Thursday, September 06, 2007

Random Photos Part One

I just don't get Chloe Sevigny. It's something a 5 year old girl would wear on her first day of school.
And 20 minutes later, it was empty.
This is what happens when friends let friends get plastic surgery.
Hey, that's the same expression he had on his face when Anne had her face buried in his crotch. He's just Mr. Excitement isn't he?
If you are 18-25, good looking, have a healthy bank account and don't mind her mom groping you now and then, Hayden is available.

This is Heidi Klum on the way to the hair salon. Not coming from the hair salon. This woman never takes a bad photo. Ever.
Goes from not pregnant to 9 months overnight, and what is up with her leg?
I hate the days when Fergie actually looks pretty and I am forced to admit it.
Eve and Carrie Underwood at the L.A.M.B. show. If you look really closely it looks like Carrie is a guest of Shirley Manson rather than Gwen.
New Delhi Fashion week is also going on this week. Seriously.

Rumer as a blond just looks like a man in a blond wig, especially with those Robin Williams arms behind her.
Jessica offers her breast to the agent who bought her lunch. When I take a client to lunch I get yelled at.
Makes you want to know what was so damn funny doesn't it?
More Johnny coming later. This is from Venice.


  1. What's up with Johnny being able to put on wacky clothes and looking really great in them? Can you imagine Brad Pitt or the Cloon in this outfit? Just wouldn't work.

  2. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Isn't it odd to have former addict/alcoholic Ben Affleck posing with a big bottle of J&B?

  3. Ohh I haven't seen a pic of Shirley Manson in ages. I miss garbage.

  4. Gawd, I'm so tired of Asslee. She's sooo...blah.
    And I think Chestica breastfed that dude, she's just squeezing out some extra juice on the way out.

  5. Pinky, I totally agree! Maybe it's because we've seen him play strange characters and still found him attractive. Was totally hot for him even in Edward Scissorhands.

  6. Wasn't there a blind item about a previously rehabbed star drinking a lot but his real problem was smack? For the baby's sake, I pray that's not Ben, but Enty's comments indicate something's going on...

  7. Right on Tracee - he was hot in that, he was hot in *Ed Wood* - can't think of a damn thing he wasn't smokin' in.

  8. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Pinky said...
    What's up with Johnny being able to put on wacky clothes and looking really great in them? Can you imagine Brad Pitt or the Cloon in this outfit? Just wouldn't work.

    That's what I said when I saw the picture of JD in his white shoes.

  9. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Do you think Rumer could be a modern-day Timmy?

  10. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Oh yeah, and that's the happiest I've seen Mr. Affleck in awhile.

  11. Heeeey wait a second, hold the phone....was THAT a reveal? Ben Affleck pictured here with his brother Casey Affleck (and a bottle of hooch)??? Is Casey the "actor with a troubled brother who may want to deal with some issues of his own" (??) I know it's been a while since ben was rumored to be "troubled" though....

  12. Good Lord, Chloe looks like Sissy Spacek in Carrie.

    Helena, I'm starting to think all the "Random Photo's" are NOT random, but answers to blinds. Wasn't there a blind about a very popular former tv A-lister whose show ran many years who was off the radar screen but about to go on it again? I guessed Seinfeld because of the Bee movie and there's a pic of him. Coincidence? I think we're seeing this more and more and I really think these pics aren't so random after all.

  13. MORE Johnny, more more more!!!!!

    Jerry's wife looks like she should be with Anne's bf

    I don't get the reference to Garbage/carrie u

    WOW! Was Halle just sucking it in last week before the announcement?

    Did Hayden dump Stephen?

    Chloe, did you get the specs from the Compound?

    Aslee doesn't look half bad - totally generic, but not bad.

  14. TS--LMAO @ Chloe = Carrie...because it's true!!!

    Kellysirkus...on the paper stuck to the chair Carrie U is sitting on is the S. manson thing look over Carries right shoulder (left side of our screens)

  15. Twisted Sister - I totally agree - I started to think the same thing after some of the reveals. I do love the randomness of ent's photos though - meaning or not - they kick ass.

  16. Rumer looks like one of the Wayan's brother from the movie "White Girls"

  17. Anonymous4:41 PM

    kellysirkus said...

    WOW! Was Halle just sucking it in last week before the announcement?
    Once again you took the words right out of my mouth. She looks a lot further along than 3 months, IMO.

  18. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Twisted Sister said...
    Wasn't there a blind about a very popular former tv A-lister whose show ran many years who was off the radar screen but about to go on it again? I guessed Seinfeld because of the Bee movie and there's a pic of him.
    RIIIIIIIIIGHT, and everyone was guessing Duchovny. Interesting.

  19. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Sister--Is this the BI?
    One Comeback-Cliché Blind Vice: Sylvester Slimeball was a household name years ago when he was a major posh pooh-ba on a long-running boob-tube series. Boyfriend hasn’t done anything really big (well, certainly not as big as the man’s equipment down below happens to be) until now. See, Sylvester’s coming to an entertainment enterprise near exciting! I’m simply thrilled, and you will be, too, I’m sure! And now that S2’s a hot commodity again in ever-fickle Hollywood, S.S. has supposedly become quite the lothario—again. I mean, you know how a schmuck’s sleaze scale rises and falls along with his pro-meter, doncha? Men are always so predictable that way. Now, Sly (no relation to Sly Stallone, promise) has been hitting on the hot young thangs who toil at his agency’s office and asking them out, despite the fact that S.S. is very much hitched, with tykes, to boot. Oh, please. Make me barf, already. You straights are even more indiscriminate than we fagolas are, and we can certainly be Slutty Sallys, fer sure! Now, a little flirting never hurt anyone, but Sly Slime-B totally crossed the line with his recent bad-boy behavior, as Mr. Es actually showed up, unannounced and uninvited, to an assistant’s house—after working hours, natch. Dirty deets be that S.S. was carrying flowers and begged said worker bee to go on a "date" with him. When the horrified hon pointed out the much older S.S. was friggin’ married, his reply was too Tinseltown typical: "It’s just for show," he swore, "like all the Hollywood marriages." Nice. AND IT AIN’T: Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Denzel Washington

  20. Ms. Thing - usually Ted's 'and it ain'ts' are clues, and these are all movie actors. Different BI, I think.

  21. Chloe creeps me out. Could be the role on TV. If Anne H's man is Mr. Excitement, then it's a good fit because she seems boring as hell(to me). Jessica Photo=Hilarious, and you saved the best for last!!!!!!

  22. fabiola,

    Re: Seinfeld. If you notice that BI uses the term "worker bee." Could be a reference that new "bee" project that Seinfeld is working on.

  23. Wasn't there a BI about 3 friends who were all f-ed cheating on the wife and the other two on drugs.

    I'm thinking that Matt "TJ Hooker" Damon is the philanderer and the Affleck brothers are the ones on drugs. Hope I'm wrong.



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