Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Ten Years Of Vanity Fair And Nicole Kidman

I don't mean to spoil ten years of loveliness, but in the Vanity Fair interview which accompanies her October 2007 pictorial, Nicole claims Tom knocked her up when they were first married. Uh huh.

October 2007
October 2007
July 2005
July 2005
December 2002
December 2002
October 1997
October 1997
April 1997
October 2007


  1. wow notice how miserable she is during the 'Tom' years? Coincedence? I think not.

  2. So, you're pointing out the same lifeless look in her eyes as Katie has?

  3. Jax, you're right. Must have been before her deprogramming.

    What kind of bonus do you think she got for saying Tom knocked her up? Girl sure can act!

  4. What has happened to her? She looked good up until two years ago adn then she got very plastic looking.

  5. Nicole looks like she got some lip injections in the first photo.


  6. she looks good other than her evil dreaded "trout pout".

  7. She's had so much botox I don't know how she can even speak anymore, and so many skin peels she has that "shrink wrapped" look. She's had nose jobs, plastic surgery on her knees to remove the "fat" (when was she ever fat??), and as someone else noted, fake lips. There's almost nothing original left on her. Sad; she used to be attractive.

  8. Reese, yes yes yes! And the really sick thing is she would have been so much more beautiful if she would have let herself age naturally before doing all that junk. Susan Sarandon looks more beautiful than most of the classic beauties who have reinvented themselves into freaks.

  9. Does anyone else think its odd that after years of not opening up in mag interviews and gaining a rep as an Ice queen that NK gives such a revealing interview?

    I like Nicole but she's also kind of enigmatic. I think we can all agree that Tom is an effin insane control freak.

  10. I think NK is beautiful even if she is 50% plastic.

    Perhaps talking about Tom made her too sad until she was in a healthy, loving relationship? I think she really was in love with him.

  11. hey ts .. whaz up girl?? I agree, susan sarandon is one of my all time favs .. and she is beautiful ... i think nk is also very beautiful, but really, she should have stopped at the knees!

  12. hey ts .. whaz up girl?? I agree, susan sarandon is one of my all time favs .. and she is beautiful ... i think nk is also very beautiful, but really, she should have stopped at the knees!

  13. Hey Donna Donna! I'm still ruminating over Timmy. I really DO need to get back to work at some point. Maybe I'll just check back in at Christmas time when EL reveals who this is (cough, cough).

  14. are you kidding me ts .. it is all I can think about .. i have even started asking some relatives in their "golden" years to see if they had ever heard any rumors .. and nothing ... i am just about to throw up the white flag and join you in waiting until christmas ...

  15. I think Nicole's biggest mistake appearance-wise was bleaching her hair. Her natural color is so gorgeous and she got rid of it to look like every other bimbo in Hollywood. I'm waiting for obsessive hair bleaching to be classified as a psychiatric disorder endemic to but not limited to Los Angeles.

  16. I agree with most of you, Nicole looked much better before all the "jobs" hehe!

  17. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Who is she kidding? No way those boobs are hers in that last picture.

  18. I remember her having a miscarriage right after Tom dumped her. I also remember reading that her being pregnant is why Tom dumped her. Remember him saying "Nicole knows why"? She supposedly kept DNA from the miscarried fetus.

    I like Nicole okay, but something just ain't right and I think it all started when she met Tom.

  19. New California ballot initiatives: (1) No redhead shall be allowed to dye their hair, (2) Botox shall be made illegal, (3) Plastic surgery allowed no more than once every 3 years.

  20. Mooshski, have you seen our governor? No way would he ever allow restrictions on hair dying, botox, and plastic surgery. LOL.

  21. Egads! That bitch has had so much work done. I beginning to think that Scientologist have brainwashed us to forget how fugly Kidman use to look.

    Thanks for taking the rose colored glasses off Ent.

  22. She looked just as Catatonic as Katie during her sentence.
    Ladies, step away from the Lithium!!!

  23. to think there are people who believe she has had very little work done. Obvs they are blind.

  24. She's lucky to have snared Keith Urban. Despite his shortcomings, the guy is passionate as hell and can outplay pretty much anyone on guitar today.

    Wonder how long that will last. That's a blind you should pursue Ent. She learned a thing or 2 when she was with Tom. Keith has at least one 'handler' by his side at all times to not..um..tarnish her rep.

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