Thursday, September 20, 2007

Today's Blind Items--Kindness

Regarding the Old Hollywood one yesterday, let's go ahead and define Old Hollywood as pre-1960. It might help if you think of the religious leader as also being a head of state.

This former A+ film actor and now a B+er with some issues has been known in the past to lend a helping hand. This time he was returning from the set of his latest film when he saw a couple on the side of the road and their car obviously not going anywhere because of the smoke coming out of it. The shoulder was very narrow and the car was almost on the highway, but no one was stopping. Our actor stopped the car he was driving and he and his passenger got out to see if they could help. After discovering the couple had no cell phone with them, and were on vacation and didn't know anyone to call, our actor let them borrow his phone and call for help. Help was going to be at least 90 minutes, so our actor offered them a lift. The problem was he was driving a two seater, and there were four people total including the actor, his companion, and the couple. Our actor told the companion/assistant to stay behind and watch the car, and then got the couple situated in the passenger seat with the woman sitting on the man's lap. He then drove them to their hotel 30 minutes away, bought them dinner and stayed with them until our actor's companion/assistant showed up at the hotel with tow truck and broken down car which was taken back to the place from which it was rented.


  1. Tiny Tom Cruise?

  2. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Robert Downey Jr? He seems like he has a nice streak when he's not using. Not sure he'd ever be A+ though

  3. harrison ford? a nice guy from all reports. and he rescued people from mountains with his helicopter a few years ago....

  4. Definitely Harrison Ford. This totally sounds like something he'd do, and wasn't he just in New Mexico filming Indy IV?

  5. I believe I have heard Tom Cruise's name in association with this type of story before.

  6. Guess the religious leader from yesterday's BI was a pope, not a maharishi.

  7. There isn't a mention of the media being around, and so I doubt this is Tom Cruise.

  8. I thought the repeated reference to "companion/assistant" was unusual enough to be significant.

    Could this be an implication that the actor is someone who calls his partner an assistant in order to hide the fact that he's gay?

  9. Tom Crazy needed a little publicity, huh?

  10. Tom Cruise. I guess he made Katie get out and wait for the tow.

  11. Anonymous1:18 PM

    religious leader=Dalai Lama

  12. I say Tom Cruise. Before he went totally weird he was always diving into icy waters to save drowning kittens and such.

  13. Oh also, American highways usually have ample shoulders, but not sure the same is true of European roadways.

  14. Russell Crowe.

    Totally used to be A+...and his anger issues have made him so less desirable.

  15. Tom Cruise. How many times has he saved people in car accidents even pulling someone from a car that was on fire? Many.

  16. This is the only time I will guess Cuba. But shite, is he even B list now?

  17. god I hope this isn't tom cruise.

  18. d, I think the "companion/assistant" is probably one of his Scientology minders.

  19. isn't tom in germany?

  20. That's what I thought, ajurk. That's why I;m guessing Cuba. But it does say the coupld was on vacation...the BI is ambigious about location.

    But Twisted has a good point, why would Ent keep saying companion/assistant. That does sound like Scientology jargon.

    Do we have any Scientologists in the house? Oops guess you can't comment on it until you get clearance.

  21. This is a really nice story but it also made me think, "Heh -- sucks to be an assistant!"

  22. I've heard this story before. Can't for the life of me remember who it was.

    That BI, by the way, reminds me of this dilema:

    You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus

    1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.

    2. An old friend who once saved your life.

    3. The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.

    Knowing that there can only be one passenger in your car, whom would you choose?

  23. I think it could be cruise, but I can't imagine him being able to do this without a media frenzy.

    I think the safe bet is Harrison Ford

  24. this was tom cruise. it happened a few years ago and was widely reported in the news. i remember distinctly because it sounded like something he would have made up about himself.

    i think the religious leader is the dalai lama...i have heard the rumor before, and he does love to hang around actors.

  25. This has definitely got to be the Mini Messiah, the Wee One himself, Tommy Boy Cruise. Did he really do this, or was this another PR spin at work? And did he bore these poor people to death with hours about Scientology talk?

  26. For the religious leader I was going to guess Gandhi or Nehru - the Dalai Lama has a long enough IMDB record to make him less entranced with film than the blind would imply.

  27. REVEAL THE KINDNESS!!!YAY! thanks enty!

  28. Timmy!!! oh sorry....I ment Tom Cruise

  29. During the Nicole Kidman years, Tom Cruise was saving a lot of people. Some kid getting crushed in a crowd, some people aboard a yacht that caught fire (or something like that.) For awhile there, it seemed like every 5 minutes he was doing something heroic. May have even coincided with the MI movies, but that could be just me embracing my inner skeptic.

  30. chickenrotini- you get out and stay with perfect partner. Old friend drives elderly woman to Vegas where he trades your car for casino chips. Wins at the big table and buys you a new car.

  31. Regarding the Old Hollywood one yesterday, let's go ahead and define Old Hollywood as pre-1960. It might help if you think of the religious leader as also being a head of state.

    If you're referring to Aly Khan, his father was still head of state in 1952.

  32. Anonymous5:16 PM

    What a perfect opportunity to recruit new members for a cult.

