Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Oscar De La Hoya Is A Cross Dresser

Turns out that Shana Moakler isn't the only dirty nasty thing he's done. Turns out the former world champion boxer is a cross dresser. Specifically the man loves his fishnet body stockings, wigs and showing a little testislip. Some new photos have emerged showing Oscar in a hotel room posing for photos in a variety of poses sure to make you forget he was a world champion boxer. I'm sure his current wife must be thrilled to discover this.

I would love to show the photos but X17 loves to sue even more than I would love to show the photos. They are completely safe for work as long as you can stifle huge bouts of laughter. Click here to see them.


  1. those look totally photoshopped!!

  2. OMG--Oscar de la Hoya is really Alice Brady!!!

  3. SWEET BABY ZOMBIE JEEBUS!! Are these real? The head looks photoshopped.

    Oh, I soooo want these to be real...tee hee hee!! Giggle giggle! This is why I love celebrity gossip and always will.

  4. ...they actually look real........Cocaine is a helluva drug!

  5. He still looks better in fishnets and a wig than Britney, though.

  6. I don't want to believe these and yes... they look photoshopped to me. Especially the last one in the list. The head just isn't set right.

  7. Well, that's one way to keep us all distracted.

    It won't be long now....

  8. Blessed Mother of Bea Arthur! Those are fantastic!

    Great set of gams...

  9. That just doesn't look like ODLH to me...

    Ent is clearly taunting us with all these posts today!!

  10. those are hilarious!

  11. I'm really upset that he looks better in fishnets than I do.

  12. STFU!!!! What was he drinking and smoking in the hotel room? Well i guess those gay rumors are here to stay.

  13. The pictures are fake.

  14. Actually the last pic (the one with him in front of the door holding the side of the seat) looks photoshopped. In the other pics, his head looks proportionate somewhat (although still photoshopp-ish), but here, it's a bit too big for the body.

    Thought they were damned funny though!! lol

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. LOL!! If they're fake, then, damn...who did HE piss off??

  17. I was thinking the same thing about myself aanders1 !!!

  18. You know the only crossdresser I'm interested in today and its not Oscar.

  19. Ent - I hope that when you are outside, about to cross the street to go buy a double latte-frappe cappucino at Starbucks, Parasite Hilton's limo drives by, hits a HUGE murky puddle and stains your Hugo Boss suit and Prada shoes!!!

    Beacuse that's what you get for torturing us.


  20. Wow! Shanna really needs to get off the Mac and get a life

  21. The very first picture gives it all away. There's a shadow on the side of his face that wouldn't exist at all, not like that anyway. The shadow would be on the wall behind him, but it isn't there.

    These are all fakes.

  22. i agree .. my first thought was wow .. unbelievable .. then i looked again . definitely photo shopped .. i mean, c'mon, we all know the wonders of photoshop .. look at every woman's magazine cover ...

    do you think that his baby's mama had anything to do with this??

  23. Ent

    Please reveal soon! My job depends on it! I just cannot focus on anything else.

    Yes I am aware that makes me pathetic.

  24. PHOTOSHOPPED!!! Just observe his head on the pics, it looks off. Meh! Hilarious pics though lmao! XD

  25. I don't know guys. X17 is a real company and if they are plastering their company logo on top of their exclusive photos they find themselves in a very actionable position (unless they are real). If these photos are at all fake this company has opened themselves up to a gigantic lawsuit (just think what the damage in lost revenue to Oscar's career as a pitchman could be, 10's if not 100's of millions of dollars). Which leads me to believe that these are real.

  26. Ok so that was good for a couple of giggles....ENT PLEASE!!! Stop with the torture....REVEAL time

  27. Okay, enough of the fakey pictures.


    I can't work until I know. Pretty please Mr. Entertainment Lawyer?

  28. Anonymous12:04 PM

    most casual crossdressers (not professionals like drag queens) are straight contrary to popular belief. It's just another paraphilia.

  29. I always thought the Vanessa Minillo/Lindsay Lohan pics looked fake, but they turned out to be real. Who knows!!!???

  30. I'm going to pretend that ENT has been spending the last 35 minutes polishing up his Timmy reveal. But doesn't he have any lawyer-ly work to do?

  31. Well, we'll know if they are real if and when we hear he is divorcing. His wife will know whether they are real or not - she'll recognize his body. If he's doing this without her knowlege, it will be a huge shock, and if true, I really feel sorry for her. I can't imagine what sick shock you'd feel seeing your husband like that for all the world to see online.

  32. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Maybe the wife knows all about it.

  33. It is the Ritz Carleton, so if they're fake, someone still spent big bucks on staging.

  34. cjkatl, I was thinking the exact same thing. I know that little blue lion anywhere. that's why I thought about Shanna having something to do with this. She may be trash, but she can afford the production value and set of these pix

  35. I'm sorry but they look real to me. I mean the wig looks off in all the right places.

  36. Yeah, I use photoshop all the time to play with pics and they look real to me, too, Tracee.

  37. I don't think they are fake. You can look at the pic on ENT's page, you can see Oscar doesn't have a much of neck. With a wig it would look just as it does. He looks pretty out of it in those pics. Why would X17 risk a multi -million dollar suit? They are pretty reputable. And Shana may be alot of things but, wouldn't she have done something like this prior? I don't think she cares much as long as he pays her child support. And she keeps her trap shut. I keep hearing this theory the "shadow". The pics are real and Oscar just got busted.

  38. Sssssister! I play with it too! And if these a photoshopped they should give the person an award.

  39. First Timmy, now this. Enty, I am outdone. Honestly, I feel spent. Too much for one day. *Mouth gaping open* WOW!

  40. DNfromMN said...
    most casual crossdressers (not professionals like drag queens) are straight contrary to popular belief. It's just another paraphilia.

    Gotta disagree with you--yes, the "scientific" community says that CDs (crossdressers) are predominantly straight, but there's a HUGE flaw in the research--it's based on anecdotal evidence, and most CDs do NOT "publicly" identify as gay (even though they regularly engage in gay activities--more about that and how it relates to ODLH in a sec). The fact that they dress as women and engage in 'adult situations' with other CDs or Tranny-chasers is their way of justifying gay behaviour.

    You'll also find that, if pressed, most will identify themselves as "bi"--which is the closeted gay man's crutch. Yes, there are absolutely straight crossdressers, and there are absolutely legitimate bisexual beings in this world. But it has been my experience, both personally and academically, that most CDs are just trying to hide their true 'gay' orientation...and that bugs the hell outta me (a lie is a lie is a lie).

    ODLH's pics, though--pure tranny-lovin' goodness. I've seen the look, I've seen the positions, I've seen the same pics (just different people). He's a legit CD, he's a sub, and I'd bet my most prized studded, leather whip that his photographer was his daddy for the evening. He wouldn't last three minutes in front of those of us who know what domination in this context is all about...the toughest ones are always the biggest ****ies.


  41. oh my eyes, my eyes!

    I can't ever watch boxing the same way again.

    Are those real?


  42. I am not shocked at all. He always seems like a little punk to me.

  43. Majik, you have really good insight. Please do tell more!

  44. I always thought he was a pretty boy - but this is taking it a little too far!!

    Guess we have to call him "Oscar De La Homo" now!!!

    Maybe he should hire Sen Larry Craig as his new manager!
