Thursday, September 13, 2007

Making A Story From Photos

Gossip is all about taking as little information as possible and making a story out of it. Yesterday there just happened to be two very good sets of photos to illustrate how a tabloid can make a story out of little or nothing.

For the sake of argument, I'm going to say the man with Jessica is her dad. I can't see him well enough. By the way whoever he is, $20 is a nice tip for a valet guy.

#1 Jessica Biel had lunch with her father yesterday in Beverly Hills but had to cut it short. She was running late for a previously scheduled visit to a local hospital. Although Jessica and Justin aren't together any longer they felt it was important to not let the staff and patients down and so went ahead with the visit. Although they were smiling and buddy buddy in front of the kids, they soon turned frosty as they made a quick exit and barely spoke when leaving. At one point Jessica became so enraged at Justin's cold and distant attitude that she screamed and cursed at him before breaking into tears.

Now, if you are a tabloid that sees a benefit to keeping the couple together, then you can say this.

#2 Jessica Biel had lunch with her father yesterday in Beverly Hills but had to cut it short. She was running late for an appointment with Justin to visit a doctor that is alleged to be an OB/GYN. Whatever their joy going into the appointment soon turned to heartbreak. Justin and Jessica appeared to be distant as they left the doctor and at one point Jessica broke down in tears as the disappointing news tugged at her heart.

I'm going with story #1 because this sham relationship is falling apart, and I have never seen Jessica as pissed as that. Too bad she can't act like that and then she would really have a career.

In our second set of photos, we have a feel good story worthy of People or if you want to get salacious Penthouse Forum.

#1 When Robin Tunney, star of the television show Prison Break landed at the Toronto airport on her way to promote her latest film at their film festival, she was met by adoring fans who clamored to get her autograph. Robin, being the charming person she is, patiently signed for all of her fans and even took the time to speak with them as she did so. One fan in particular told Robin a moving story of his life and Robin felt compelled to spend additional time as he related his heartbreaking story. Robin even went so far as to offer the fan a ride as she felt touched by his deeply personal story. Robin was overheard later remarking that one of the things she loves most about her job is interacting with all her fans and learning how her characters and roles impact their lives.

#2 When Robin Tunney, recently separate star of the television show Prison Break landed at Toronto airport on her way to promote her latest film at their film festival, she was met by adoring fans but had her eye on one special fan who made her heart take an extra jump. One onlooker described it as love at first sight. Robin spent time signing autographs for all her fans but would not stop talking and flirting with the one special fan who caught her eye. Another fan said it was like one minute he was just a fan, and the next minute he and Robin were leaving together and cuddling as they left the airport. I can only imagine what happened when they reached the limo.

I don't know what happened but it is the oddest thing. One minute he's just a fan getting an autograph and the next she is leaning up against him as they walk out of the airport.


  1. Oh man I'm losing it. I didn't know that Jessica and Justin broke up.

    Well, she's better off anyway.

  2. Cool Ent. As always I love reading your spins on things. One of my kids did a school project about advertising and target markets, as well as news articles that have slants. Helluva eye opener for her when she started to really disect what was going on.

  3. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I gotta say, my instinct of Robin Tunney final photo: she's leaning in to pose w/ the kid for a photo

  4. Right on, ENT! A picture's worth a thousand words... but everyone's gonna pick a different thousand words to use!

    I'd love to have some of these people's pay checks, but I don't want their lives.

    And I agee with dnfroommn- I looked at that photo and saw her leaning in to have her picture taken with him. If that's her "cuddling up to him" in that photo, then I can imagine not much happened in the limo!

  5. She's leaning in to have her photo taken with him. They are both looking at the same thing, most likely the camera.

  6. Anonymous12:53 PM

    wasn't there a Ted C blind last week that many thought was about these Biel and JT? And it said he was about the get dumped cause she was just using him and really preferred the home team?

  7. Anonymous12:53 PM

    What I'm really dying to know is....what is the obsession with tipping valets? LOL! Its cracking me up

  8. Ent, that's JB's father? I thought that was you

  9. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Wow, nice way to point out how easy it is for mags to "spin" a story and a few photos into something its not!!

  10. Very interesting...

  11. dude, Did ENT just out Jessica? This hook-up has always seemed staged and Lainey has posted numerous times on her site about Jessica's PR people keeping stories out of the press...

    RE Ted C: Most people seem to think that its either Jessica and JT (I do) or Brad and Angelina (I doubt it...)

  12. what the hell is wrong with her face? look at the crease around her cheekbone. WTF!

  13. I believe Ent outed Jessica quite a while ago. Ent had a blind item about a sham relationship that could have only been JB and JT.

    I also believe that this same couple is the one talked about by Ted.

    Off topic I know...but wouldn't Jessica Biel make a marvelous "Timmy", especially in these pictures. LOL
