I highly doubt he's spent the last 6 months on his friends' couches. I love how peeps in here start guessing right away without really reading the item or thinking about it...

  52. Yeah, I've heard that about Helen Hunt, too - that the H in the last name is pronounced like a C.

    Funny how some who've been child stars end up grounded and sane like Jodie Foster, and then there's people like her...

    Although HH did just get her first big sale of the movie she directed which premiered in Toronto. Being a bitch as a director is probably less of a liability.

    Too bad the bowel voider from #2 can't find his way to her place...

  53. I still believe that the WHY is related to Alice Brady's battle with cancer.
    With the help of some close friends she found someone who could stand in for her for short periods at first and as went on this "timmie"
    did more of Alice's on screen work. He/she became even better and funnier than the real Alice. I think Timmie went on and won the "Award" for Alice who was too ill to perform anymore.

  54. #1 Lauren Bacall ? You don't really ever hear anyone say anything nice about her

    #2 Joaquin Phoenix ? Have you seen pictures of him lately, he definitely has the bloat of a serious drinker (so very sad)

  55. oops Joaquin didn't win the Oscar for Walk the Line --sorry

  56. Lulu says that gentlemen prefer blondes except if one of them is a demure brunette like her or is happy timmy or a man like shimmy.

    Most of all, she prefers a timmie shimmie clue now darling EN

  57. Anonymous6:13 PM

    for timmy BI, Plz read profiles of Marie Dressler!


  58. 1. Warren Beatty's sister what's-her-name
    2. Cuba Gooding Jr.

  59. Hez, I have heard the SAME *exact* thing about Helen Hunt, pretty much word for word (uh...letter-for-letter?)!!

    #2 What's Benicio del Toro been up to? He's kinf of creepy....

  60. I think Timmy/Shimmy is Mary Pickford.


  61. Okay, for everyone who keeps guessing it's Joaquin Phoenix - it is *not* him because it's an Oscar WINNER. Joaquin has 2 noms but has never won. Ergo, no way it can be him per the item description.

  62. 1 - No Idea.
    2 - Ben Affleck.

  63. faye dunaway for sure for the first one.. second one, for some reason i thought haley joel osment but he hasnt won an Oscar, right...

  64. 1. Cuba
    2. Catherine Zeta Jones

  65. You can all stop guessing Joaquin Phoenix for #2. He hasn't won an Oscar.

  66. Anonymous5:30 AM

    #2 is most likely not Adrian Brody. He was just in my town with his girlfriend and bought a "castle".


    I like the Faye Dunaway guess for #1

  67. I say Hailey Joel Osmat because there was a blind item about him stealing coke and money from purses at a party not that long ago...and he's fairly young.

  68. When the FUCK did HJO win an Oscar???

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  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Adrien won for "The Piano"

  72. it is so awful when you combine timmy updates with your daily blinds. it makes it hell for people uninterested in the timmy/shimmy research because we can't enjoy using the comments section without wading thru all the other stuff.

    I do not read as much nor comment, nor even check the site as much when this type of thing happens (just like with zx) because it makes the comments/replies a mangled unsorted clusterfuck. There has to be a way to resolve/organize it better, and I can't be the only one that feels this way.

  73. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I'm torn between Anne Revere and Alice Brady. In all the photos of seen of Alice, she has her head down, or her neck is covered, as if to hide an adam's apple. She worked with Edward Everett Horton, who was gay, shortly before her Oscar win, as well as Randolph Scott, who was bi. One bio I read of her did list her as being married and having a child.

    Anne Revere was black listed, and as far as I know never married or had children, but her last role was in 1970, and the original B I seemed to make it clear that Shimmy didn't work much past his/her win.

    Is the point of the B I to uncover the Timmy behing Shimmy or the Shimmy behind Timmy? Was Timmy notable enough of an actor without Shimmy? From my understanding of the B I, Timmy was mostly a back ground actor.

  74. did heath ledger get an aa?

  75. What about Jane Fonda for #1?

    Heath Ledger is a good guess for #2. Esp with the recent break-up that had been in the making for a while. But has he won an Oscar? HJO is also a good guess.
