Thursday, September 13, 2007

May 30, 2008

The day above is the date Sex And The City hits theatres. No doubt you will all want to mark your calendars and start Meet Up groups to plan for this sacred of events. You will think of excuses to take off work and you will start taking notes on your significant other's bad behavior so you can guilt them into taking you to the movie opening night and impress all your friends that you actually managed to get a guy to see the movie. His complaints to you will fall on deaf ears that he and the guys wanted to go see Forgetting Sarah Marshall which is the Judd Apatow movie to be released the same week.

Hey, at least they will all know what to buy you for Christmas since the DVD is scheduled to be released right before Christmas next year.


  1. this may be the biggest WHO CARES movie in history. Waaaay too late!
    Nobody cares any more....

  2. Why do I want to see straight women act like gay men up on the big screen?

  3. This is 5 years too late. And even then it was "so what". Let me guess the plotline. Big and Carrie fight. They break up. At some point she'll do that beyond annoying high pitched scream. He'll pull up in his limo at 2:00 in the morning. Carrie being the self absorbed, immature, slap inducing drama queen that she is will fall right back into his arms. Charolotte and Miranda will be happy and still have left their neurotic old selves in the past. Samantha will make rude blow job jokes. Closing shot - them in the diner. Who actually wants to see this?

  4. I agree, why did it take so long? My husband didn't mind watching the show because he liked staring at Kim's perky breasts. But what I really know is, how perky are Kim's boobs now?

    And Chris Noth is fighting the hot these days...anybody hot in the movie?

  5. And the best they could do for an Academy Award winning minority actress is turn her into an assistant. . How losing is that?

  6. I really don't care.

    I didn't care about the show when it was on, and I still don't care.

    And don't get me started about Sarah Jessica Parker.

  7. I really liked the show when it was on and was sad to see it go. But every time I start reading about cat fights on set, or bickering between actors and actresses, I lose interest. Like Desperate Housewives - I really liked it when it first came on, and I have a 'friend' in the cast, so I tried very hard to stay with it, but all of that in-fighting really put me off, and I had to say no, no, no...

  8. Waste of time and money. Send this crap right straight to video where it can sit and mold.

  9. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Is that crickets I hear chirping?
