Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mary Kate Olsen In Harper's Bazaar


  1. These photos could have been better if she could've removed the stick up her ass and smiled.

  2. She looks like a little girl playing dress-up to me.

  3. I could do without all the magazine spreads and event photos up in here.

  4. Emilyr, this is usually how CDAN is. People comment on celebrities. Although the juicy BI's makes us coming back everyday! :)

  5. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I LOVE the magazine pics/spreads. And I agree with Patsy - like a 10 year old raiding the attic.

    She IS a cute girl, though.

  6. I agree Jenner. I don't care what anyone says, this girl is adorable and always has been! It's wierd though how she dresses like such a bag lady sometimes when she can be so beautiful. Sometimes girls in her situation of fame are shy about flashing their looks and actually try to hide it, or really are insecure.

    Can you imagine if MK and Ashley really tried to look cute on a regular basis?

  7. So young to have the Joker mouth. Maybe it's . . . .not going there.

  8. I would buy the issue if Lauren Hutton was on the cover...otherwise it looks like Teen Vogue....meh. I love how Europe celebrates WOMEN and not these boring girls.

  9. Oh dear. Is this the healthy one?

  10. What a "Little Edie" wannabe

  11. I think she looks amazing.

  12. Anonymous12:24 PM

    why is Lauren Hutton posing with her?

  13. How is this any different from the craptastic nonsense we see her wearing every day?

  14. A friend of mine has always sworn the Olsen twins resemble those troll dolls. Usually I don't think they look even that good, but the cover shot is excellent.

  15. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Very troll like and yet...I can't look away.

  16. she is quite pretty but I am reminded of the ever-intelligent sparky palastry from bring it on saying "smile... DON'T SMILE."

  17. she looks pretty awful to me; but then i have never really understood the fascination with the Olsen twins. she looks really creepy in the cover picture cos she's trying to smile probably, and failing miserably at it :)

    i'm sure they're nice girls and all but i have zero interest in them... apparently they are both known to 'misbehave' but keep it well quiet, even then they still leave me a bit cold inside....

  18. Patsy said...
    She looks like a little girl playing dress-up to me.

    That was my EXACT thought...wearing mommy's clothes and makeup. Doesn't matter how they glam her up, she's gonna look like she's 12 well into her late 20s, I think.

    Which begs the question...if people look at these pics and say, "yeah, she's hot", can we legitimately call them 'creepy'?

  19. Good thing she's not on ANTM. She'd be eliminated for sure.

  20. Terrible, terrible pictures. She MUST be on weed(s) to allow them to be published.

  21. Anonymous4:35 PM

    The photos look ridiculous. They need to use real models instead of D-list celebrities. What has she done lately anyway? Boring.

  22. This is very Grey Gardens -- it's terrific.

  23. Fantastic...normally they give me the creeps. She kind of won me over here.

  24. I don't think she looks hot, but that's not the point the stylist seems to be going for. She looks so amazing unique and interesting, and the whole combo of clothing and setting is awesome! This is one of the most eye-catching spreads Harpers has done in awhile.

    It makes me sad to see someone who actually is flexing her wings, stylewise, be bagged upon by idiots. When every other celebuslut out there is wearing the exact same retarded outfits, it's refreshing to see someone who is experimenting. Even if she looks like a bag lady, she's still pushing the envelope.

  25. love the fashion spreads too-

    I feel they are smartly chosen and ones that are more fashion-forward (usually) than the normal boring ones.

    I love love the Grey Gardens reference as well as the casting of both Hutton and Olson, because I think of them both as having definite personal styles.

    BUT, I hate to say it seems that they shot all full body shots because the face-close ups weren't good (dead eyes), or they wanted her to look interntionally a little bored. Still like 'em overall. So what she's skinny.

  26. I thought she looked prety in most of those, actually. Keep in mind, the majority of people buying that magazine aren't online nonstop checking out gossip blogs.

    Does she need to eat? Yes. Will the majority of people who get that magazine realize 20+ lbs have been added? no.

  27. She looks like one haggard, badly used prostitute that didn't even get paid for the abuse. Sheesh! I'd rather see knife-girl than this one or her twin.

  28. I like the 2nd picture best, I think, even though she looks like Audrey Hepburn's grandma. The rest-- For artsy photos they are okay, but it freaks me out seeing her like this. That one with the crown- that is totally "Michelle Tanner" playing dress up and seeing as she's 21 now, I don't think it's a good look for her.

    Lauren Hutton on the other hand is rockin' it! SHE can get away with the bag lady clothes and not look like a bag lady!
