Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pimpa Joe Is Still A Jackass

I was actually going to be nice to Pimpa today and say something pleasant about how he rushed to Ashlee's aid when she was knocked over by a bouncer in a Las Vegas club. See, Pimpa who had been turned down by every woman in the club already decided that it was time to leave, so he and Pete and Ashlee started making their way out of the club. At the exit to the club there was a little fracas and Ashlee ended up getting pushed and so Pete and Pimpa went off. Understandable, and if it stopped there, I would say good job Joe. (see no Pimpa)

But, as he was leaving he said the bouncers did it because they are "just mad they make $12 an hour." Ahh Joe. Yes, they make $12 an hour or less and have to work until the wee hours of the morning breaking up fights and cleaning up puke. They have to deal with jerks like you and your brood who think they are entitled to be treated better than every other human on earth even though you contribute nothing. That means unlike you, they work hard for their money Pimpa. Often they have two jobs and get very little sleep in order to provide for their families. So while you travel all over the world living off your daughters, their more talented boyfriends, and turning them out so they look as close to hookers as possible while you hit on every skirt that moves or is passed out, go ahead and make the crack about some guy not making very much.

I bet when you were a pastor and preaching to a congregation of $12 an hour workers and trying to sucker their money out of them to finance your daughters' career you didn't criticize them for making $12 an hour. Instead you were saying they made too much and needed to give some of that to the church of the Pimpa. How times have changed huh Pimpa?


  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    ok, how creepy is it that these girls take Pimpa with them to clubs? with their boyfriends?

  2. Anonymous10:23 AM

    He is so disgusting.

    I have to say though, while it doesn't necessarily surprise me that he does it, I really didn't know he was out there hittin' on the ladies. He IS still married, right?

    Again, no real surprise since this is Hollywood and he is....who he is....but still. And doing that in front of his daughters?

    Pimpa Joe & White oprah need to hook up,man.

  3. What a pathetic shithead!

  4. Good one EL!!! Especially the preacher remarks.

  5. Ashley went clubbing with her father?

    How gross is that?

  6. Punching is SOOOOO NOT "EMO" Pete!

    Yeah, why would anyone bring thier Dd with them to the club...Especially if said "Dad" is Papa Simpson?
    love the the robe pic ENT!

  7. What a nice man. I have big boobies, he'd make a good father for me.

  8. OUCH!!! GREAT ONE, Enty! Muahahahah!

  9. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Enty, you rock.

  10. A good way to asses how a person will age is to look at their parents. It's not going to be pretty for the Simpson sisters.

  11. Love, love, LOVE your comments, Ent!

    That pic -- doesn't it make you want to beat the smirk right off his face with a greasy spare rib bone? You could probably find four dozen of them on the room service cart in his room and at least two stuck up his @$$. Pompous old pig.

    Hey, does any one know what happened to the mom? Did he eat her?

  12. Whoa, he has gotten HUGE!

  13. hee hee!

    what a douche!

  14. Pimpa just smacks of Bill Clinton to me...and you know you ho's love that

  15. I think Pimpa and Ryan Carera (I don't want to know how to spell his name) were the answer to a b.i. a while back. There must be some falling out as Jessica and her mom were photographed together so much before, now where is she ever? Could they be another b.i. about a secret divorce? If so, why are they taking daddys side? Ick.

  16. Pimpa is growing a nice pair of boobies all his own.

  17. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I just have trouble with the concept of Pimpa and Pete Wentz sitting around yakking it up. I wonder what the hell they talk about?

  18. I am seriously LICKING my CHOPS waiting for this bastard to get his karmic comeuppance. He is a pig of epic proportions.

    When the career-destroying scandal comes (cuz you know it's a "when", not an "if"), I hope it takes the whole shiteous family down with it.

  19. What a Jackass! hmmm You could probably get some good BI's from him! If you haven't already.

  20. Actually, I know you have! The whole time I was reading, I was thinking of the church thing-then you said it!

  21. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Well done Ent. I'm usually not too impressed with what you have to say, but this was great. Specially that "preacher" comment--my dad is a pastor, and no real man of God would ever leave the practice to pimp his daughters out to hollywood. My dad never did, even though he had the resources. Pimpa Joe, is so disgusting...

  22. Hez, I couldn't agree with you more!

  23. "Trix said...
    Well done Ent. I'm usually not too impressed with what you have to say," Wow...OUCH!!

    Love the pic of him in the robe - doesn't it just scream "Child Molestor"?? I feel like i need to shower now! Good one ENT!

  24. He is the epitome of skeevy.

  25. Wow!!!! A man of GOD said that????

  26. Well said Ent! And Hez!

  27. Huzzah, sirrah. This is the most accurate and perfect Pimpa description and smack down ever delivered. Thank you.

    Now he just needs to read it.



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