Thursday, September 13, 2007

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which white-hot young actor had to be asked by a Los Angeles nightclub manager to at least take his cocaine to the bathroom if he was going to do it in the middle of the club?

If I gave you one this vague you would all scream.


  1. Ent--

    We scream whether or not you post something vague.

    For example, we want more on Timmy/Shimmy, if not the reveal, at least a good hint about who Timmy was....

  2. Josh Harnett...didn't realize he was back in the states and the loo is the social norm.

  3. I'd say it's Shia.

  4. NOOOOOOOOOOO not my SHIA!!! see Enty ...I'm screamin anyway!

  5. OT (Timmy!):

    I just noticed this: the original Timmy BI says that Shimmy was given "meaty" supporting roles. The year before AB won the Oscar for In Old Chicago, she played Melba Shanks in Mind Your Own Business. Shanks? Meaty?

  6. ren hoek:

    I think you are making too much of that. I took it to mean roles with substance. It's just a term to describe a role that has depth and substance to it instead of just the twittering side-kick.

    That's the way I read it at least. I read it to mean that Shimmy was so impressive to the stuido bosses when "she" arrived in Hollywood that she was immediately put into some pretty good roles instead of having to work her way up from the bottom.

  7. littleoleme:

    AB stands for Alice Brady.

  8. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I'm going with Shia. He is WHITE HOT right now, being white and having been seen with Rihanna, a self professed white boy lover.

  9. Shia seems too straight-edge for this..

  10. dragon slayer-

    You're probably right, but I couldn't resist.

    Still, I'm on Team Brady.

  11. You're right Ent, I would've. But I'm so glad that you know what to give us to whet our appetites.

    Shia seems good. (Although I hope it's not.) Seen him out on the party scene. Zac seems really goody goody and he's a self-professed health nut. (At least that's what everyone in Ho-town wants us to think.)

  12. Given that Shia's dad was a chronic drug addict and he had to grow up in the chaos of having two very dysfunctional and unemployed parents, I really don't it is him. I also doubt this is Zac. Who else is "white hot" right now; I can't think of anyone? Emile Hirsch?

  13. I agree with Reese. I've heard rumors that Shia is a pothead but nothing about coke...and if he as going to do that, I'm sure he would be more discreet about it. What about Hayden Christenson or Jamie Bell?

    I think Clay Aiken 2.0 would admit to being gay before doing coke at a nightclub.

  14. hahahaha Gammagirl said Clay Aiken 2.0! Love it!

  15. I think it's Zac Efron. Shia has been around for awhile, but he's not white hot like Zac currently is.

  16. Re: Drugs and Zac Efron being a health nut--

    Wasn't River Phoenix also a self-described health nut? Look how he turned out.

  17. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I think its Zac too. When I was at the drugstore last week, he was on the cover of EVERY SINGLE tabloid.

  18. Wasn't Shia quoted as saying he had to leave an afterparty after the VMA's cuz 'he had to keep partying' to rihanna?

    now if that's not classic coke speak...

  19. don't all the gay boys love the strawberry quick? keeps em nice and 'healthy'. it's a great diet, and the only one that is so concerned with his looks is that of one mr. zac efron. if the skis fit....

  20. Shia is red hot right now and thin!

    When he was on Even Stevens he was much bigger.

  21. I remember reading an article about Shia where he said since his dad was a heroin addict, so he might smoke pot now and then, but he would never do any hardcore drugs after seeing what it did to him...

    Can't be him.



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