  33. Why it isn't Tom:

    1. he's filming in Germany

    2. whenever he does ANYTHING remotely heroic, his publicist makes sure the entire planet knows. If Tom did this, believe me, People magazine would devote a huge article to it, interview the couple, etc cause Tom's people want the world to know what a true hero he is.

    My guess is someone like Adam Sandler. He's a good guy and really low key. He even offered to help me out of a dilemma once. I used to ocean kayak and rented from Malibu Oceansports, which meant I had to drag the kayak on a set of back wheels a couple blocks up PCH to put in at Surfrider. One day when I was lugging it up the beach and onto the sidewalk for the haul back, some guy saw my dilemma and came up and offered to help me lug it back. That person was none other than Adam Sandler (he was standing at his car with a friend of his who'd obviously just finished a surf session). I didn't take him up on his offer (tough girl pride) but that was really cool of him. I could see him doing something like this. And he's not the type to go around hyping his anonymous good deeds like Cruise does.

  34. Nah, I hate to say it, but it is Tom Cruise. A number of years ago, he did the same thing for a stranded motorist in Aspen. It kinda sickens me to admit it, considering he's borderline CRAZY and all, but there is no doubt in my mind it is him.

  35. What an absolutely neat thing for him to do, his assistant also deserves kudos. Look forward to this being revealed Ent, if for no other reason than I will go out of my way to support him.

    Thank you for sharing

  36. Just read the other comments, you know call me crazy but I'm not so sure Tom Cruise is as gone as we think. Then again there is 0 chance of me joining the cult he currently calls home but..
    I think one of these days he may shock us. Quote me on it, I think he's nuts for being part of that mind control group but I don't think he's completely gone

    whatever bored at work and waxing phili

  37. Anonymous7:07 PM

    why is this a blind?

  38. yeah I like my BI's perverse and scandal ridden.

  39. I would give the friend my car to save the old lady and stay behind with the perfect partner

  40. i still consider tom a-list despite the crazy

  41. ummm, careful of jumping on the Cruise-wagon. If I remember correctly those other "acts of kindness" were found to be a bit suspect. IE the "victims" were of the cult also.

    In addition those incidents seemed to co-inside with releases if I remember correctly. Wouldnt put it past him ...

  42. Hmmmm well first off it does say PAST so it doesn't have t be something that just happened. And I hate to say it but I'm leaning toward Cruise on this one.

    And it's a blind item because ENT does Kindness and Jacksass blinds which he then reveals at a later date. Not all of his blinds are about scandalous behavior - which is just one of the many things that makes his blog different - in a good way!

    Just throwing some love your way enty! must have upped my pills today!LOL

  43. If this is Tom, it would've been all over the news. My guess is Russell Crowe. He was just filming Body of Lies in DC. But I don't think he's now considered B lister since he's in a hit movie recently (3:10 to Yuma)? Anyway, kudos to the guy whoever he is. Just reveal this one ent.

  44. Can't be Cruise. He's been in
    Germany forever now, and they aren't giving him or $cientology much love in return. If he saved a German motorist (and yes, road shoulders are non-existent there) Tom would make sure it was in every Berlin paper the next day, so folks would start to like him again.

    Tom loves to play Mighty Mouse for public praise - even organizing situations so he can look more heroic.

    For some reason I'm thinking Clooney for this BI.

  45. I think Ben Affleck as well.

  46. Ent said:
    It might help if you think of the religious leader as also being a head of state.

    Okay- the Dali Lama is more of a figure head now, as far as control of Tibet is concerned, true? While the Dali Lamas have always been spiritual leaders and they were formerly "partial rulers" of Tibet, that all ended when the communists took over.

    On the other hand, the Pope is the offical head of state of Vatican City. He may only be the "Bishop of Rome", but he in fact oversees Vatican City.

    So, my vote is for the Pope- whichever one it was at that time.

    As far as the act of kindness, Tommy (Shommy?) boy is busy trying not to tick off the German press- so it might be him but I'm hoping not. Not sure who it might be- several I can think of- but the whole "companion/assistant" reference is interesting.

    There are still roads in America with small shoulders- ever driven Highway 101?? So, it could be in America.

    If it was Shommy- then I feel sorry for the people he rescued- despite the help, the free food and what not, I'm sure they got a good dose of Scientology crap while they were waiting and I'm not sure if that's worth the rescue!

  47. Most of the people Tom has rescued were later outed as $cientologists themselves or the situations were set up by Scientoloy. Remember that little boy Tom saved from being crushed against the barrier at a Red carpet event? Son of a $cientology couple. People on the imperiled Yacht ready to sink? Nah, the engines wouldn't start, it wasn't sinking or burning, and Tom boarded with a herd of Scientologists to take pictures for their magazines.

    So don't count on Tom quietly helping people out. After all, he PERSONALLY has rehabbed drug addicts, studies the history of psychiatry like no one else, knows everything about pregnant women, and saves thetans from evil doctors and wants us all to know about it!


  48. Blind item revealed?

    "Katherine Heigl has optioned rights to the bestselling novel Lost & Found, which she will produce with Mom, says Variety."

  49. Visman - you took my idea. I was thinking Sean Penn as well for some reason. Oh well. Whoever it was, that was really nice of them.

  50. Pope John Paul used to do some acting in Poland before he became clergy. Perhaps it was him?

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