Friday, September 28, 2007

The Real World And Some Reveals

Sometimes the best laid plans and all that. I had a hearing scheduled for 830 which was supposed to last two minutes and would allow me to get back to the office and blog for everyone. What actually happened was there was a four hour wait before the two minute hearing, and thus, no posts.

I will try and post during the afternoon, but I figure, hey, some reveals would be good, so let's do that first. I will also do Four For Friday in a few minutes.

September 26, 2007

#1 When Halo3 was released the other night, this world famous athlete was waiting in line just like everyone else. At midnight he bought copies of the game for himself, for his kids and for the twenty other people who had been standing in line with him.

Answer-David Beckham

September 20, 2007

#2 This former A+ film actor and now a B+er with some issues has been known in the past to lend a helping hand. This time he was returning from the set of his latest film when he saw a couple on the side of the road and their car obviously not going anywhere because of the smoke coming out of it. The shoulder was very narrow and the car was almost on the highway, but no one was stopping. Our actor stopped the car he was driving and he and his passenger got out to see if they could help. After discovering the couple had no cell phone with them, and were on vacation and didn't know anyone to call, our actor let them borrow his phone and call for help. Help was going to be at least 90 minutes, so our actor offered them a lift. The problem was he was driving a two seater, and there were four people total including the actor, his companion, and the couple. Our actor told the companion/assistant to stay behind and watch the car, and then got the couple situated in the passenger seat with the woman sitting on the man's lap. He then drove them to their hotel 30 minutes away, bought them dinner and stayed with them until our actor's companion/assistant showed up at the hotel with tow truck and broken down car which was taken back to the place from which it was rented.

Answer - Ben Affleck


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