Thursday, September 20, 2007

Rachael Ray Owes Her Cheating Husband $250M

Rachael Ray sure knows how to pick them. Everyone has heard all the rumors about her husband and his bondage games and how Rachael just wasn't satisfying him because she wouldn't spit in his face like all the women he paid. He married for the money. Well, Rachael married for love or maybe it was just because a guy was finally paying attention to her and didn't cringe everytime she said EVOO.

Because Rachael married for love she didn't get her husband to sign a pre-nup and now that she's caught him for the 50th time cheating on her, they are getting a divorce. The first 49 times wasn't enough, she was writing for that magic 50th time.

Rachael's estimated fortune is $500M and half of that is $250M. I can't imagine she is worth that much, but she has made the majority of her financial gains since she's been married which is good for the cheater and not so good for Rachael.

$250M will buy you a bunch of time in the bondage clubs. Not that I would know anything about that. I've just seen photos and, uhh met some people, and uhh, forget it.


Unknown said...

I'm not a big fan of Rachel Ray since I find her annoying as hell, but this is just sad. I feel bad for her.

weezy said...

Poor girl. But aren't they resident in NY State? Won't that reduce the settlment somewhat?

Man, this is awful.

GammaGirl said...

I really don't like Rachel Ray, but damn, thats rough. This guy puts K-Fed to shame...

Liz said...

De-lurking here...But if he was the one who was cheating, which effectively ended the marriage, I don't understand why she would have to give him half of her money with or without a pre-nup. But, obviously I'm not a lawyer so don't know the laws. I feel bad for her too.

me said...

i know you are usually days, if not weeks, ahead of the gossip. but this is such an old/ongoing rumor - what makes it true this time around? dying to know.

weezy said...

It's true the big cheating story was some months ago, but at least here in NYC they've gone on record saying they're fine. In fact, I could swear I just read they'd bought some property in the Hamptons at the end of the summer? Anyone?

Bad news is he's a lawyer, I think. I hope she sicced Isaboo on him. In sensitive places.

WTF said...

Good. She's annoying as hell. Maybe this will calm her ass down a little.

Tracee said...

Doesn't make sense if he cheated on her 50 times. How long have they been married? Before or after she got a show on Food network? And she didn't sign a prenup? Sad, but i guess she learned a lesson. Yee-ouch!

Kelsey said...

I actually like RR. yeah she's a little too perky for my liking but at least she's got a good attitude. bobby flay on the other hand...

Anonymous said...

Liz said...
But if he was the one who was cheating, which effectively ended the marriage, I don't understand why she would have to give him half of her money with or without a pre-nup.
It's called no-fault divorce

kellygirl said...

Team Gold Digger scores again!
He should hook up with Pavarotti's widow
or Paul McCartney's ex
or Denise Richards

SpaSuzy said...

1) She's a bitch for dissing Oprah (Karma anyone?).

2) She's a stupid bitch for not signing a Pre-Nup.

3) She's a stupid lying bitch for denying the marital problems to us Adoring American Public for the last few months.

Pinky said...

lainiekazan said...

I hope she sicced Isaboo on him. In sensitive places.

If he's into S&M, it might save the marriage. ;)

Tracee said...

Question, spasuzy:

Do you think Rachel's a stupid bitch? Cuz you didn't make that clear. ;)

weezy said...

kellysirkus: right now I'm on the Nicoletta Pavarotti bandwagon; from a $ standpoint I think she'll outgross (in every sense) Heather *and* Denise, combined. She and the soon-to-be-ex Mr. Ray deserve each other.

Why didn't he just do the right thing when the articles came out about his girlfriends, and get a divorce then? Why pretend to get back with Ray and continue the girlie stuff? Either he's a psychotic compulsive or he's been working hard for the money. Probably both.

Anonymous said...

Unless the law changed you can't have a no fault divorce in NYS. You either sign a legal separation for a year and divorce or sue on grounds which she can do because of his cheating. I think it's more likely she will give him a much smaller settlement to shut him up and save face.

In any regard I feel bad for her. I do find her attitude annoying as hell but she doesn't deserve this as it appears her love for the douchebag was genuine but sadly misplaced.

Anonymous said...

David said...
Unless the law changed you can't have a no fault divorce in NYS. ------------------
Thank you David, I did not know that!

Unknown said...

Why would she have to give a man she was married to for less than 5 years half her money? Perhaps if she had the worst lawyer on the planet half of what she made those 5 years, but considering he used prostitutes, and exposed her to AIDS possibly - I would think it would be a lot less. Plus she could drag out the financial negotiations for EVER if she chose to.

JMS said...

He looks like a crook. Dumb, dumb, dumb to not have a pre-nup.

Curioussue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

They deserve each other. She's no Mary Poppins.

Anonymous said...

Fabiola -

No problem. The reason I know this is because I've been through it in NY!

Mikael said...

with no-fault off the table he'll probably get more than half and he deserves it. Most of her money came after the marriage and she owes him. I can't stand her. I would gladly support her getting to keep all her money if she'd go away.

ablake said...



simply amazing.

Hope she finds good counsel and he is turned out like the pathetic person he is.

Virgo74 said...

Whoever told her not to get a pre-nup was foolish!

I feel bad for her.

Jerry said...

How can she possibly be worth $500 million?

Unknown said...

In Texas assets are split 90-10 if one partner is caught cheating. The problem is that there has to be hard evidence proving one partner cheated on the other, and when millions and millions of dollars are on the line, that can be hard to do.

Anonymous said...

She's the most annoying person on TV, and now that's she fat... I'm surprised she can even keep a guy to put with her for more than a day. Then again, look at this character (her husband). My shoe has more personality than him. Ever watch the shows where she takes him on vacation. Can this guy utter more than one sentence or even break a smile when he's with her? This guy makes it so obvious he's not interested in her at all..just that $500 million in her bank account most likely. Sad yes, but no surprise he's been cheating on her. I would too :)

Anonymous said...

Too bad Rachael couldn't have chosen a better husband. Somehow choosing steaks could be a clue in choosing a quality husband

RU4RL said...

Rachael Ray is my "fave" cook on the Foodnetwork channel thus, IF the rumors are correct regarding her husband cheating on her, that is sad. It's okay, if it is true, she can get someone way better than John. There are too many available fishes in the sea!! Rachael Ray's got too much going for her....She's a surviver!!

BondoFox said...

See, if Rachael had married ME, she would have had a FAITHFUL husband!

And I'd have been playing my bondage games on *her*! Every waking minute (my God she's hot, I love her so much!) 8)

Unknown said...

Rachel Ray has made her way...of course she can be worth $500M. Sh has had several shows (and even though some people find her annoying as hell, they can't stop watching her), her cookware, several books...lots to be praised for. I for one think that its cruel and mean to say that she deserves this. I hope that all you people who said this have your husband or wife leave you for someone who is far're just sick and cruel.
I personally like her and think she has pizzaz that adds to her show unlike all the boring people they have on now! I feel sorry for her. Poor Rachael :(

Anonymous said...

i dont know if the rumors are about this but if he did he's an idiot reacheal is like the sexy woman on earth its amazing how sexy women pick these dush bags to marry but like i said she is way to hott for someone to cheat on her

Unknown said...

Anonymous is crazy. Rachael is not fat, she is curvy and beautiful. That husband of hers looks like a human pitbull. I hope everything works out for her. I don't find her irritating at all. I think she is just a happy person and when people who are not so happy are around that it irritates them.

Unknown said...

She's a very pretty woman!


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