Michael Vick Just Keeps Digging A Bigger Hole
Michael Vick who is currently awaiting sentencing on federal charges related to his bankrolling of a dogfighting operation was indicted yesterday on state charges of beating or killing or causing dogs to fight other dogs and engaging in or promoting dogfighting.
The thing is the charges yesterday are just one drip to the flood that is his life now.
Turns out that Michael Vick is coping with his problems by smoking a little pot. The problem with that is he has mandatory drug testing as a part of his release while awaiting that federal sentencing.
Because of the result, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson placed special conditions on Vick's release, including restricting him to his home between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. with electronic monitoring and ordering him to submit to random drug testing.
The 27-year-old former Virginia Tech star was placed under pretrial release supervision by U.S. Magistrate Dennis Dohnal in July. The restrictions included refraining from use or unlawful possession of narcotic drugs or other controlled substances.
The random drug testing ordered Wednesday could include urine testing, the wearing of a sweat patch, a remote alcohol testing system or any form of prohibited substance screening or testing.
Hudson's order also requires Vick to participate in inpatient or outpatient substance therapy and mental health counseling, if the pretrial services officer or supervising officer deem it appropriate. Vick must pay for the treatment.
I am not going to defend Michael Vick, but if I was looking at as much jail time as he is, I might not say no to a little pharmaceutical help either. What can they do to him? Really, the only thing they can do is make him start serving his sentence sooner. Might as well do what you can now because once you get to jail, it's going to be a whole lot tougher to get hammered.