Monday, September 17, 2007

Somebody Bought K-Fed's Album And Now Wants To Kill Him

According to Entertainment Tonight, the LAPD and FBI are investigating a possible contract killing taken out on Kevin Federline. At first it was thought to be someone who had spent real money on either an album purchase or listening to K-Fed live.

Perhaps the "secret witness" will have details about the contract taken out on K-Fed's life. This whole secret witness thing is crap. Gloria Allred is the biggest publicity hound ever. You think actors and actresses are bad, this woman must be the most insecure person on the planet that she always has to find something to get herself on the air. She filed a declaration for the person. Great. But today's hearing is not about the secret witness, it's about a return from mediation, and if TMZ is correct, a substitution of attorney. There won't be any cross examination of the secret witness today. Who would do it? The outgoing Laura Wasser or the new attorney?
I'm sure Gloria is kicking herself today because she could have got on the news with the OJ thing and didn't need to drag out this secret witness until the OJ thing died down. Now, she's gone and blown her wad too early. Well at least that's something I can relate to.

Anyway getting back to the disgruntled record buyer. You have to ask yourself, who the f**k would want K-Fed dead? You know it's not Shar because she's not going to kill the breadwinner of the family. Now when I say breadwinner I mean gigolo, but he still brings home the money for the kids.

Maybe he didn't tip the valet, or maybe he borrowed some money from some people he shouldn't have and they loaned it to him in the expectation they would get paid when the house he owned with Britney was sold.

Maybe it was Jamie Lynn because he got too close to her with his prolific sperm (pays to read huh?). Maybe Britney's mom is so jealous of Kevin seeing other women or Jamie that she did it.

Then of course there is Britney. She's not that crazy though is she?


  1. I bet Chris Crocker took out the contract.....

  2. "... his prolific sperm (pays to read huh?)."

    You totally crack me up!!

  3. jenner, you beat me to it!!

  4. Pays to read...

    we have one BI where two sisters dont talk because of the "famous" boyfriend?

    That would be cool if KFed gets some more babies around Britneys family. they would diserve it.

    Then we can suppose where the contract comes from...

    what a bunch of garbage.

  5. Ent, this doesn't happen to have anything to do with that blind item about the ex-boyfriend scaring the man with the prolific sperm, does it?

  6. OR, the one about the girl pregnant by the other one's Boyfriend! (or something like that)

  7. I feel like I need a shower just just thinking about K-Fed sleeping with Jamie Lynn

    I think the "hit" is a huge publicity stunt, this is getting ridiculous.

  8. Maybe it's Bin Laden. You know he had that hit out on Bobby cuz Osama loves him some Whitney. Maybe he loves crackheads that rhyme with Shit me! And wouldn't you know Britney fits the bill perfectly.

  9. Maybe this is nothing, but is reporting that DCFS showed up at the hearing this morning and they weren't expected.

  10. well they have to show up and testify or produce their findings! i doubt the DCFS can just email or text the judge, ya know? now whether they have something to actually report on is what we shall see.

    I also think the hitman issue is a publicity stunt by kfed and his scumball lawyer. sources..close to federline are confirming that he was being warned or sought after by the fbi and lapd? of course there is no way to confirm these allegations because the fbi doesn't confirm or deny. so anybody can say they've been contacted by the fbi.

    this case is a media circus.

  11. Anonymous12:34 PM

    While this IS hinting at Kfed canoodling with that video sex whore, its NOT indicating he knocked up Jamie Lynn Spears...that blind item said that everyone assumed the singer's bf was gay and so was surprised by the pregnancy! When has anyone legitimately thought Kfed was literally gay?

  12. Then they'll Fed-Ex his soul to heaven.

  13. Oh yeah, and I was hoping the "secret witness" today was going to be Manimal.

    I NEED Manimal to be in the spotlight.

  14. No, Britney, don't do it!

  15. "According to Entertainment Tonight, the LAPD and FBI are investigating a possible contract killing taken out on Kevin Federline. At first it was thought to be someone who had spent real money on either an album purchase or listening to K-Fed live."


    That cracked me up, Ent.
